KEMP Continued from Page 3 "During winter term I have more time to do other things, and it's easy to get caught up in them," he said Kemp redshirled his sophomore year in 1987. and didn't get to plas until hist year, when he had 14 tac hies as a back-up to Derek Horton After spring practice this year. Kemp was the leading < undidate for starting tree safety, but end ed up starting only in the "Hawk" par huge after Krir Castle took over as the free safety. The back up role doesn't bother Kemp, however "It's alright." he said, "as long .is I get to pla\ and contribute, and that's |ust the wav it should be We should he com erncd with team unity, not individual effort In fact. Coach Kiel) Brooks and Schuler don't see Kemp's role as a back-up one "I don’t consider him a back-up." Brooks said "He's playing an awful lot. making contribu lions, especially with the interceptions "I consider him a starter." Schuler said "He's been very, very good as a starter on the 'Hawk' team. He is a great athlete He was right on the verge of being a starting cornerback. hut we moved him inside because ol his speed Kemp has also had to play with a nagging shoulder injury lie suffered a year ago. "I respect him for playing hurt." Si huler said, "and that darn thing is still bothering him " Schuler describes Kemp as a deep thinker olt th»* field, and said that mannerism carries over on to the field "lie's not a big rah-rah guy.” Schuler ex plained "lie has always kept the game in per spei live, and hasn't made it his whole life lie re alizes that football is pist a game ” Perhaps the realization tomes from his experi ences in life hemp grew up in Milpitas Calif an area he likens to a melting pot of all different types of people His desire for counseling tomes from the days when his brother's and sister's friends would come over and talk alxiut their problems So when he tame to Oregon hemp became a peer adviser "I am the type to come up to freshmen and break the ice." he saitl I ask them how their chesses are going, anti how life is going just so they know they t an come and talk hemp saitl he also enjovs working with dixad vanteged i hildreu "It's the relationships with the kids I enjov the most " he saitl "Some ol the kids are mentally disturbed, and some are bright and tost don't have a home I just trv to give them examples anti experiences anti tr\ to tell them it will all work out." hemp saitl that his skills in communication have carried over to the team, and Brooks agrees "Hr is a bright, articulate, and serious young man." Brooks saitl "He gives us leadership, and at safety von really have to communit ate well Pac-10 Pigskin Prognostications EDITOR'S NOTE Predictions are based on anticipated point spread as determined by m dividual voters A correct response <$ credited each time the favored team wins by at least the predicted margin The numbers following each person s name represent that tndividu at s overall record These predictions are intended tor entertainment purpose?, only Stan OSU Cal WStl USC at at at at at UO UCLA UW UA ASU *. Conktin (17-13) U0*» UCl* ♦ I? UW*)* UA.I USC*S fMorgan (15-IS) UO*l« UCU«I UK*? »SU*II USC*I M. Webar (If-U) U0*« UCl* ♦ 10 UW*1J WSU*I USC*I M. Rom (11-14) U0*1 IICU* It UW*J WSU*J »SU ♦ I C. Blair (11-12) U0*« UCU + I UW*1I U»*J UIC*J C. Bound) (U-IS) UO** UCl* *10 UK* 7 U* * I USC* I TRIVIA 1 IMF ANSWERS 1 18*34 2 Albany College and Oregon won 44 ? 3 Hayward Field 4. Current Orey-.;> lefen Sive coordinator Denny Sc huler in a 17 13 loss to Colorado 5 Hugo Be/dek with a 14 0 «m in the 1917 Rose Bowl over Pennsylvania • .14 7 John Robinson o» the Los Angeles Rams and George Sailed of the San Francisco 49©rs 8 28 different head coaches 9 194H at No 9 H) Johnny KH/miller It Ronnie Lae t2 Bobby Moore m the firs! round of the 1972 draft as the No 4 overall pick bv the St Louis Cardinals 13 One Chris Otdham as both a defensive bar k and a k ^ k returner 14 Latm Berry in 1989 tS Russ Francis IS *n the Mirage Bowl in Tokyo Japan 17 Swimming 18 Bob Berry with 21 wins from 19b.’h4 Woodley Lewis with a 92 yard return in 1949 and ©«** Bowerman wtin an 87 yard return in 1931 20 Roy Geiger with a 57 yarder in 1977 Kdilor: Ashley t 'oukliii Contributors: Paul Vlor Kan Knliert Weber Copy Kditors: Chris Bouneff, 1‘rtiT (loKsvvell (iraphics Kditor: Sean l‘ns ton Photographers: Km Kvans. Andre Kameri Ad Sales: Mu hael Cray Production Saudi Haller. 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