UNIVERSITY SETA requests view of facilities Unhappy with prior decision By Peter Cogswell Emerald Associate Editor Members of Students for the Ethical Treatment of Animals are not pleased that they are unable to view animal holding facilities in Streisinger Hall A decision by University offi cials last week to allow onlv press members a view of the fa cility, specifically the room where two Rhesus monkeys are preparing for research, has left SETA members wondering whether something is being covered up "The University is claiming the facility is in top shape, and our concern is if this is tin case. then why are we not able to go and see it." said Todd Hausman, SETA co-direi tor "1 don't have a burning de sire to go in there, but it would be much more credible (for the University), and I do have an interest in the monkeys' well being." he said. Hausman said following a re cent discussion with l)r. lack Vanderlip, director of the Uni versity's veterinary services, he is hopeful that a small group from SETA will be allowed to view the facility in the near fu ture. Monica Semeria, SETA co-di rector. is currently writing a letter to Vanderlip in an at tempt to allow SETA members to view the facility. "It's wonderful the Universi ty is opening up to us." Semeria said "When we first asked they said no. then they said to write a letter Dr. Vandelip." Semeria said she did not ex pel t much from the University because of its past record. She said she was surprised the Uni versity has even said it may be possible to view the facility both Hausman and Semeria said they visited the facility last spring term during an open r nr Members of Students for the Ethical Treatment of Animals are upset that they were excluded from a ret:enl tour of the University's animal research facilities. house hosted by the University, but the animal's rooms were virtually unoccupied. Hausman said the issue is not just the well being of the mon keys. but of all the animals housed in Streisinger. "The primates have been the focus," he said “The concern right now is that the facility be accessible to the public, that the student body and the public have input into how the research is con ducted.” Hausman said. "Up until this point the public has been excluded from the pro ceedings "For them to simply exclude a group (from viewing the mon keys) hurts tin- legitimacy of the research.” he said. Ilausman said he is not con tent with current legislation governing animal care liecause such protections do not do jus lice to the animals' welfare So while the University may lie meeting or exceeding the standards of the Animal Wel fare Act. the standards are not very stringent. Hausman said Semeria added that everyone involved has focused on the le gal question involved and not. as usual, with the ethical ques tion of whether one animal has the right to use another. University officials were un available for comment EASTSIDE LAUNDROMAT • coin op 7am-llpm • drop offs 1430 Orchard St. • dry cleaning 345-6133 Arnolds HIDEAWAY BEVERAGES WED & F-RI STAN & MJH THURS .. BILL WALTERS & MIKE FLYNN Upf ' All shows start at l)pm 1495 E 19th 484-7599 f XPFRif NC I FHI HI SI IN PFRSONAl C ARl FOR MEN AND WOMFN f?i Nu SkiN • Reach your peak in fitness and beauty. • Free consultations and complementary facials. HALLOWEEN SPECIAL 10% OFF $25 ♦ purchase thru Halloween CAI l 344-1471 to tdlk with your campus distributor, and set1 why peo ple are so esc ited about NU SKIN! ' Hang out with your friends on Halloween Come to Willamette Street Video 2570 Willamette • 683-1798 ’0-10 Sun-Thur • 10-11 fwatmjw coop oeuj 2 Horror Movies for $2 (Excludes New and Top Release.» from Oct 26 tr>rou The Oregon Daily Emerald is published Monday through Friday enept during etam wiioh and vacations by the Oregon Daily Emerald Publishing Co. at the University of Oregon, Eugene Oregon The Emerald is operated independently of live University with offices on the third floor of the Erb Memorial Union and is a member of the Assn, idled Press The Emerald is private property The unlawful removal or use of papers is pros ecu I able by law Managing Editor Editorial Editor Politics Editor Graphics Editor In Touch Editor Associate Editors Community Don Peters Student Government/Activities: Catherine Hawley Higher Educatlon/Admintttratton Peter Cogswell Features Stacy iv»e Reporters Tammy Baley. Brian Bloch Rene De Can Came Dennett Paul Mur gan Cathy Peterson. Mioq Rodrigues June Russell Daralyn Trapp® Bob Wade Robert Weber Photographer Eric Evans Andre Ranted Advertising Marh B