COMMUNITY Sacred Heart upgrades emergency room care Trauma care center listed among the state’s best By Don Peters Emerald Associate Edao' The image of .111 emergent \ room is one of < onstant drama Seen on countless television shows and in movies, the emer gency rtMitn lias liet nine .1 ( e where debtors and nurses en gage in a continuous struggle to save lives in the real world, it's not quite that vva\ Trauma cane to lie sure, has some of those qual ities hut the business of saving lives is often routine and high Iv organized. Sacred Heart (amend llospi tal in Kugene is one of the most respected trauma care centers in Oregon, a reputation gained largely b\ people like Tim I lerrmunn R N and Hr Phil Johnson Thr two art' opposite sutes of the same coin Herrmann. 12. is the trauma nurse coordina tor. the administration side of the emergent v room Johnson. -4H. is one of nine Sacred Heart entergencv room doctor Herrmann came to hugene a \c ar ago from Queen's Medic al Center in Honolulu. Hawaii He was given the job of organizing Sacred Heart's emergency room "We wanted to standardize our svstem he said "We wanted to find the liest wavs to get the host outcome We were verv fortunate to have all the resources in place so we or ganized and streamlined things In 1985, the Oregon legisla tore passed a hill rec|uinng a state wide trauma svstem Smu* then. many hospitals —in eluding Sacred Heart-have un dergone renovations and up grades of their emergency rooms. "We increased the amount of built-in training, Herrmann said, adding that the "stream lining" has paid off resulting in a Level 2 categorization for the Sacred Heart emergency room Only Oregon Health Si i ernes University and Emman uel Hospital both in Portland, are ranked higher Herrmann said Sa< red Heart will pruhahlv never get a Level t rating liecause it la< ks the spiiti ior .in active research fa i lilts and doesn't have the vol ume to justify a 24-hour, on site emergency room surgeon "The level of care is the same (between Level I and Level You can say many tilings about Macintosh. But "I can't afford it” is no longer one of them. You can lalk about how simple the Apple' Macintosh* computer is to use Or how it can think the w .is v LAYOUT • DISIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • DESIGN • CONSULTATION • LAYOUT • *• •- - 346-4381