POLITICS Dwyer support crosses party line By David McMechan Emerald Contributor Election Dav is less than two weeks away, and nobody in Springfield will wager who will repre sent District 42 in the Oregon Mouse of Represen tatives. A bet like that would he against the law lie sides. there is only one candidate in the race Hill Dwyer. Springfield's straight-talking Dem ocratic representative, is running unopposed for a third term. Even the Republican Party has en dorsed the sole candidate in his re-election ef forts. “There are 42,000 people in this district.” Dwyer said "And I try to represent the compos ite interest of the people " And although his support cuts across party lines. Dwyer said lie does not tailor his views to please people on either side of divisive issues. Dwyer calls property tax-limiting ballot Meas ure 5 a cheap device intended to give a tax break to the rich. "Measure f> is designed to force a state sales tax." lie said "Dig real estate investors and high BIOGRAPHY BUI Dwyer Candidacy: State represen tative. District 42 Party: Democrat Age: 56 Home: Springfield Occupation: Springfield an*n building contractor, painter Background: Statu representative. 1987-present rollers down in ('..diform,i have .1 lug slake in this, ami those people don’t t are ,d>oul the si hools here" Dwyer said he supports legislation that would allow for homestead lax exemptions, adding that he believes common nil property owners should Turn to DWYER. Page 6 Yen JIng Restaurant 1775 West 6th Eugene 484-6469 11:30-10:00 M-F. 4 30 10:00 Sat/Sun l/2 Price Dinner Buy 1 dinner and i|el 2nd of equal or lesser value for 1 s price (Sun Thun only) expires 11 10 ‘Hi Cantonese Dim Sum 10% off dine in only with coupon expires 1 I 10 00 eJC*' ft? First Hand Quality " ' Second Hand Prices BARGAIN HUT Furniture. TVs, Appliances. Household Items Usod Goods Bouahi \ Sold 10% Off Regularly Priced Merchandise w/ Student I D 148 N 14th Springfield. OR 974/7 Bur, 503 741 344 7 r REWARD^ §500oo ^ ^For The Best Costume at Our HALLOWEEN BASH Saturday, Oct. 27 t, Millcamp and KLCX * 2nd Prize: CD Player j • Mark & X-Ray from KLCX • Unbelievable Drink Specials • Music Starts at 9:00 • Prizes All Night Long Millcamp 215 Q Street (Just off I-105) 747-0577 ( .ill about out i ampuvto-t amp shuttlr CHILDREN’S SATURDAY 0, j SAT., OCT. 27 12-1PM AGES 3-8 UO BOOKSTORE Gin Boot Dipl M F 7 30 * 00 SAT100C400 13lh * *inc».d 34* 4331 We’d like to compliment you on your choice. Save now on select color Macintosh systems. Now tluough January 5, 1991, take advantageds|xml sa\ mg'when you Ixiv .1 Matintosh* 11m. Macintosh Ik i, or Mat iniosli lllx coni|xiter and an \pplc< olor ■ High Resolution K( ill Mi mitt »r' Vilxlher you «. hc* >se the new Mat mti>sh llsi. Apple s latest p iwertul. .itkirdable system ()r tlx Mat tnu>sh 11a. kn<>wn t< >r its high perilmnante anti expandability < )r the maxmuim-periomunce Macintosh lllx. w ith its virtually unlimited expandilxlitv *1 > >u’ll lx getting a system of lasting value \ol to mention special savings wixn you lxi\ wxir system with the AppleGilor High-Res>lutMHi K( *H Mimitor Hum in today ti »r a elim |ix>k at these Maeinti >sli II systems 1 > m II praise tix-ir \alue, and we ll compliment yre w ith spet ul \n mgs Ni > nutter which system you choose Microcomputer Support I.ah 202 Computing Center • 340-4402 Mnndu) -Frida* 9ain-5pm * ' • • • • *» * * *> ' 'I ^CW* '•*. 4/f* .V iff* '* 4«W w.. ■*- > {.Tm *\V* •. Vt** . - - . •*'%**» •-** - V '