LETTERS Two questions Two important questions that popped into my mind after reading the article on Universi ty research monkeys {ODE. Oct. 18) are as follows: Why is Jack Vanderlip the only one issuing statements about how happy these pri mates are? Why does this article focus on the Animal Liberation Front which has not been seen at the University since 1986? Addressing the first question, the administration will allow only a select few “outsiders" to see what is going on in Univer sity animal labs. They want to keep any criticism out of the press while their public-rela tions man assures us that every thing is fine and ethical In oth er words, you won't be hearing many reports about how happy the monkeys are sitting in con straining chairs and wearing brain implants. Regarding question two: Institutions of power often win public support for their vio lence by making opposing groups look like terrorists. De spite the fact that SFTA has pe titioned and talked endlessly with administrators, struggled to obtain basic information privileges and a fair voice on the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (which wo still haven't received), Vanderlip insists on lumping campus activists with the ALF by saying, "If they want to change this then they will have to do it by means other than violence and vandalism." That's a cheap shot and an in sult. My question to tin? Emerald is: Why does a front page news story report the limited view point and rhetoric of our ad ministration. without a single quote from somebody who ac tually cares about the lives of these animals? John Boelling Knglish/SKTA Or perhaps they figure that stu dents across the country will decide to stop and shop for de grees at the University after seeing it advertised as BKU Truly it is sad to see our state-sponsored university prostituting its facilities of "disinterested” research to the highest bidder on the fast food market. But beyond sarcastic and melancholic reflection, this greasy spectacle should pro voke our collective anger; in deed. the administration's con cealment of their compromis ing decision until the day he fore filming suggests that they anticipated a sharp reaction from the University communi ty Moreover, the administration is obligated to explain to the community it represents its rea sons for admitting Burger king on campus for such an un-edu cational purpose as making a television commercial. As it stands, the only mes sage I can glean from this inci dent is: "Come to the Universi ty, the (disreputable) home of fast food education " Todd Smith Student Makes it worse In response to Brendan Briggs' letter "Feel Special" (OI)E. Oct. 23): I too am ap palled that the "Coming Out" rally happened 1 am appalled that it had to happen It is atti tudes represented in Briggs' letter that clearly illustrate why "Coming Out Day" had to hap pen. Attitudes of non acceptance of people categorically, the roots of prejudice in all forms, have forced normal people out of the main stream and into hiding from others. Unfortunately there are still many people like Briggs who not only miss the point com pletely, but further the prob lem Steven A. Robert* Student Hands off latst week some person(s) drove around Southwest Eu gene uprooting lawn signs All of these signs promoted Repub lican candidates They were then thrown into an empty lot Incidentally, this lot was right around the corner from a house whose lawn sign re ntained intact This sign pro moted a Democrat However, my intention is not to accuse or lay blame on any particular person or party |es pecialiv since I am a registered Democrat). Mv point is that this sort of behavior breaks a partic ular law from which we all benefit. I'm not talking about tres passing, theft nr vandalism laws. The law these lawn-sign thieves are breaking all over Kugene is the First Amendment law protecting freedom of speech. When it comes right down to it. lawn sign theft is censor ship It is an attack on one's right to an opinion and their right to express that opinion lust as an individual might wear a button or a tee-shirt, putting up a lawn sign is a homeowner's way of saying "I like so-and-so I like what he or she is doing My advice to lawn sign thieves Don't do it You can't benefit from it This attack on someone's First Amendment rights will only strengthen their resolve and give them one more reason to support their la vorite candidate Besides, if you get caught. I guarantee you’ll he used as an example with no one coming to your defense You only risk harm to yourself and your poli tical affiliation Andrew Osanka Kuiione Burger college The lamentably ironic oxy moron "fast food education" has flashed in my mind many times during my two years at the University. Nevertheless. I was amazed by the Burger King-Knight Li brary lead story (ODE, Oct. 12). which leads me to conclude that the administration has plunged to a new, gratuitously self-satirizing low in its at tempts to "sell" the University I, too, think it silly to pretend that academia is somehow "de tached” from the so-called real world; hut inviting the Kings of char-broiled sub-nutrition to shoot commercials in the li brary is unconditionally ab surd. Is this the administration's idea of a new publicity cam paign. “Burgers and Books?" BISTRO DINNERS UNDER $6.95 • 5-6:30 MON.-FRI. OPEN FOR I.UNCH & DINNER DAILY 11 30-MIDNIGHT - 754 EAST 13th AVENUE. 342-6963 BOSCH Authorized Service Prepare For Fall!! A S E. Certified 1917 Franklin Blvd. Eugene, OR 485-8226 Stretch your dollars by using coupons from the Oregon Daily Emerald. Selected New Guitars Up to Off Our Listed Price Sorry , no (r.ivlcs accepted on this offer Case must he purchased with guitar at regular price 3HO Hast 40th Eugene, OR 97405 345-8289 Oprn week d»>s until ftpni ecprrcc 10/31/90 INC. Your One-Stop Photo Stop with 10% Student Discount! 18th & Willamette Marketplace West 484-6116 342-1167 THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON Aardogs Oregon DAILY EMERALD f.O Rot t«|nir. Ortgon VTAI Th« Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday through Friday eicept during exam week and vacations by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co . at the University of Oregon. Eugene. 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