PALUMBIS Continued from Page 4 the Pacer record book by passing for 2.4(H) yards and 24 touchdowns as a junior and 1 .(><«) yards in six games as a senior before being sidelined with a shoulder separation that would haunt him for the next three years. However, his most impressive statistic: may have been his 18 touchdown to three interception ratio. It was numbers like these that made Palumbis the hottest cpiarterback prospect to come out of the state in recent years and earned him a spot on numerous prep all-American teams. With numbers and honors like that. Palumbis had the pick of the litter when it came to choos in^ .1 college. Hr ( hose Stanford and he (ouldn’t lx* happier! "There are a lot of reasons why I t hose Stan ford." I'alumhis said "The academics played a major role in my dm ision as did the fat t that the\ like to throw the hall and that it's close enough to home that my parents are able to wati h .1 lot of my games. Stanford is definitely the place for me." I’alumhis will earn an economics degree this spring and is thinking of pursuing a history dr gree or Masters in the near future. That is if he isn't busy taking snaps in the NFL. "If the chance comes along to play in the NFL. I'd love to do it," F’alumhis said, "hut I'm not thinking about it right now. All I'm thinking about now is winning trail games." FOOTBALL TRIVIA TIME 1. What year did Oregon Mart playing football in? 2. Who was Oregon's first opponent, what was the score and who won? 3. Before Aul/en Stadium was completed in 1967. where did Oregon play its home games ' 4. Who caught the first touchdown pass in Aut/en Stadium? 5. Who is the only coach besides Lcn Casanova and Rich Brooks to lead Oregon to a bowl victory? 6. What is Oregon's all tunc bowl record? 7. What current NFL head coaches were former assistant coaches at Oregon? 8. How many head football coaches have there been at Oregon? 9. When was the last time Oregon was ranked in the final Avsociatcd Press poll? 10. What former Oregon player has a suite named after him at tire Valley River Inn? 1 1. What Oregon basketball player was drafted in the 12th round of the 1976 draft hv the San Diego Chargers as a defensive hack. 12. What is the highest an Oregon player has been drafted in the NFL? What round, what overall selection and who is he? 13. How many Oregon players were selected to the Pacific 10 Conference first team all-star team last year? 14. How is the only Oregon football player to ever win the Will Gonyea Award as the team's Most Inspirational Player? 15. What former Oregon football player held the national high school javelin record before An Skipper broke it in 1988? 16. Where was the 1985 USC-Oregon game played? 17. What sport besides football was Oregon’s Jeff Thomason a high school standout in? 18. Bill Musgravc is Oregon's wtnningesi quarterback with 23 wins. Who is second? 19. Brian Brown’s 86-yard punt return for a touchdown against Arizona State was the third longest in school history. What two players had longer returns? 20. Who kicked the longest field goal in Oregon history and who was it? (Answers on page 11 Hi Dairy Queen Kick-Off Special nti i i o: brazier WITMAT YOU MGHT 451 OFF I Dairy Queen’s Homestyle Ultimate before every home football game. Regular $2 74 NOW ONLY $2.29 706 E. 13th 343-7512 Offer good at Campus DQ and before kick-off only. ROUNDUP Continued from Page 5 Brigham Young :12 lf> The Ducks weren't nearly as sharp following the Washington loss, getting by on a strong defensive performance and punt and interception returns for touchdowns to boat Arizo na State 27-7 last week. ”1 think this team is one that has responded to adversi ty in a ptositive manner." Brooks said. "They've over come some tough losses, diffi cult things during the year, (and) overcome some poor play during certain games "Certainly last week we started on our heels." he said. "Arizona State was complete ly taking the fight to us and we recovered from that to find a way to win a game that we didn't play very well on of fense." The offense struggled against the Sun Devils, for the most part, because quarter back Bill Musgrave missed most of practice with an ab dominal muscle injury, al though he did play most of the game. Despite the injury to Mus grave, Brooks is concerned about the way his offense has played the last two weeks and said if the Ducks don't contin ue to improve the rest of the season, they can forget about going to a bowl game this year "Unless we start improving as a team. 1 don't think those chances are going to i>e real good,” he said "Up to the Washington game I thought our team was making progress and getting better every week "I’ve sensed, particularly on the offensive side, the last two weeks where we've really leveled off and may lx? taken a step or two backward." Brooks said. • • • While the offense has strug gled lately, the Oregon de fense has played very well. The Ducks are second in the i’ac-10 in troth rushing de fense (110.3 yards per game) and scoring defense (19.1 points per game). Oregon is ltrth nationally against the run. and lias held three oppo nents to under 100 yards rushing. Oregon held BYU to minus 47 yards and allowed only 21 yards to Utah State and H2 to Arizona State. Things should get even bet ter next year, as nine starters return to the Duck line-up. The only senior starters on de fense are linebacker Peter Brantley, strong safety Kory Dairy and cornerback Daryl Singleton, who is now start ing for the injured Muham mad Oliver. Oliver, a junior, had sur gery on his knee last week and will he bac k in time to play m a bowl game if the Ducks make it to the post-sea son. Art • P'ogruphy • Children's Books • ( I.ismi . • Addit lions • Cooking tunings • I n lion • Fitness Hardening • Drilling • Metaphysii s Men • New Age • Outdoors Parenting • Poetry • Psychology St i-Ki • Spirituality • Women 1247 Villard SI. :i45-0920 At n»M kijnklin Blvd I rum 1 oil) Wheokhmr An mnrhlf We buy. Kell and trade used books and tapes (No Trxtbo«k«| I Your Center For Cruzy DUCK FAN SUPPLIES! 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