SPORTS Oregon cross country teams win Pac-10 titles By Paul Morgan Emerald Sports Reporter The Oregon men's and women's cross country teams sped past the Pacific-10 competition Saturday at Stan ford on the way to dual conference championships. The Oregon men barely nudged Arizona for their third consecutive i’ac-10 title, and the women, favor ites in the meet, held off Washington to win their fourth conference title in five years The men's team finished with i't points, followed closely by Arizona's tl points and Washington's 53 points. i’he women's team won their title by avoiding an ipset-minded Washington. The Huskies finished with ."ill points, while Arizona was third with til points Seniors I.iz Wilson fib''-: and Stephanie Wessell S6:f>5) finished first and second, respectively for the in ks on the 5.000-meter course Sophomore Nicole Woodward moved from 17th place to eighth in the last alf-mile, to secure the victors tor the Dm > s Woodward's move was especially’ important th* ■ ause. in the process, she passed three Washington inner* that could have supplied the Huskies with an pset victorv "(Woodward) really saved us from an embarrassing defeat.” Oregon women’s Coach Tom Heinonen said. “The last three people she passed were all from Wash ington "I was really surprised with Washington's perfor mance." he said. "That's a team wo have eaten alive In the past, but they put their top seven runners in the top 20 " The top three runners from last year's Pac-10 meet - Sabrina Han of California. Jennifer Robertson of Wash ington State and Bridget Smyth of Arizona - took an early lead, and Wilson and Wessell tucked in behind them for the first mile Then Stanford's Melanie HI *•» MU' U*M *nfl **f .* tr+f i fMM V*; arfwia MMt ■#w. »um tw* an Agla rV»v.» ) i’a» **."w )*•» fc* t#*p ? *•-•» •-4 kFIC ftiO i ■ »» p>>’« l#*i »*• >fc • H*’**'** Th* mad itrf I XftC 100 »*; • » W » fit- ‘ ;**» «n fc»V*, *nd t.ntl .*>*>* it * 4* MMKun Uf ItWlaLtM (tV* Ulu*<0 BUY 2 ROLLS OF AGFA COLOR FILM, GET A 3rd ROLL FREE! SR EAT SLIDES AND A FREE AGFA 8X LURE! Buy Agfa s 4-Pack of AGFACMROMfc CT color sfcde f4rn with High Definition Color, and gat sharper pcfues with brighter richer bolder colors YouH also get an Agfa 8X Lupe ABSOLUTELY FREE I Comen today Supples muted 2250 Light Up Your Pumpkins With Panasonic Alkaline AA BATTERIES 12/4.99 2/1.49 gerlachs CAMPUS STORE SPRINGFIELD .849 Er 13TH *_565 W. Centennial - -