MEER Continued from Page 1 Hv continuing to start and maintain companies in South Africa, and by not enforcing sanctions against the govern ment. tile l’tilted St.ites has led the capitalist nations of the world in maintaining the sys tem of apartheid. Steer said However, with events such as the release of African Na tional Congress leader Nelson Mandela. .ill South African have entered .1 new phase Meer said although no rea ( hanges had occurred since hi: release, the system of apartheic is ready to Ice dismantled "Please keep up your sup port for the sanctions." Mee asked the audience "It wil help South Africa and th« world as a whole After the lecture. Hhek Dlamini. a South African stu dent from Swaziland It'd the audiem i1 in singing a Smith Af rican anthem blessing Africa and asking for peace in the country'. Meer is the author of Higher Thun //ope 77ie Authorized Hi ograp/n ol Ve/son Mtindohi. of which onlv 95 copies were printed She is a former profes sor ol sin iologv ill the I Iniversi t\ of Natal in Dlirhan. South A frit a EUROPEAN FACIALS — Facial and body waxing — Make-up artistry — Acnc treatments — Skin peels Still IIS im . 11th & Patterson 343-1637 Don't give up the search! Try LOST AMD FOUMD in the classified section COSTUMES: Bm • Gorilla • Holstein Cow • Mount- • Lobster • Parrot • Snakes Alive • Cat • Rat • C HARACTERS — Harem Girl • Sultan • Can Can • Cleo • Clowns Galore • Convict Lady/Man • Devils • Cards — Ace • Dick Tracy • Ilf • '/i Man-'r Woman • Humpty Dumpty • Magician • Mermaid • Raggedy Ann • Raggedy Andy • Raisin • Robin Hood • Romeo/|uliet • Unicom • Flapper • Gangster • Shimmy • Capes — all sorts • Freddie Sweater • (.host • Mummy • Monk • Skeleton • Cave ManWoman • Cowgirl • Gretian lady • Poodle Skirt • Mae • Medieval • Old Fashion Undies Swimwear Male Female • Southern Belle • Toga • Elvis • Pirate Man Woman • Angel • Nun • Priest • Spanish Danter • C heerleader • French Maid • Hula • Annie • Marilyn • Tailcoat • Fishnets • Carrot • Pumpkin • Tomato • Witches, many kinds • Dottor • Waitress • Waiter AND MORI. ACCESSORIES TOO NUMEROUS TO MIN I ION! including* Noses* Tails* tars • Fangs • Gloves • knives • liaras • Glasses • Badges, etc., etc., etc. WIGS with Bangs • Short • long • Fri//lv • Striped • all colors • and stvles • Aims • Character Wigs • HATS, HATS, HATS — 27 kinds • THEATRIC At MAKEUP • (Water, Grease, Pancake, Rouge) In every imaginable color, we've got it! - AND WE CAN SHOW YOU HOW lO USE IT, TOO! MASKS • Presidential • Monster • Alien • Animal Fantasy • Quarter • Halt • Whole • leotards. Tights and so much more! "COME AS YOU AREN'T" ^ 41 W. BROADWAY • DOWNTOWN MALL 68b- 2671 TKE Who??? TAU KAPPA EPSILON Who??? WORLD'S LARGEST FRATERNITY Sat. Oct. 27th CRUSH THE CARDINAL TAILGATER Where? Autzen Stadium •••••••• Mon. Oct. 29th PETE S FAMOUS TACO NIGHT Where? 707 E Hllyard (A> roM trim: Hilyard I Mark.-’ atS:30pm •••••••• Wed. Oct 31 The 3rd ANNUAL HAUNTED FIESTA When? 9:00 p.m. Sat. Nov. 3rd THE LAST TAILGATER OF THE SEASON!! (Ba«h the Bruin*) Where? Autzen Stadium For more iniormation Please call the Teke Hotline at 343-7086. Ask for Kirk. lay or Derek We need someone with the confidence ofasurgpon, the dedication of a marathoner & the courage of an explorer. We have a unique opportunity for someone special. A chance to spend two years in another country. Io live and work in another culture. To learn a new language and acquire new skills. The person we’re looking for might he an educator, forester, agriculture specialist or health worker. Or maybe a soon-to-be graduate specializing in the physical and life sciences. math, liberal arts, business, or a hundred other disciplines. We need someone to join nearly 6,(MX) people already working in 60 developing countries around the world. To help people live better lives. We need someone special. And we ask a lot. But only because so much is needed. If this sounds interesting to you, maybe you’re the one we’re looking for. A Peace Corps volunteer. Our representatives will be pleased to discuss the opportunities with you. The toughest job you’ll ever love. Peace Corps. IM ORMAl IO.N IAULJL Ocioher KOI. KMl HHX)am lo VOO pm. I hop by and ulk with 4 Peace C orps Representative PRESENTATION S Kilm I'cast Ctam InipiOMUni. *S tohci R), 12 00-1 00 pm. KMl Walnut Room Kilm Kaleolihc JviC>|. October II. 12:00-1 (Ml pm. KMl Walnut Room ANO.M PARTY: October W). 7 00 0011 pm. ('OMI ONK. C'OMK Al l ' Nominees, applicants and families, other interested people and Returned Peace Corps Volunteers Here s an opportunity lo find out more about Peace Corps Place to he determined INTERVIEWS Nosembct 11 IS. Call Career Planning and Placement ( Mb <2 Wi to schedule an intersicsc Su/ette Horspool is sour campus Rep You must bring a completed apjilic anon to the inters less