Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 26, 1990, Page 7, Image 7

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Rap performer Too Short
to do fairground concert
Friday. ocr. 20
Too Shari. .1 nationally famous rap artist. |>erfnnns .it H to
p.m. nl the I..11U! County Fairgrounds Opening I hi: show is
Criminal Nations and I’D 2. After the show. Too Short will In
al Fugene's Club Hollywood and concert-goers with ticket
stubs an- allowed to attend. Fnliaiu.e t ost to Club Hollywood
is $5. anti moot information is available by t ailing 342*7551
Old lime contra dance, hosted by the Fugenr Folklore Sts it
l\. begins at H .to p.m. and continues until 11:30 p.m. at Wil
lard School. 2H55 l.iitcoln. Cost is S3.50 for FFS memtn-rs and
$4.50 general. A workshop preceding the flam e will be held
at 7:30 p.m
Oliver Ulur famed i;i// saxophonist of thi* World Saxophone
Quartet, performs with Northwest Creative Orchestra at 8
p in, in Beall Concert flail In addition to the concert, he will
offer a free program for minority youth on Saturday. Oct. 25
at 4 p in. in Konm 108 of the music school. In this discussion
he will talk about and answer questions concerning himself
and current cultural and educational issues pertinent to non
white vouth.
The Killing Field performs at the Community Center for the
Performing Arts. 201 W. 8th. al 0:30 p in. This concert fea
tures I lie latest in Killing Field dame music. Opening acts are
Now William and l*rairte School. Tickets are $b al the door,
and doors open al ft p in.
Faculty Artist Series concert, featuring Leslie Straka. viola,
and Barbara Palmer, piano, begins al 8 p.m. ill Beall Concert
I tali. The program includes four selections and will be assist
ed by VVendv Zarofisher. soprano Tickets are available at the
door for $4 general and $2 students and senior citi/.ems.
The Indigo Girls, a Top-40 duo. will perform at 8 p.m. at the
Unit Center. Tickets are $17 and $15. and all seals are re
served. For ticket informaliun. call the Mull Center box office
al 087-5000
"Octubafest." a festival featuring the mingling of tuba and
euphonium sounds, takes place at 8 p.m. in Beall Concert
Hall. The program contains a wide variety of music and will
tealure music students, faculty and selected guests. Tickets
Turn toCALENDAR, Page 10
‘Coppelia’ opens city season
Children, dolls
create mayhem
By layne Lakefish
Fmerald Entertainment Editor
Visit thr land of make be
lieve It*. <i place where chtl
dren play. tovm.ikers create e«
centricities and dolls come to
In the ballet world, it's called
The Fugene Mallet Company
will bring Coppelia to the stage
of the Hull Center lor the open
ing I Millet of the season Satur
day night at H In addition, a
matinee show is scheduled for
Sunday at 1 to p m
Coppelia is the story of a doll
who comes to life when Fran/,
a Hungarian peasant boy, and
his girlfriend Swanilda sneak
into a toy shop owned hv the
eccentric Dr. Coppelitis What
follows is an adventure lilted
with mix-up and mahem. dis
guises and dirty tricks
Franz first enters the toy
shop because he has fallen in
love with the doll. Coppelia
An obviously upset Swanilda
follows him to the shop and
when Dr Coppelius returns,
she disguises herself as
Coppelia In the meantime. Dr
Coppelius catches and drugs
Franz while he attempts to
bring Coppelia to life And so
the liailet goes
"This is classical ballet,"
s.iid Tamara Kuliev. Fugene
Ballet Company I’ublii ist "It s
magical, it's romantic, it's a
fantasy and a fairy tale.”
Coppelia was written by F F
Hoffman, the same man who
I OUftfM phi till
The t'.ugene Hit I let Company will bring Coppelia lo the slant'
this weekentl for the opening performance of the season.
wrote thi* internationally
known ballet The Nuli:r<uker
('oppelin has .u hieved the same
fame as The \ut< recker while
sharing its theme
"( Copiwlia) is a very famous
play." said Pat Cusick, assis
tant marketing director at the
Unit Center "K.F. Hoffman's
fairv t.des are very famous with
the theme of dolls coming to
The ballet, which is expected
to run (or two hours, will be
performed in two acts bv the
ballet Company ensemble. Stu
dents from the Eugene School
of ballet will lend additional
dance support.
The ballet ensemble, a group
of about 1H. just returned from
•1 sold out performance of
Coppelie in beltingham. Wash
Ticket sales for their Eugene
performance are also going
well, Richey said
'"This is <t chance fur people
lu see something nnw. see
something i liissu nl and si'i'
something live. ' Richey said
"There's nothing like a live
In addition to CopptilLi. the
lingerie liallel Company will
present three other productions
this season including Ciw/er
t’llu. Thu Nutt:rnckt>r and CluI
drvii of the Raven
Tickets for Coppolia can lie
purchased for Sti.SO. $12.fit)
and St‘I 50 In addition, the
Kugene Ballet Company is of
fering a student season pass,
for entrance into all this sea
son's performani es. for $10.50.
l or more information rail the
Hull Center hnx office at
i>H7 ri(l()tl or the Kugene Ha I let
(.'ompanv at -*Hr> 1*192.
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