COMMUNITY Measure 5 passage will change school funding By Brian Bloch Emerald Reporter Lane County Commissioners voted unanimously Wednesdav to oppose state Hal lot Measure 5, which asks voters to limit property taxes over the next five years. The measure rails for an amendment to the state consti tution limiting the govern ment’s ability to impose taxes and charges based on a proper tv's real market value. In addition. Measure f> would limit the amount of state tax revenue directed to schools on all levels and would require the state legislature to fund lost property tax revenue to the school system. Proponents of the measure want to limit property taxes on private homes, cut corporate tax exemptions and transfer the school funding burden away Commissioners vote unanimously to oppose from property tax revenue and onto the state legislature Don M< Inlire chief petition er for the Protect Oregon Prop erty Society, said the measure is a prudent, necessary step to removing the state school sys tem's total reliance on property ta\ revenues to cover operating costs. He said that by redut ing school's reliance on property tax revenue from $ 1 "> per St .000 of assessed property val ue to $5 over the next five years, the state school system will benefit from more stable, predictable funding from the states' general fund In addition. Mi Intire said long standing funding and levy problems stemming from in consistent property values in different districts will be elimi nated because all schools will !»' funded from an established general timd ••There in sjiecific informa tion in ihr measure that pro twits and even enham es si hool funding." Mi Intire saiil He also said that any loses in revenue due to lav redui lions during the measure's proposed i m p I e m entail o n peri o d (through fiscal vear luovuti) would he made up and even surpassed as the state s revenue increases eai h vear That, he said, will remove the ever-im reasmg tax burden off homeowners, fund si hoals more sei urely and utilize se cured funding for other stale programs with little or no re ductions "We have all these people whose power emanates from government saving their pro grams will suffer." Mclnlire said "That's itist not true The numliers don't support them The i ommissioners and rep resenlalives frnnt three countv idiot's disagreed. however, i ontending the measure would create drastu cuts in si hoots, law enforcement, mental health and other health and human servites if lame dounts voters pass the measure Nov t> "That's the attraction of Hal lot Measure 5. to pa\ less prop ert\ taxes." said l.ene dounts I) i s | r u t A11 o r n e > Doug llarcleroad "I’d love to pay less property taxes, hut the measure doesn't provide anv alternative funding sources to pax for other needed services Jim dangle. Director of the lame ('mints Department of As sessment and Taxation, said the measure would require real tor alum ol state hinds to si liool districts to cover tin i«> lie now commands the Community Polu my Di vision. which has developed a 5-vear plan for the bureau's future Clark said he hoped Potter would i on vert the entire bureau to communitv policing a strategy presumes that the citizen often has the best solution to neighborhood crime Judge suspended for polygamy l*OKTI.A\i) (AI'J A judge who a.l milled lieing married to two women at the same time was suspended Wednesday In the Oregon Supreme (lourl Multnomah (aiuntv District fudge Robert kirk man will lie suspended w ith pav effei five Monday pending .1 final decision In the court The Supreme (amrt at lion came at tor llic Ori'Ktxi Itulii Fitness (!om mission unanimousls rei nmmcnded hi* Im* removed from office for "pre mi'ilit.iti'd .mil < .lit iil.iliiiK i mist undue!." Till' Stipn*mi* < !nurl siiiil .1 hearing to (In.tdr llic matter probably will he i onihii led in (anuarv Possible sam lions range Iroin In remov « pn'mi^s for tii*l M,n,irc St mi cuts! $15.00 off Eye Exam i\ ith Student l.l5. C ard rainbow optics 7V%M 1 ith Aw .?P f rrv parking in b.u k ^4^- ' ' V' Hour* M I ham 'pm, xu Ham 'pm Of H K I XIMKI S h* 'I Eugene's westside neighborhood cafe, fea turing home baked breads and desserts. Mexican, vegetarian, and meat entrees Good food at a reasonable price Weekend Dinner Special— Friday & Saturday QUICHE LORRAINE Green Salad, Herbed Rice.$3.75 W 5th at Lawrence 7 a m to 9 p m Mon-Sat 7 a m to 2 p m Sundays Breakfast til 2 p m The story of a younger man and a bolder woman. mi nartBw mi docni Mmm iiiMMiw ‘Umit mmm mb sun nmm mrSIQIFPHBMM..VUGMSfll*-mWmMUM""lUIKIISUK • ■&■■■■ inmamsiiiDSE “hmm .umiim HiiK Now Playing In Select Areas, Coming October 26 To Theatres Everywhere.