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Li/ Wilson Stephanie Wessell w_ -*—■..... -.} Colin Dalton Runners head to championships By Robert Weber f meraid Spoils Reporter Oregon’s men's and women's cross country teams will put their national rankings on the line Saturday afternoon when they compete in the Pa cific-10 Conference Championships at Stanford University. The women's team, ranked sixth nationally, hopes to regain the conference title that it lost for the first time ever last season The women's squad won the first three Par-It) titles before fin ishing third last year behind Washington and Washington Stale The thicks are considered the heavy favorite for the meet, which is to be run over a 5.000-meter course on the University Golf Course, hut Coach Tom Meinourn isn't worried alxiut the pressure. "We’re going to win, as 1 see it. unless we're nowhere as good as we think we are," Heinonen said "We feel that the Par 10 is rightfully ours and we re determined that it's supposed to stay ours." he said "This is the first step in our championship meet series, and I feel that we re ready.” Seniors Liz Wilson and Stephanie Wessell en ter the race as pre-meet favorites to claim individ ual honors Neither Wessell. who finished eighth in last year's meet, nor Wilson, the I'tHti Pat-10 i hampion. have lost to an opposing i ollegian this season The two have taken turns finishing first and sei ond in the Ducks' three meets this vear Wilson won the Kinerald City Invitational m Seat tle and the CHS Nike Invitational in Minneapolis. Minn . with Wessell a (lose second each time Wessell captured first at the |eff Drouth Memorial ill Kugene two weeks ago Wilson, who missed the entire 1*18!) season due to a leg injury, has surprised Heinonen with strong performani es so early in the season "I've been pleasantly surprised with Liz Wilson's ability to come on so quickly." Heinonen said Hounding out the Due ks' entries will lie red shirt freshman |ulia Saul, sophomores Carol Dol men and Nicole Woodward and juniors Lisa karnopp and Lucy Nusrala Wessell stressed the importance of this week end's meet for Iroth the team and Heinonen “The Pac-10 meet is for bragging rights in the conference.” Wessell said, "and it's important to win for Tom because he feels that it belongs to us. The meet has taken on an extra measure of importance this year." While the women's team is heading into this weekend's meet at full strength, the same cannot lie said about the men's team. Men's coach Hill Dellinger feels confident aljout his team's chances this weekend but is quick to add that his team is not at full strength due to Kick Mestler's sore arch. Mestler. the Ducks' No 4 runner, has missed five days of workouts anil is questionable for Saturday's H,(M)0-meter race. "We're still a pretty good team." Dellinger said, "but our chances would be better with Kick." "It's going to Ik- a real interesting Pac-10 meet, but 1 think it will come down to Arizona. Wash ington and Oregon." he said. The sixth-ranked Ducks have surprised many oaches across the country, but not Dellinger. De spite losing six out of seven members from last .ear's NCAA runner-up team. Dellinger didn't ixpei t to spend an entire year rebuilding. "I'm not surprised at all with our performance so far," Dellinger said "We've got some good runners and some good depth." Dellinger said that juniors Colin Dalton and Pat Haller, the onlv Ducks with Pac-10 Champion ship experience, .ire expected to play key roles il Oregon is to come out on tup "If Dalton and Haller are competitive with Marc Davis and Hrian C.osso (Arizona's top two runners) and the rest of our team can < lose the gap behind our top runners to less than a minute, we i:ou111 have a chain e to win." Dellinger said Dalton, who hails from Sydney. Australia, has enjoyed a great deal of success since returning to Oregon from a year of international running lie has finished second in each of the Ducks' last two meets and placed 12th in the Pac-10 meet as a freshman in loiiH The Dm ks' remaining five entries demonstrate the youth of this team junior Shannon launora joins Dalton and Haller as the elder statesmen of the team while freshman Andy Maris and sopho mores Colden Baxter. Tye Van Schoiack and Mestler round out the pack. freshman Coles Can duele will Ik* used if Mestler is unable to go. 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