POLITICS Brand against tax measure By Joe Kidd Emerald Politics Editor The University next year Students will have to pay up to $2,000 a term for tuition, class es will tx* even more difficult to pack into, and fat ulty members will be paid at a rat** even low er than they now get. which is already well below the national average That's how the University's near future looks if the property tax-limiting Ballot Measure 5 passes in the Nov t> elections, s.iid University President Styles Brand. If tin* measure sui * e**ds next month, the University would likely lose $10 million or more over the next two years Brand said That size budget slash would set off a rash of drastic "crisis management'* measures rang ing from double or triple tui tion hikes and the freezing of .ill far ulty salaries to entire pro grams possible being r.ul he said "At that point, the object would lx- to maintain the tore of the University.*' Brand said. Measure on the ballot by initiative petition, would limit proper! \ tax.cs next year to $2f> per St.tHM) of assessed value, and would evenlualh rati bet that ceiling down to $ir> per $ i ,000 in pm Because the initiative pro vides no other source of in come the state would lie re quired to replac e the lost rex • enue from its general fund over the next six years a total pegged at more than Si l bil lion. according io the meas ure's fiscal impac I statement Oregon's universities and colleges would face a cut of $120 million during J*»*>I ‘H with the University's share of that loss slated for $ it) million if the initiative succeeds, ac curding to estimates released two weeks ago by the chancel lor's office of the state higher edm ation system "We now have difficulties in i lass sizes and insuffic ient funds he< uuse of a budget t lit of $2 million three years ago." Brand said. "I leave it to your imagination to find out what kinds of difficulties we would have on campus if that cut was Sit) million instead of $1’ mil lion." Beyond the next two years, higher education's loss to the measure would rise even fur (her to nearly SHOO million dur ing 1993-97 if no other source of funding for the state is found, the chancellor's office estimated "We are talking about an amount equal to the closure of Oregon State University or one of the regional state i oileges That's how mm li Measure 5 would pull out of the state's (higher education) system Brand said "Those who favor the meas ure want the user to pa\ for il all That would mean students would be paying full-freight." he said Carl llostii ka the state's House majority leader, said he believes a sales lax proposal would Im- the Legislature's most Measure 5 Impact on State General Fund lA*summg 9 value growth) '^1 lutinm t*t Iw mu4 »«**( »■* (•r*|>hi4 In Mm hjpl Khvm II likeh reaction li Measure "> passes "The only way to avoid that kind of a (financ ial) nightmare would be that the legislature conveoe •» special session sometime between the elet lions and the end of the vear to enact a sales tax." he said "Hut if the atmosphere is such that Measure 5 passes. th.it urn iidI he possible." he s.iiil "There nun be a lot of people unwilling to M lib (tax W> umonmnunmmun t*t mu ton an rm ixounci mum m mm/* 10WHAH omowuK (OM V* MM/* mm sam ot mm ss mu* mcHsaiMAUDUir m. mu U*r W S»M SUM 5fM SUM S*M SUM SIM SUM SIM SUM SIXmtM IVki SUXmixH Sm*l SIX itMW lm fruity SIXmfiM U»] 5 •Mil I* ddttry m «f aim WW (Sai » «wo*y «dv a MMUuta owe* WS tab Wm 177 M>0im«> 0M/8M if "W* "WWW Lawrence Seno Jr. Director of Admission WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF LAW Will meet with prospective students to discuss admission standards and scholarship requirements. October 30 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. in the EMU 'I'hc Northwest's Oldest Law School. Willamette University College of Law. Founded 1883 in Salem, Oregon. Call Willamette (503) 370 ft282/Wntc Willamette Salem OR 97301 School of MUSIC THIS WEEK at BEALL HALL: 961 E. 18th Ave. LESLIE STRAKA, ) BARBARA PALMER Faculty Artist Series Music tor viola and piano. Mon., Oct. 29 8 pm. $4 General Admission $2 Students / Seniors OCTUBAFEST ) Special Event A vaudevillean program with tubas & euphoniums galore! Tut*., Oct 30 8 p.m. (4 General Admission $2 Students / Seniors CHORAL CONCERT I Student Ensembles University Singers, Chamber Choir, and Women's Chorus Thurt., Nov. 1 8 p.m. $3 General Admission $1 Students / Seniors HOMECOMING , CONCERT Student Ensembles Oregon Jazz Ensemble, University Singers, UO Symphony, Oregon Wind Ensemble. Friday, Nov. 2 8 p.m. FREE Admission For more information, call: 346-3761 (Music School) FACULTY MEMBERS & GRADUATE STUDENTS YOU HAVE A CHANCE MAKE A DIFFERENCE! The I/O Bookstore is looking for you to fill an important position on the Board of Directors. GRADUATE POSITION: The position is that of a student currently of graduate school standing For purpose of membership on the Board a graduate student must be fully accredited in the graduate school and must maintain a course load of not less that 9 units The term of office will run until June 1991. FACULTY POSITION; The position is that of a teaching faculty (officer of instruction). For purpose of membership on the Board a faculty member must be a full time professor, associate professor, assistant professor, or instructor employed as an officer of instruction on the Eugene campus. The term of office will run until June 1991. UO Bookstore board members represent the student, faculty and staff of the University of Oregon, and have the opportunity to guide the bookstore in policy matters Members attend monthly meetings, and receive a 530 stipend per month. ALL APPLICANTS must pick up your application packet in the Administrative Office (at the rear of the second floor of the UO Bookstore). Applications for these two positions on the UO Bookstore Board will be taken until 6.00 p.m.. Fruidju Itevcmbcr L199Q. The Election Committee of the Board will screen all applicants and will select applicants for a personal inter view All applicants will be notified whether or not they have been selected for an interview. For more information, please contact either Jim Williams or Lisa Burkhart at 346-4331. Have A Say In The Future Of Your Bookstore! 13th and Kincaid, M-F 7:304, Sat 104, Ph 344-4331