Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place. Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 Compact PofUbl* Plu» ’0 N00 f 6 7?OK K * . 300* WOK f»n'. full* IBM compaiibto Broth** NlO pr>Af«* included Compioi© p*c*«Q« I WO c*n mww Sy9t0*rm include 005 1MB MAM ?OMB HD monochnxT*# monitor I SluM***** tWCVobo C*» frftft 94 M Mac Wu» »nd Phnfi 1900 or t>Atl otUft Mi 3t01fl» m* .’1MB n«*rt drt»»' WO* Lot*, of wM *,»** 1700 M527M ever tingft 21 MB ri'innuil* 1 -r-d 'V’rtt ^controller A c«bie% % 115 C*i' Computer Systems West XT 286 JB&sx S749 0D tW9 00 11199 00 342-4153 XT Clone for *e»e M6W/9 Of NON CO Player DCO ftOO » . mmole high pectormanc e program mafrie In per tec I Condition JIJMVofrO Kenwood CM tlMto ORC 3 MX) AutO*trver»« lap*? search AM F M * ‘ pfOMrlS c (l«sp*av In gocw) . omjitton $100*^* Cali '.44 1903 Kenwood home «■»?*• • mj* • *n!* CO p'a/e» * remote $C*f. AM » M lun ff rw>* stoo BoIhlOf *200 :u*?92t two 12' JBl niix.li* -»■■•*•■. A joier* with bo*. *276 00 Nakamuhi tC 200 C'OttOWH It >6 00 Sony Xfl 40 deck 160 00 Scott 663 tit9 DEMO SALE Everything in our Audio/Video dept is marked down at least 10% off of last weeks sale price! Full warran ties still intact! i Fi ample t Aiwa Walkman * 79 96 ! Technect A/V Receiver 1219 96 Sony CO Portable 1299 96 1 Pioneer Car CO *373 96 —UO-Bookstore— OPPORTUNITIES miMM 1 learn YOU# tjrronte* Beane* Oapton to Crue Zeppelin Gu M4 44S2/14S S312 no RtSAH CLOTHING Gentlemen’s Encore We pay TOP dollar lor Men % end Women • clothing 1111 Willamette 343 6179 NOW BUYING Halloween is Happening! Costume* • Nets • A< cesvonea OLD FRIENDS »022 Willamette Great teiet Ivon of vintage and moo elft clothing tor men md enmen I Open 7 days a neek ‘ft beaut fuf 1 I doeniown Eugene W*> 14 14 Minmum results minimum eipense1 Bmg Cherty Palace 62 W t3th ?oo TRATEL - Apply tor « TREE VISA » A" .<■ I • press t a.'ij and take o*f with a TWA S.C* '•ighi anywhere • lht> USA ( .V * 4ISM39 Studcat/Ttackcr lam lo Europe‘Alia'Lati* Amcrka*Auttralka*Africa for all roor Travel ooedt: Coundl Travel 71SSW Morrison *600, Portland OR 9190b [WmWM’MMfilttgJ Round trip licfet«<. Eugene lo Boston eev )Oct 29 N . ' V?OI 464 . tj? S<«f MOO On# *«y Eugene to Stout City to*e Nov 7th [>#p Eugene 2 30 pm Amves S*Ou« C»ly 9 Vi pm Fe male only ft?0 997 ?1»V997 3t44 muwmrn FREE 17 50 toi alerting your long distance savings from MCI EMU near Mem Desk TODAY ONLY* Tion System* Computer Dealership* no* available tn you* ere* No inventory investment Cell tor you* complete brochure on a Iron System* Deejershig SQ3-Ofr-6M3 bppQBtuwlTUT BE COOL! BE A PEER ADVISOR! • Receive non-business upper division credit. • Get involved with your school... meet people! • Plus many more incentives! Informational meeting: Thurs., Nov. 1, 5 p.m. in room 333 Gilbert. Deadline for applying: Mon., Nov. 5, 5 p.m. in room 271 Gilbert. Call 346-3302 for details. '.TJi.LTiirmrc 221 AltfKlM college educated mat* >s interested m a*V>C*ating * attractive collegiate «om»n wtte> appreciate* oidtt men Ou' goal* arealtb pleasure security G^Oup a*la»rs possible You <• t9 4% Rot Mo»#y Oub f* 0 B».« i’4M i Eug#o« 97 «0? Need M students each night tor tutwy involving fftwrowntnl*! risks RKttvt IS 00 fo» about **> mmut#s eoffc Monday October 79 TutvJtyOc lobar 30 and Thursday Nov#mb#i 1 Com# * Oitb#fl 13* at t 30 pm sharp Thank* to* Reading our Classified#! Cut out thrs ad and receive i day of FREE advertising m the ODE C«a**r»»ed* <3 tin# limit) I l oo* to» mo*# utc'** a tutu*# ed't>on^' LOGO CONTEST Tha new ttmput radio KRMA 88 1 FM need* a Logo Win a Part of Ray Ban Sunglasna* don«Ia<] by Ram o* Shine Garden Cl* of CO » 4 tape* donated by face lb# Music Deadline October 3t *990 bung entries to ASllO office. Suite 4 (MU plea*# include name pbon# f 4 student I D Itdl-VA 2?o HELP WANTED Adaptive Csmpmy Director TP equivalent degree spec »at population lu Camp | aster Seal 3767 Donato St 1 iiyw« 97406 _ AMA/ING JOBS AVAIL ABU ? im U ol O Teietund ntads you Earn I $4> m wh«i* * of tuny flexible day ant! ! ; evening hours Stop by ?001 Fwklm j ( Bivd today or call 34* 3433 Ambrosia Restaurant % seeking pad lima office assistant Dubes include filing lypmg Computtf skill* an ail vantage Apply in pat von M f 2 30-4 30. 134 t Broadway Band wanted to» wedding reception rock n roil swing reggae Reason atria Would i«ke to heat tape ot your rnusu 4*6 3430 eves Basketball officiate needed Earn up to *16 per hour No exp net M«»k 741 1434 Laaea maaaapa COMPUTER SYSTEM CONSULTANT wanted tor maintenance and future development of an operational PC LAN Knowledge of Noveiie Netware various types ot hardware and software required Programming experience heiptul Student wages beginning at WWhr tor 6 • hours/wk Call ext 6 6131 tor application CRUISE SHIP JOBS HIRtNOMen Woman Summer 7Y ear Round Photographers* T our Guides*Recreahon Personnel Excellent pay plus FREE travel Caribbean Hawaii Bahamas South PacitK Mexico CALL NOW! Call refundable I MA 7SAfl7 7*» f.l r.A34 HOME TYPISTS. PC uMrs needed 000 potential Details IHBOS6874WOO E«t B 9b42 Intelligence Job* ClA US Customs D€A etc Now hiring CaM|1i«tt«7bOOOEil R964? SUN VALLEY SKI RESORT Sun Valley Co is hiring tor the winter mi MO n Hiring All restaurant and food d«p«nm«ni positions Discount skiing e*cellenf CwnrMs and soma housing available Interviews at t MU Century A on Toes Now 6 For information Stu dent Employment 12 Mendncks Hail Tha Or agon Daily Emerald • s now accepting applications to* one sports reporter position NtMjutfemenis roughly include a ?0 ?S hour commit mam par *«r* Applications art* available m the Emerald office Suite 300 C MU between 8 am and b pm daily Application deadline is Now 2 at b pm A A'l Ol Positions available Mediation Program Advisory Board Two student at large positions Deadline, Oct 29 1990 Applications . an be picked up in Suite 4 EMU ASUO is an Affirmative ActwvEquai ij ( mMMMUHZ It's easier |h«n you think fo pay to* your coMeg* education work mg at Jiggles Eacetient money Hrnb‘<* hour* Call Nance* or BfOO* tor p*f •'a )44 699/ HELP N>ght work Jamfonai some maintenance and supervisory duties Alignment with naiu#ai lifestyle preferred 30 hour* or less weekly Resume* by Oct 30th to 86218 Blossom Eugene 97406 ?30 HOUSES FOR REWt NEW 4? bedroom house »n woodsy South Hilt* Drive by 1120 Brookside Dr U«M 1876 MM 199 600 Call 687 *702 rWi 464 4 733 2040 E mar aid (rear ) Contemporary roahouia with loft bedroom Fuaplaca 1385 includes utilities Y adult No pal* By appointment 6A6 i!30 Spyglass Assoc 735 APTS/DUPLEXES - Campus lurmshed Y bedroom $ 7V139* N pel* 4"- . 82) Campus A»aiiab»« Nov t 1460 484 1067 _ Furnished 1 bad* - ,T' apartment no pel* 1260 & 1280 plus deposit HI 4309 Condo 2 bdrm S Eugene Pool dec* *d rani 1560. 1st;ia*t/c»ean.ng Buy 139 900 484 0620 3466760 Large 1 bdrm apt close to campus Clean quiet compie* Camatoi Apis 18th and Aider o> call 484-4103 Lrg 1 8drm Close to Campus Sap behrentty targe walk in closet bd/lvgrm/util closet Spacious kitchen In a clean quiet complex Call 484 4103 GAEYSTONE TOWNHOUSE’S 211 Briarcl.H Newly remodeled two badroom town houses Close lo buslines* 1396 Call 888 3850 _ 29th & Willamette Attractive 1 bdrm apl Eicallant con dttton. convenient South location on busline & close to major shopping areas 2966 Willamette 1326 Call Jim. US 5361 Miaeaway mv> f ttth Great 3 bdrm apt clou lo campus fully appltanced private parsing covered **Ikway Call Jim lor appt M3 2271 or CUM. U&42M AM lor mon in bonus) Rad Maples 17 W Mlh Unique 1 bdrm apt Good location away from campus but close enough lo bike Quiet & convenient $365 1134719 Londontown •01 Coburg Ad Ouiei surroundings «i great location 2 bdrm apt with private pa iio/baitony $48*. Call Cbrte mt A wfcds M3464S 715 E. 16th Single room in large house |utf one b»ixk horn campus Call Chee for more inlorshowings 4*5*236 Student Plaza 945 E i*th Nice t bdrm apt less than 1 bis from UO Com op laundry on sile Off Street parking Only $360 6*3 4219 or Mike 344 4219 TYLER PARK QUADS 528 Tyler St large furnished quads with private bathes All utilities paid1 $245 Call _>431739_ CEDARWOOD QUADS 441 E 1716 Single rooms wdh shared common areas All UTILITIES PAID CLOSE TO CAMPUS' leases through 6/30791 $250 Can 344 9290 .~i= Net* queds dose to t«wpu* Large rooms 1220mo 1866 Marna #3 _34*3376_ Campus area quad 1196 plus deposit _MHO._ SUB LEASE QUAD to «»>•' .* • » from DO muiic school NICE 1239 Lease until end of June 345 3069 245 ROOMS Share 2 txJrm hoow w 1 person on 31 bu* (me in W Eugene Private entrance. deck 1300/mo includes utils 666 1013. 465 0362 ■I'lillK'DUMfi Dorm contract. 1 female Call Erika. 346 6730 DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE Call 346 6639 Andrea (leave message} 255 BOOWMUTES WANTED Female. Christian to share large comfortable home Campus dose microwave dishwasher new furniture many amenities 1165 1325 346-0991 Furnished room quiet grid student Kitchen laundry, utilities included 5 min to U of O near Hendricks Park Foreign students encouraged 1240/mo • 150 dep 344 9343 Ertrti - 255 ROOMMATES WANTED A gradual* student needs iom«on« lo •h*r* an inexpensive apartment in a quid building Please telephone 741 1403 tor more info To share 3 bdrm house m West SpnnQtield JPOOmo plus 130 utilities 747 6697 2to r£Al EStaYe - Quaint Artist s loft • 400 foot office Close to campus oft street parsing Cali 461-0005 HOt: Norman Meyers presents a lecture on the Global Environment Tuesday Oct.30 150 Columbia; 8 pm Sponsored by the Cultural Forum --e---1 EVENTS YOU CAN GET INVOLVED! TWO OPENINGS AVAILABLE ON UO BOOKSTORE BOARD OI DIRECTORS The UO Bookstore is searching for a graduate student and a faculty member to serve on the Board of Directors. GRADUATE POSITION; The pos.it.on is that of a student currently of graduate school standing For purpose of membership on the Board a graduate student must be fully accredited in the graduate school and must maintain a course load of not less than 9 units. The term of office will run until June 1991. FACULTY POSITION: The position is lhai of a teaching faculty (officer of instruction) For purpose of membership on the Board a faculty member must be a full-time professor, associate professor, assistant profes sor. or instructor employed as an officer of instruction on the Eugene campus The term of office will run until June 1991. UO Bookstore board members represent the student, faculty and staff of the University of Oregon, and have the opportunity to guide the Bookstore in policy matters Members attend monthly meetings, and receive a VX) stipend per month ALL APPLICANTS must pick up your application packet in the Administrative Office (at the rear of the second floor of the UO Bookstore) Applications for these two positions on the UO Bookstore Board will be taken until b. DO i',m„ I niltIk. November l. 1990. The Election Committee of the Board will screen all applicants and will select applicants for a personal interview. All applicants will be notified whether or not they have been selected for an interview For more information, please contact cither Jim Williams or Lisa Burkhart at 346-4331 UO BOOKSTORE 13th and Kincaid, M-F 7:30-6, Fri. 10-6, Ph. 346-4331 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU Thou about you, goop PUPPY? CARE FOR. C