ARTS Theatre season begins Friday with Bum This Play by Lanford Wilson about life, love By Ming Rodrigues Emerald Reporter The intrigues of life, love and relationships set the mood for Hum This, a contemporary dra ilia set in New York City open ing the University Theatre's second season at the Kobinson Theatre this Friday. "The key to this play is pas sion," said director Andrew Longoria, a University theater arts graduate student. "You are not always able to decide who to love even when you know who you should love " A recent play by Pulitzer Prize winning American play wright I.anford Wilson. Hurn This deals with passion in rela tionships. The plot revolves around four people (one wom an and three men) in New York City coming to grips with the death of a mutual friend In the process, their lives are irrevoca bly entwined. The woman. Anna, has a pas sionless romance with one man. Burton. She is deeply shaken by the appearance of Pale, the mysterious brother of the deceased who arrives to set tle his sibling's affairs. Ijinforil \\ ilson's other plays include Fifth at luly ami l’.ilt\ '< loll ns a Pulitzer Prize win ning play "Kac.h nl the plays I haye di reeled at the I'niversilv were seltH led in order to present me with a spei itic direr ting chat lenge. and tins is also true ol Hurn This," said Longoria w ho directed Ghost on Firr and \liro in Wonderland for the I 'Diversity, Theatre "The play deals with phvsi cal passion that's rarely dealt with in drama." he said "(let ting a group ol undergraduates to ai t intimate with one anoth er is a delit ate thing Hunt This is Longoria's first produr tion in the Robinson Theatre lor the first time in three years, a I'niversilv stu dent is directing a play at the theater In addition. Hurn This will play in repertory with Richard Green's Fastern Standard, an other contemporary play set in New York Gity to open next week The performance starts at H pin Additional performances will be on Oct. 27; Nov ‘I, to. 15 and 20; and Dec. 1 Curtain Photo kt Wn Pmlun T/mi Trulhiere and Hr,id Goodman slur in the l 'niversify Theatre production of Burn Thin, opening Triday at Robinson Theatre. tiini* for 1.15 + Deposit Budweiser Beer Full Case — 12 oz. cans $9.99 ♦ Deposit Lays Potato Chips 99C Pkg. Gold 'n Soft Margarine 88C Tub Ozark Micro Popcorn 2/99C Ashbrook Pies 3/99C 32 oz. Fountain Soda* 25C Oct. 24-28 49C Oct. 29-Nov. 4 Butterfinger, Baby Ruth Nestle's Candy Bar 3/99C ENTER TO WIN GREAT PRIZES AT OUR 30 LOCATIONS ALBANY HU Clover Rjdttr R«i 100 V\. (Juren \w. CBSMRK Hi^mA M> CORVAUJS lbil NW **th V>00 Phikmulh Bhti. ■MO SVV VV-4 iff;'; mw c,'m« CRESWBJ. 115 frtml CROW DARI MART EUGENE 111 Moor or 1225 Dnruld 1495 Him 17th & HiK.inl Ulh & HiKjrd 1715 W. IH»h HOO ‘WS 24i‘» Hihani 1 ISO I ii A* ri- I )i. 851 W. 2Hth 4<>‘*0 Avf. 4‘tji B.irxii l)r 111 ( i4hiix Rci HARRISBURG U'. S. Ird. JUNCTION CITY H7". Iv> MONROC l M) S. »lh (liwnM-rh C \UrVi-t} SPRINGFIELD 42«> 1 ‘slut Kiwi r»»4 M" SI. Ii4 t K.until m tan i "-lin I'WI 11.Iflo\% Kn.ul / heard it through the grapevine. Advertise today! In the Emerald Classifieds j