POLITICS Measure 7 would establish trial work-for-welfare program By Rene DeCair Emerald Reporter If Ballot Measure 7 is passed in the Nov. 6 elections. Ore gon's 282,000 welfare and food stamp recipients would lose their public assistance benefits. The measure, on the ballot by initiative petition, would mean people who normally receive benefits from the food stamp program or Aid for Families with Dependent Children would no longer receive this assistance. Instead they would work at government-funded jobs for 90 percent of the mini Proponents claim it would break dependency cycle mum want1 The initiative, which would be a trial three-year pilot pro gram for six counties in the state, would also eliminate the unemployment compensation program. If after three years the move proved successful in the trial counties, the program would become permanent and mandatory for all of Oregon's :tfi counties. However, before the program can be implemented, the state legislature would need to peti tion Congress to get exemp (ions ami waivers from federal laws that require public assis tance programs bo marie avail able to the public. Measure 7 proponents argue the program will not only give welfare recipients a sense of self-worth by working for their money, but people will also gain specific job skills, equip ping them for fattier jobs in the future. "It's good for (recipients) and good for the country." said Nick Thompson, a supporter of the measure who wrote an ar Kliment in favor in the Oregon Voters' Pamphlet. "Work habits and work skills are just as important as techni cal skills." Thompson said, adding that with any job "you gain punctuality and sociabil ity." But the measure's opponents, the No on 7 Committee, said the initiative will only trap workers in the sub-minimum wage jobs because they would have to spend all their time at work, preventing them from taking time for schooling or to look for other jobs "Putting people to work flip ping hamburgers at !H) port ent of the minimum wage isn't go ing to help at all." said Anne Taliaferro, spokeswoman for the No on 7 Committee She be liuves people need education. Taliaferro said the Family Support Act, which went into effect on Oct. 1. is a better solu tion for ending people's depen dency on welfare programs be cause it helps them deal with their substance abuse problems and provides them with Job finding skills and other hash Turn to ASSISTANCE. Page 16 Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS OrrOBMt ATI W ACTIONS; BAT BKAT! Appearing Oct 10; D««dlin« Oct 2f DON’T MISS THE FUN! To Place. Cancel or Qi|£ /I O/IO Correct your ad call: OHO'HOHO mmm. m\ GREEKS! Today is the day to turn in your order envelopes from last vneeK •> Wally. 344 6750 AA.1 Congratulations Su/ie and Darwin on your engagement! Your sisters 3'ME 105 PER! Planned Paranlhood for Pap smears. infection checks birth control and counseling Days and evenings 344-941 f In 1991..~~.. Women Could D*a of Politics Vote Pro Choice Vote No on 8 and 10 Students lor Choice 346 4431 fcK'I' MIKE J. Oh Junior, You can’t run with the big dogs If you’re Just a little puppy m PERSONALS I MEAN AHH... Smile girl. You're legal now. Happy 21st, Hoob. Love. Rocko UX Kirk T. Have a very HAPPY 22nd BIRTHDAY! K»H> * JulM _ Antonio Promt***, promt*** Aun vamo* a almouar o cmnmt'* Tu dtm* *1 dt« P*n*«ndo *n It. 0 02 Motty, I'm *o happy to h*v* you a* my Ml" *t* I »cr*«m*d «rt>*n I got you Can ! watt till tonight? PRIVATE HELP FROM FRlENOS ft mm Pregnancy Testing BIRTHRIGHT MTM51 SCOTT 0 Happy Anniversary*' to** you Ion*1 (*qu**k' »qu**k'M huili UK Daml UK Did you know it was me? That obvious huh? Oh well we’re gonna have a great year! Love, YPS LOST Goddes* necklace wtlh a silver rtng on a pur pi* »*t»rt cord Call lealy UT4M0 TODAY AT 1:00! IS YOUR LAST CHANCE TO PLACE YOUR HALLOWEEN MESSAGE IN BAT BEAT JWE’RE WAITING FOR YOU AT THE IIO BOOKSTORE EMU MAIN DESK ROOM 300 EMU R UP FOR THE GAME! DUCKS VS. UCLA THIS SATURDAY - LAST HOME GAME OF THE SEASON! MONDAY - FRIDAY 7 30 - 6 00 SATURDAY 1000 - 6 00 PHONE 346-4331 Lome into the uo bookstore YOUR OFFICIAL DUCK SHOP 13TH AND KINCAID