Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place, Cancel or qjb #5 AO AO Correct your ad call: 04#0“4l04f O H3 Campus. furnished t bedroom 137W395 No pats 485 2823 Campus Available Nov 1 1450 4B4-1067 Furnished 1 bad room apartment, no pals. $280 & 1280 plus deposit _MMlOt . Large 1 bdrm apt. closa to campus Claan. quiet complex Camaiot Apts 10th and Alder or call 484 4103 2M QUADS TYLER PARK OUAOS S28 Tyler St Large furnished quads with private bathes All utilities paid* $245 Call 343 8235 CE OAR WOOD OUAOS 441 E 17th Single rooms with shared common areas ALL UTILITIES PAID, CLOSE TO CAMPUS' Leases through 6/30/91 $250 Call 344-8290 Campus area quad $188 plus deposit 343-4108. SUB LEASE QUAD to female, across from UO music school NICE. $239 Lease until end of June 345 3669 Bonus' June's rent already paid1 Willowtree 1580 Lincoln St. Quad living at its best' Private bath Shared common area Biking distance to campus $245/$255 Call 343 5087 2*5 ROOMS Share 2 bdrm house w/1 person on 31 bus line in W Eugene Private entrance deck $300/mo includes utils 666 1013. 46S 0362 250 iiiiir.romT.il TT Dorm Contract For Sale! Free case ol beverage Chris. 346 5293 255 R00MM0TES WANTED Female. Christian to share large comfortable home Campus closs microwave dishwasher now furniture many amenities $165 $325 345 099^ Furnished room quiet non smoking grad student Kitchen laundry, utilities included 5 mm to U of O. near Hendricks Park Foreign students encouraged $240/mo • $50 dap 344 9343_ _ Room in downtown relaxed household Avail 11/5 $165 plus $80 Smoker pref 683 4620 ask for Lynn To share Spnngfieia $200.mo plus $30 utilities 747*697 260 REAL EStATE ~ Quaint Art.st S loft • 400 foot office Close to campus, off street parking Cali 461 0605 •euskei Opanmg* avail for 3 mo 36 mo Educational anviron manta Call for information 464 5968 umm ilOi YOU CAN GET INVOLVED! TWO OPENINGS AVAILABLE ON UO BOOKSTORE BOARD OF DIRECTORS The UO Bookstore is searching for a graduate student and a faculty member to serve on the Board of Directors. student currently of graduate school standing For purpose of membership on the Board a graduate student must be fully accredited in the graduate school and must maintain a course load of not less than 9 units The term of office will run unlil 'Junc 1991. FACULTY POSITION; The position IS that ol a teaching faculty (officer of instruction) For purpose of membership on the Board a faculty member must be a full-time professor, associate professor, assistant profes sor, or instructor employed as an officer of instruction on the Eugene campus. The term of office will run until June 1991. UO Bookstore) board members represent the student, faculty and Ruff of the University of Oregon, and have the opportunity to guide the Bookstore in policy matters Members attend monthly meetings, and receive a S30 stipend per month ALL APPLICANTS must pick up your application packet in the Administrative Office (at the rear of the second floor of the UO Bookstore) Applications for these two positions on the UO Bookstore Board will be taken until 6.00 p.’n.. I'rulay. SvvtmOer Z. 199V. The Election Committee of the Board will screen all applicants and will select applicants for a personal interview All applicants will be notified whether or not they have been selected for an interview. For more information, please contact either |im Williams or Lisa Burkhart at 346-4331. UO BOOKSTORE 13th and Kincaid, M-F 7:30-6, Fri. 10-6, Ph. 346-4331 BAT deadline _ _ - _ OCI » BEAT "*•* DON'T MISS IT! COMING OCT. 30 Norman Meyers prasants a lecture on tha Global Environment Tuesday Oct.30 150 Columbia; 8 pm Sponsored by the Cultural Forum It you have something to aatl you hava aomathlng to advertise OOE CLASSIFIEDS ART CINEMAS 492 E 13th- 686-2498 OrtCOUWT HOW Wlte W T^M .BERKELEY IN THE *60S Suth 7 tfc t)0 ’kmmm man*w\* MM «bPU> to»# BYEBYEiLUE?! CnTI » IHR »im«CIILANO • JULIA M>«C* FLATLINERS I DIE HARD 2 " 55 IS • f h iJ • Ti %* u ca*f cti t**A rt 1t ft Am Of f-l ROCKY HORROR*" ta my mto * ©•« I ami mml. buy f*M* *(»•*• ton.gM* . ^T.aL:aflrf iff uufiiM, -itm ‘nrfi1 't v ^rial BUNGEE JUMP 6830857 $55 $95 105 COUNSELING Unpunntd Pregnancy * W© .*n n«ip Confident-a»i tf0* Birthright 687 i65t U of 0 Crisis Cenfer Helpline 346 4468 «v«s. niQWi & *e©*eni. i iHTri\TiTT|_ Baseball * Football • Basketball CARDS and complete sets Buy-Sell-Trade * Baseball Wax Packs '79 to Present • Rookie Cards Complete Selection • Complete line of Hobby Supplies • Video Games • Posters Grand Sam Sports Cards 1607 E 19* 3459779 (next to Prince Pucklers) Hour: 11-7 7day$aweek ^r-.r-ir-»nr-i»-inrinnnnnnnn Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson Gimme ttvh ball or I'll punch -pur Foc« in Snwt mow. boy rn Mi 0P\N\OH. we OORT DtVCKt tCARLi tHtXXiM SCCHVlflC RL'AkRCH TO fiHOiHG K CURL FOR Jtto-S Hudson van curen by Michael Russell 7vP5*/ jk.'llWIy^ r» »«♦;>/»♦« *ke bithrrj Wrrnchf A ... WT:l