SPORTS VOLLEYBALL Continued from Page 12 one will lie a barn-burner The Trojans bring talented hitters Megan McCallister and Ionise Norfleet, who have hit ting percentages of 21!» and .251. respective ly Norfleet had a career-high 'it kills last weekend against (ail. and McAllister averages 3.0 digs per game Setter Sue Peters is third in the Pat -10 in assists per game (11 7H) and set a school record with 30 assists against Cal last weekend "McAllister and Norfleet an* both tall and powerful attackers." Gregory said. And Pe ter* is a good player. UCLA (19-1. 11-0) brings a potent attack and a lb-match winning streak to Oregon this weekend The Bruins were forced to five games by Stanford last weekend, but in the process ret orded 12H kills 115 of those were by the foursome of Natalie Williams. Jenny Kv ans, Marissa Hatchet, and Samantha Shaver All four players set career records in kills and the Bruins set five school records during the match Ice skaters to compete at LCI A group at Ice skating young sters coached by three Univer sity students and one alum ap pear in their first in-house com petition Sunday morning at Lrrne County Ice. “This finally gives the kids a chance to show what they have learned." said 1990 University graduate Liz Folger. 'It's a real team experience." Sunday’s 7 a m. to noon show is open and free to the puoiic. Folger. the assistant program director at LCI. coaches the group of 13-and-under kids with three Oregon students — juniors Cindy Bopp and Sarah Coldfeder and freshman Denise Philips. Most of the skaters began their instruction in January, and to i>e at the level of compe tition they are now at is excel lent. Folger said. vCARDS* CANDY VGIFTS .PRICES AS MARKED NO! INCLUDED IN HAL F OFF SALE. HALLOWEEN MASKS MAKE-UP CAPES MAGIC GLITTER JOKES MORE!! 13TH & KINCAID MF 730-6 00 SAT 10 00 6 00 PH3464Jj1 ★ IMJNDERUIND * GREAT FOR PARTIES ANO BIRTHDAYS 5 A* If men ALL GAMES WORK £VIUCU WITM NICKELS GAMES admission nif id* H »«*• • THE PRIVACY Fourteen privately enclosed spas await you at Onsen Nature's own breezes will refresh you in our open to the-sky rooms Our worm, bubbly water will relax you Get to know us and close the door on the world for one quiet hour Taking reservations until II X p m weekdoyt. until 12 45 weekends Coll 345 9040 1083 Garden Ave . Eugene r.iw I.14HK THIATPFS MOVIES 12 gmAaVlWAY *[2850GATEWAY ST 7411231, HM tm OM i ut mm (mv tfy Blue H p£il >»’ --V Heaven/The Witche it (’'Ml ' XtUIX pp, o&MLf ntnjwt Back To The Future III [jp (200 2 20 4 40 MO 940 (12 10) ,) Pump Up The Volume [r! (225 2 35 44b 705.915.(1125) rlM. Arachnophobia 12M.245.5M 7 15 9M (11 fPO-Ul «ST7^ I Come In Peace [Vj 1 25. 32S 525 725 925 (11 251 no Good Fellas 1 00 4 00 7 00 1000 0 Taking Care of Business [ r ] 12 10 2 30 4 45. 705 925 (11 4b) * Im Mr. Destiny |pg-13| •12 35 2 56.5 15. 7 35 9 56 (12 15) k> Air America fTf] 1200 225 455 7 20.945.(12 l5l«TSii White Hunter, Black Heart [to] *12 45 306 5 25 7 45 1005 ii22S) Night of the Living Dead rjj~l 12 40 2 40 5 40 7 40 9 40 (1140) Exorcist Ill/Wiid At Heart DOUtU MATUW _ 0