UNIVERSITY Power outage disrupts University By Peter Cogswell Emerald Associate Editor A contractor who accidental ly dug into an underground electric cable cut off power to the University for approximate ly 90 minutes Wednesday after noon. The contractor dug into the cable near the Physical Plant across franklin Boulevard, said Tom Santee of the Eugene Wa ter and Electric Board. The ca ble was owned by EWEB. The power went out around 1 j.m. ami came back on at about 1:20 pm. Santcr said Santee noted that there are ilternative sources for power nto the University, imt because he break occurred so close to he Physical Plant, it caused problems to the main switches into the University "It took some work to get the switches flipped," Santee said The outage would not have lasted so long had it not affect ixi University equipment. San tee added. The contractor will he held responsible for the damage. A rumored fire in the base ment of Oregon Mall turned out to In- nothing hut smoke odor from a generator in the base ment of the structure starting up again when power returned to the building No injuries were reported and no reports of major damage to si ience experiments have yet been received. University offi cials said. Damages to the University's computing system were not known at press time Pro-choice students to hold rally MEETINGS The Incidental Fee Committee meets at 7 p m. in the EMU Board Room. The agenda in cludes IFC internal business and spei ial re quests for funding Students Against Apartheid meets in EMU Cedar Room E at r»:30 p.m. OSPIRG's recycling group meeting is set at r>::tl» p.m. in Room 107 Esslinger Hall Call 340-4377 for details. Et als Kahai Campus Association meets at r> to p in. at the Bahai fainter. I45H Alder St The Japanese Exchange and Teaching Program will hold an informational meeting in the EMC Ben Cinder Room from 1! to t 10 p.m. Call 340 3206 for more information SPEAKERS AND EVENTS A Marijuana/Hemp legalization rally sponsored hy Students tor the Oregon Marijua na Initiative, will lie held from 4 to to t> to p.m outside the Federal Building. Seventh Avenue and Pearl Street l or more information i all 485-3579 A pro-choice rally with Bill and Karen Bell, parents of a teen-age women who died from an apparent hack alley abortion will he held at 11 30 a m in the EMC Courtyard If it rains the rally will move to the EMI Walnut Room The event is sponsored by Students for Choice. Call 083-0809 for more information Investigative reporter |ohn Lindsey will give a video presentation on investigative sto rytelling in Room 140 Straub Hall from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. The event is sponsored by Society of Professional Journalists. For details call 485-4761 Circle K International will feature speak ers |ane Degidoo and Sheila Stickel at 6:30 p m in EMC Cedar Room C Call 485-2980 or 345-7154 for more information Michael K. Lynch, .issislant sm mlogv pro fessor at Boston University, will speak at I p.m. in Room 330 5087 lor information MISCELLANEOUS CD-ROM tutorials at the reference depart merit of Knight Library • ERIC (education) will be at U a in • Sot ml St lent es Index w ill he at 2 It) p 111 • Reader's Cuide will lie on Eriday at HI It) a in Call Sara Brownmiller at Uti 230H lor more information. The Wesley Center 12 lit Kincaid St is hosting a Bible study Oil the Cospel of Luke at noon Call 340 4094 for more information “Rap With the Rabbi. " an open hour dis cussion group, will he at -t p m in the llillel of fit e at the Koinonia Center, 14 14 Kim aid St “Applying to MBA Programs" is the title of a workshop being offered at i ID p in in Room 11>4 Oregon Mall by Academtt Advising and Student Services Call .141.-121 I Internship Options Workshop will be (rum 3:110 to 4 it) p.m. in Room 100 llendrit ks Mall Call Career Planning and Placement at 340-3235 for more information Time management workshop will he of fered at 5:30 p.m. in Room 214 Allen Mall The workshop is sponsored by Publit Relation Student Society of America. Women In Transition's young women's support group will be from f> to 7:30 p.m. in EMU Cedar Room B Call 346-4099 or 346-4095 for more information THURSDAY, OCT. 25 7 P.M. SKI EXPO 8 P.M. MOVIE TICKETS $5.00 i i SOUTH EUGENE HIGH AUDITORIUM OREGON BUNGEE MASTERS __ Alpine Import Service - VOLVO Owners FREE SAFETY INSPECTION *1095 Oil Change includes nil and filler 4 cylinders only YOUR VOLVO 12th & Main. Springfield 726-1808 Muaiqua Gourmet Catering to the Discriminating Colleclor CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED CLASSICAL MUSIC A OPERA ON COMPACT DISC A CASSETTE CD's FROM S5.95 TAPES FROM $2 95 In the Fifthpeart Building 207 E olh Avenue OPEN 7 QMS • Fnbt U**» ? 3C Stifl Ii-E 343-9000 U ol 0 Survival Center and Eugene PeaceworKs presents Trojan radiation linked to increased mortality in Oregon Today, Oct. 25 2:30-4:00pm Fir Room Lecture by Dr Jay Gould. Ph D, author ol "Deadly deceit Low level radiation, high level cover up” s Also Lloyd Don't Waste Oregon Committee Measure 4 FACULTY MEMBERS & GRADUATE STUDENTS YOU HAVE A CHANCE MAKE A DIFFERENCE! The UO Bookstore is looking for you to fill an important position on the Board of Directors. GRADUATE POSITION: The position is that ot a student currently of graduate school standing For purpose of membership on the Board a graduate student must be fully accredited in the graduate school and must maintain a course load of not less that 9 units The term of office will run until June 1991. FACULTY POSITION: The position ts that of a teaching faculty (officer of instruction) For purpose of membership on the Board a faculty member must bo a lull time professor, associate professor, assistant professor, or instructor employed as an officer of instruction on the Eugene campus The term of office will run until June 1991 UO Bookstore board members represent the student, faculty and staff of the University of Oregon, and have the opportunity to guide the bookstore in policy matters Members attend monthly meetings, and receive a $3t> stipend per month Al.I. APPLICANTS must pick up your application packet in the Administrative Office (at the rear of the second floor of the UO Bookstore). Applications for these two positions on the UO Bookstore Board will be taken until 6 ;U0 t>,»t,. I'nituy. November 2. 1990, The Election Committee of the Board will screen all applicants and will select applicants tor a personal inter view All applicants will be notifies! whether or not they have been selected for an interview For more information, please contact either Jim W ilhams or Lisa Burkhart at 546-4331 Hai>e A Saif In The Future Of Your Bookstore! I 1 Vh jnd Km.JlJ M l 7 lot, Sjl 10-*, I’h