Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS < H KWH \ 11 H M MOW B AT HKAT' App«»nng Oct 30. 0««dJtn« Oct 71 DON T MISS TMf FUN' To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 To LK Kirsten M I have not forgotten you Just remember the wait ia always worth it Unltl the day I unveil myself Love YPS TrlPheltsf? No secret ads yet7 Boo Moo1 Love. The Slatrmaster Y ou've come a long wa> bah>! i Happy Birthday Brian Vi hi Know ho' LK . K Karen P. The lime is drawing near It'S my lira! year I'm a blonde, blue eyed Sigma K And my boyfriend lives the other way1 Dove Love VPS_ LK Stephanie G My hair is blonde and my eyes are blue i m your pearl sis and I can t wait to meet you YPS i\ Doug A Get reedy tor your 316T Tonight at Vets Club L\ Dan B We need you tor Silver Spoons ' look alike as Rick Shroeder To Karen Happy Birthday you mermaid ot the Millrece' Smile* The Moner To my Lh Pearl Sit Thank you lor the door decor, it was so sweet'' ol you' Love. Karl R SAE s BAM Happy 1st year anniversary! Never have I had such a year full ot excitement adventures invention and yes the 4 lettered L word Thank God tor doorsteps Love. Your GV Cube_ KAO SUNRIVER Just Do It! PAUL M lunch’ FREE’ Wh»n’ Wlwii’ Gossip9 Drinks9 CALLtt Ku/y Planned Parenthood tor Pap smear*, infection checks birth control and counseling Days and evenings _ 34*t411_ PRIVATE HELP FROM FRIENDS Free Pregnancy Testing BIRTHRIGHT 667 8651 Robin M Hint There's many of me. But there's only ONE me Love, Your Pearl Sis UI'IIIl: To my little tit Ar»g«e Happy 21st bday' Get ready to rage tomorrow night and to get sloppy Too bad I can t |0>n you *n your Drunken state' love. YBS Julie ERICA! PUT ON YOUR BEANIE GIVE IT A WHIRL THEN PARTY LIKE A ROCK STAR! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, GIRL! THE B.S. r*B Saturday night II th« great pumpkin doesn't coma You will' HAPPY HALLOWEEN! \X A HEY, JENN IS 22! HAVE A GREAT BIRTHDAY WENCH! LOVE, TMAG t OUH HOOBY I m glad one of us is finally going lo bo ?1 and legal What a travesty' Love H P Waiter LK Jennifer Hughes I'm 1 In 10 and so ere you! Love, YPS IK Michele A l have blue eyes Ha Ha So does everyone else' Hint I am never on time YPS EX Mikki « I Violets are lavender A maroon Can you guess so soon? LK Monica Kowalski Clue Have you guessed yet or not7 I nave a funny name and I write a lot Now do you know7 Ldve YPS : K Sandy T 1 K My eyes are blue and I v« seen you' Love YPS~ LK Shan K I'm three above and lo the let! A I |ust want lo led you I think you're the best' Love YPS \XU Pumpkin carving was a blast wed night' G#t geared up tor a night of fright AI the Caretaker* Ban th«s Sat night' o\ HOI I 4 LAK'i Thanks for tost Friday night. Tha party ind band was out of sight ___Lof. K.1 __ __ CONGRATULATIONS Kyna Bacon Burgett on being tha first parson to correctly Ml out yesterday s crossword pu//»e Ba tha tost parson to bring tha soivad crossword po.'Jle to tha Oregon Daily Emerald Office Room MX,' £ MU after flam A w.n a FREE 00E T shirt A a l% credit for classified advertising' ' i Daryl, Happy b-day It will be 3 years tomorrow. Love you. Chubby U Thanks tor 4 terrific tattgafori Our dads had a great t«me' _OX_ AT Thanks tor the great prcntc before the Ducks game* Can't wait to do it again' Ih. i is TYPING SERVICES 344 4510 ftO* E 1 Jth A.* [The WORD SPECIALISTS! * (iiaduaic Vhool ApfMotrd * ► DluciUQoiu/lllotvPipcK * IBM ( ompattblc, l >nk ( onvet^m* * lasct pTintmg/T itaphk* * I diting/Kf'umc* CAROLYN_CiNOV • JO THE TYPING PRO Ml 6064 IBM A'.)R0 PHOCt SSINti P.OlTlNti PAPERS THESES DISSERT A TlONS Peggy * Typmg Service l ip«nen. ad typist offering «*% on IBM computer system and n J4J4.'M _ FREE MAC ORIENTATION Friday, October 26 1:00 pm-3:00 pm Room 17S Computing Center Basic Macintosh Operations lor beginners Leern Speed Reeding US Set 11/17 K)*m 4pm Innov Ed EMU HO 34* 4305 LEARN TO DANCE Swing* Ballroom* Latin Join than* tun upbaal cUi»**' Saturday* 12 10 2. Mon mt 0 45 • 15 p m 54 par coupia/1 *•* hr cia«* Location: Pacific Nautilus 189 W. 8th i ■ , • l . FOR SALE MISC i?i IHSTMdTIlffl - Man* Quality Bmi booklet #»plam* equipment and ingredients nMd») ptu* 3 easy recipes A bow »o mitiuctioat Sand 14 to Bra« Uniimil #d 9 0 Boi n«/i Eugene. OR a/440 ■ 30 FOB SALE Air Una Ticket to 5F lor Thanksgiving thurs morn Sailing at coat Call IWB JB39 excising machine ver> good I too ta>n cot etith mattress $66 Evaningi 6002110 daya MB 2730 For sale Conventional queen aaterhed $t?6 tain bed «'dra*er* 4 6 draper cheat $250. desk iJO couch, love-teat A ottoman $260 hrepiai »’ * heaMator a/tan IV) Wh> VU3 Girls Bike $25 683 6318 PORTLAND BOSTON One ««> ticket await t«r 11115 Must t*» mala »f interested >. art MB 82/1 ROUE RBI AOES' Soper condition, muat sell include* glove* knee pads StOO 345BB1/ Stannta itelu*e aluminum ea-.ei S Adjustable «» attant condition T4 e 4a to ns Buy 6r tRAOE - THE BUY A SELL CENTER Buy * Salt * T>ad« Musk at Instruments Stereo* Photographic Equipment 361 W. 5th .ram MUST SELL’ 12 Dodge Dart in perfect condition A great deal at $875 345 9220 MO WITH ENVY* That » ahat your friends aill tm ! when they see you driving around in I this 1*1// Peugeot 604 It s got every thing you need and »s priced to sal' j at $900 Call 4ht 0504/messay* FOR SALE MISC 164 W BruacJway Eugene, Oregon 97401 (S03) 34) 3627 C LIVING FUTONS & FRAMES Eurniihmgs * I ighiing * Posters * C’liKhing * Jewelry Stmt 63 Manta BX2 Beautiful reliable all option* Sharp copper 'ml rotor MJOO 342 <*0 2 Fit rono f iso XIT S speed air. ; AM F M lota mile* kept vary dean ; HO 300 obo 4Bft 0ftS2 (iv m#*a ) Sf t AT 400 E tith Ave_ tt2« Chevy Bawhill van Neeti IV) service '•cord! available $.2900 _B6MBJB. toil Aabbd Convertible new red pa»n| new white lop run* great FNretli F*6 * 14000 64*3 TW 032 232ft_ tffl Subaru OIF 2 door excellent condition mvde and out Almost nee tire* Very retina HttOO Call 484 26S“» evening* ' t«66 Subaru Ot. 4 VVD 62 000 miles AM FM tape Yafcama fla. fc * 2 tMke j **«t ups A must see SS00O or best 34S 2450 evenings 1966 Toyota truck e«cettent condition canopy sliding aimto* lowing passage custom bumper more Can 242 9231 6S Buy 'UHS good great transport.* lion S4SOobO Chris 464 4660 23 VW Bug Nice j' g.>->d transports tion now battery good toes good interior UKXVobo 66^2120 46 Toyota > a C*T 5 »p powt> everythmg e«tran 28 000 mites ttMOfrobo 345 1355 150 MOTOHCTCuS/SCUuItHS '84 Honda Aero 125 Runs excellent Helmet f«MWobo Oeve. 747 S093 1981 Monde Spin# SScc 11?Vobo M4 7437 194S Monde Aero 40 u-hng ! 2 helmets tied a-»5 tS2S 7?6 0610 10 ? or leave mes.vagr* 1946 Monde f ill* AO Rune greet1 Sleet it 139*. Mike 644 0297 1944 Monde title 40 Very **tl maintained lYWotxi 0*v* 144 6749 155 BICYCLE^ Race bike SIX tubing - ill *.«>*». group li»e» mile. As* mg |6S0 Celt II •• • • Specialized Mump jumper min tn*e eat client condition $S0O Celt evenings alter 6 30 pm Ten speed •"*•-.••. St hennn 140 light *«ight ZJ Irame ( all Ken tibermen 146 MX)? TRfcK 1? speed touring PC MFECT Con Uilton Mighty maintained A steel e! J ISO Tod<1 MS 7 7 Hi 1990 Gt * •< o 'em K? 70 !r.tmr Deore DA Ridden ,*0 mi 1S6D 484 S903 SiVobo WnmeiH 1H Huffy Omni 10 speed Top 5'upo new tubes regular tune ups Celt Cnee 641 V)46 Commodore 44 computer Zenith monitor Gemini 1f>« printer (oyatn * A ell cords 1200 ? deck t>oom t>>« a del At h speekers 140 .MS 4371 SALON .. bl A unique blend of (> % ! i. fr Kenra Finest Protessional Products Colour Weaves Spiral Perms Acrylic Nails French Tip Acrylics Etc... **Ask about getting FREE haircuts!! • style and quality • naming and product • service and expertise V precision and value Visit us to find out how pleasant the salon experience can be. 1611 Oak Street 342-1751 25% OFF FIRST VISIT 10% OFF returning visit with UO ID 2,000 4 frames \ . . . and 3,000 pairs of contacts, 3 optometrists and 26 staff members means fast service and a great selection, just one block from campus, in the Smith Family Building. Hours 8 am to 7 pm. Mon Fri Saturday 8 am to 5 pm Visa and Mastercard accepted rainbow optics 766 E 13th Ave Just one block from campus 343 3333