NATIONAL NEA compromise reached WASHINGTON (AP) The Senate decisively re jected a move Wednesday to slap tough new anti-ob scenity curbs on the National Endowment for the Arts and voted instead to penalize artists whose federal!) subsidized works are deemed obscene by the courts Ignoring charges by Sen. lease Helms. K-N ( that he endowment is linanc mg obscenity produced by siea/.eballs" at the taxpayers' expense, the Senate ap proved scrapping current restrictions on the kinds oi art eligible for federal support. On a 7.t-.i4 roll call, the Senate embraced a bi partisan compromise offered by Sen Orrin Hatch. K "tah. that \ mid require the endowment to recoup its noney from grant recipients who are subsequent!) convicted of violating obscenity or child pornography laws Continued from Page 8 The class went through a test run spring term 1990 and was so successful that two sections were added for fall term The classes are expected to In come permanent fixture in the curriculum guide. Gib son said. "The seminar gives students an in-depth knowl edge of rape, including the cultural aspects and how the campus climate is involved." said C'.inm Khrlich. a student teacher in one of the sections who -vas in vilived in developing the i ourse The courses few us on stranger and acquaintance rape, the aftermath of rape, crisis intervention and pre ventative measures We hope that through this knowledge the m dents can c reate a c hange." Khrlic h said l‘r >iect Saferid* also designed to prevent s abuse. is in ils fifth year of servin’ shuttling women around the campus area and from campus to off-cam pus destinations 1‘ublit safety was getting a lot of calls from worn ■i (anipus who needed rides — more calls than > ould handle." said Andrea Iliggens Kvanson. i ct >r if the project "University administration peri i ed i need to make safety for women on i ampin no i - ie " the two vans, one serving campus and one being "It < irnpus. are designed to provide females an alter t o ■(. to walking after dark \ lot of people think it's a stranger rape proven *i> ethod. but Saferide i .in prevent date rape also." os Kvanson said "If a woman's friends are gone i . e is too drunk to drive herself home, she can stay -.he's at and call Saferide it gives women the freedom and the mobility to •cork or pursue ail education at night." Ifiggens tnsnn said Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS (K'TOBKR ATTRACTIONS 1/2 PRICE PERSONALS! Dorm H.s In 10/1 I O/fv Greeks 10/8 10/12' lull Students 10/1S 10/19' BAT BEAT* Appereing Ocl 30 Deadline Ool .'9 50«/hn© (3 line min) $1 50/arl (in spooky ji an je ’) To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 ’05 PERSONALS A TU and 1 \ BlacMootWhitetoot/Brohenfoot Thanks for your help I sincerely tppff ■ate The cast anil he oM in 3 ■week* hrom the gtrl who rolled down the hill GREEKS Today is the day you've all been waiting for! Come join in on the fun j of the Dating Game. To j night at 7:00, tickets $1.50 at the door. Hope | to see you all there! 105 PERSONALS LK layne t Clue * 4 You* Sigma Kappa pearl ns fai> brunette and true One day you'll soon kno* Sne ll be good to you Love YPS CONGRATULATIONS Eric Home >n being the first person lo correctly fit. out yesterday'* crossarord puzzle Be the first person to brng the solved crosswo'd puzzle to ">e Oregon Daily Emerald Office Room ■. WO EMU after 8 am A «m a FREE | OOE T Shirt A a $5 credit for classified advertising' _L1 '*'nJ>?f **** please'I j jmm L*> klyson Not just your door not just the Moot later in the week there Mill t* Hey the lime na* 'malty come For you to turn it Don l be sad that yours is tele It stilt is a very important date' Happy Birthday to you who tikes to rap A tove from the girt who always rifles youF back! on your pinning Your brothers PS It's spotted FIJI folks* Love Your Pearl Srs rB BENJ CONGRATULATIONS FIJI Todd HH Elate ; iQifrHSbNiLS - Lh Jutia G -K Hi Ho Hi Hon This rHym* »t shortly ik»na. Vouf h»nl my hafo it Wan Disney Hi Ho Hi Ho S«X.f*?‘v V**4? Hop* you a»« H4vmQ a good W«at »0 »*»' • tan l wail | SHASTA «a» gr«*at with you as my data* Ouatlion gama anyona??* Th« Xt SMURF 105 5.K f-'ot Dablxa S l Qood tuck aha ay* I Lout, AfrhaWU I with a HOWL-O-WEEN MESSAGE m BAT BEAT only 50C per line Appearing Tuesday, October 30 in the Daily Emerald Classifieds Really scare your friends with art (in spooky orange) Deadline: Monday. October 29th PLACE YOUR I10WI.-0-WEEN MESSAGE AT: Room 300. EMU • UO Bookstore EMU Main Desk Open 9 p.m.- 5 i»h.»i * »< .m thomthi'i