Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 24, 1990, Page 9, Image 9

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Holbo, Jolin run for Senate seat
By Travis Bishop
Emerald Contributor
At first glance, there doesn't seem to l>« much
difference between Peg Jolin and Paul llolbo. the
two candidates running for slate Senate District
22. Hut take another look.
Oregon's dilemma of how to reduce local prop
erty taxes without sinking the state's public
school system has proven to be a dividing line be
tween the two candidates And beyond that, the
Democrat and Republican take opposite sides on
abortion in a twist on traditional party stances
(olln, a former four-term legislator in the House
and now the incumbent Democrati< senator, op
poses abortion and supports Ballot Measure 10.
which would require doctors to notify a parent
before performing an abortion on a minor
Republican llolbo, .1 University vice provost
since 1082. opposes Measure 10 and Measure 8.
which would outlaw abortion except in cases of
rape or incest or when a woman's life was endan
The candidates' positions on measures H and
10 have become central in their race in Distrut
22. which stretches south of Eugene from
Oakridge to Reedsport
Holbo is quick to call attention to the differ
ences that abortion points up between the two
candidates and calls the issue an 'extremely im
portant" aspect of his race against Jolin
"Peg )olin is probably the most ardent pro-life
enthusiast, at least among Democrats, in the Sen
ate." he said.
Jolin says that although she is anti-abortion,
she supports only one of the two abortion meas
ores on the ballot. "I do not support Measure H."
she said. "It's a bad measure. It would be unen
forceable. and I think it would be thrown out by
the courts."
Aside from abortion, property tax relief and
school funding have become issues in their cam
paigns. Even though they share some common
ground in this area. Holbo and Jolin have differ
ent solutions for the state's si bool finance prob
Both candidates agree that Ballot Measure f>.
which would limit property taxes that provide
funding for schools and government operations,
is not the answer to Oregon’s problems
But as a response to what he calls "strong anti
tax sentiment" among many voters in his district.
Holbo has put forth a proposal that would in
crease the state's support for public si bools by -
percent to :t percent.
Paul Holbo
Candidacy: Stale Senate
Distrii I 21
I’artv: Kepultlii an
Age: i> I
Hume: Kugeno
Od u|iation: I !nivetsil\ s
x 11 e provost tm .a ademii
It.u -kxrminri: Asst* i.iir .1 tit I .11 Iiiik tlran 1
ul l,tlxtiitl Arts .ii iht- I'uivirrMtv. I'lro-rt
.mil M \ I'muTMli ul <‘1» 11.1 * I' \
I nixfisili
I'll I)
N alt*
Peg Jolin
Candida!\: Stall' Si-n.ilr
Dislrn I 22
Party: IVmm rat
Aric lit
llmm1 londun Springs
Oiiupation: si,iir ■fiialiii
Distrii I 22
nai k^rouml: Sl.iit* srn«m>t I'wl pirsrnl.
slal<‘ r»‘|»rvscnlaliv c I'lKIl Itr lirsl uum.m cht I
rd I iitiisi* imitorth \vhi|> I'lHI .i|>|>oiitli'd Id
\\cslt*m limiii il nt Mali (.o\ i'inmciils 1"tn
liinni'i In ink ki-i ■ | >i 'i .mil umid iirutlm is wurkci
"Thi* state furult'd 10 pert cut of the ( ost of our
schools in I07H." hr s,nii "In 1000 that figure
has gone down to 2t> percent
By increasing state funding for schools, flolho
thinks Oregon t mild buy itself some time to < nine
up with a workable tux program
However. Jolin says she is not for using on one
particular cure for the funding problem
"There are only three resources that can signit
icantly reduce the current burden on property
lax." she said Those options are a sales tax a
gross receipts tax, whir h would put a sales tax on
retail business; or a progressive income tax that
would "take a bigger bite out of the wealthy.”
she said
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