POLITICS School' of MUSIC THIS WEEK at BEALL HALL: 961 E 18th Ave. p JAZZ ARRANGERS J)CONCERT v Student Ensembles Featuring the Oregon Jazz Ensemble, Jazz Quintet and Jazz Lab Band II. Thurr, Oct 25 8 pm. FREE Admission OLIVER LAKE, Jazz Saxophone Guest Artist Performing with the North west Creative Orchestra Frl., Oct 26 8 p.m. $8 General Admission $4 S.udents / Seniors Free Mac ter Class Oct. 26 4 pm Room 198 Free Minority Youth Program Oct. 27 4 pm Room 198 For more information, call 346-3761 (Music School) Candidates differ on views of country’s future District 4 race not expected to be very close | By Rene DeCair Emerald Reporter Incumbent Demin r.rl I’eter Delazio and Ins Libertarian challenger. Tonic Nathan, have radii ally different philosophies and goals for the country's future if they are elected to the l1 S Mouse seat in District -I Although they share some common ground on the issue of abortion, it is i Icar that they do not agree on much else ir) their race for Distrirl 4. which spans from north of Eugene to Hrookings on the south ern ()regnu coast "We Libertarians say we re pro-choice on everything." Nathan said Although Nathan is opposed to legisla tion that would ban abortions or require parental notification lieforc a minor could have an abortion, site said she docs not support state-funded abortions Taxpayers should not pay "lor what other people lx* lieve is murder." she said Nathan said she looks to advam ing te< h oology to support her positions With new tei hnologv. fetuses arc able to lie implant ed ill >i "host" and preserved for other pen pie who want children Hei ause of this she believes it is not economically wist* to de stroy fetuses "The idea of destroying something that is marketable is sills if there's ,* sun mcMismiaAumt a, mu 1W- \mm Ao*! SMS SIS 95_ SMS S(595 SMS S/595 SMS 5/5 >5 SMS S/5 95 >f 00 tatr M I ihni S/S01ImSat* w 57 30 Oi^sww )* /»>! <» S / Jd «#5 J»! 4iv* J twrtta /» «ia/' -vtj&i Sana iftati of "anai war *o oimiutoi onion JJ] S sir* S! Swit / ?? t«> Of 9 W i Restaurant UNDER 21? You Cun Still Enjoy Guido's Great Food & Great Atmosphere!I Vi lb. Char-Broiled Hamburger $2.75 (5:00 p ni.-Clufctf) • Delicious, Affordable Food!! • Excellent Atmosphere!! ALSO Eugene’s Best Dancing Every Wed., Fri. & Sat. (10:00 p.m.-i'tose) 13th & Alder On Campus 343-0681