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Suite 4 EMU please Include name, phone I, I student I D_ Iron Systems Computer Dealerships now available in your area No inventory investment Call »or your complete brochure on a T »on Systems Dealership 503-S2S-S3S3 ___ The College of Business is now loo* mg tor energetic dynamic responsi bie business major* to b# peer advisors It you lit this description, please apply now m 271 Gilbert Thera will be an informational meeting Nov 1 at 5 P m m 333 Gilbert Hurry now deadline i* Mon . 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BE A PEER ADVISOR! • Receive non-business upper division credit. • Get involved with your school... meet people! • Plus many more incentives! Informational meeting: Thurs., Nov. 1, 5 p.m. in room 333 Gilbert. Deadline tor applying: Mon., Nov. 5, 5 p.m. in room 271 Gilbert. Call 346-3302 for details. aimu-: ***• eetter than you think to pay *