LETTERS * ( Regurgitated Peter Cogswell's artic le on the recently constructed pri mate facility in Streisinger Hall [ODE. Oct. 1H) was nothing more than administrative rheto ric consumed and regurgitated accordingly by yet another na ive Emerald reporter, much to the satisfaction of the white men in johnson Hall. Exhibit A: The reason for the story was '‘John Mosley, vice president for research, dec idl'd it would be appropriate for peo ple to see. however, only a select group (mostly press) was allowed to view the facility Students for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, "those concerned about the treatment of researc h animals on cam pus." were prohibited from the guided tour, contrary to one photo c aption, and have consis tently been denied access to the building. Exhibit B: Dr Jack Vandorlip. director of animal care, stated the eating and drinking habits of the captive monkeys were normal, yet he failed to mention that water de privation is integral to Dr Marrocco's work (honest mis take). Finally, exhibit C Are we. as educated (hopefully) students to believe that these otherwise social creatures denied their natural instincts and manipu lated with electrodes and wires — are actually "happy” in their steel cages simply because the administration says so? Think about it. Todd Hausman SETA Fish story I thought that the cafeteria in the EMU Eishbowl was sup posed to i>e for students The prices are just as high or higher than the little conve nient stores surrounding the campus I find it truly amazing that on a student's budget we would have to pay such high prices. Brett lohnson Psychology LETTERS POLICY_ < The Oregon Daily Emerald will attempt to print all i letters containing comments on topics of interest to the University community. Comments must be factually accurate and refrain from personal attacks on the char acter of others. KRS-1 trying to change bad rap By Carrie Dennett Emerald Reporter KKS-1. a rap artist trying to change the negative image of rap while confronting drugs, corruption, hypocrisy and AIDS, will speak tonight as the concluding event of the ASUO Fall Symposium. KKS-1. real name Kris Park er. will speak in the HMD Ball room at H p in . as part of his Northwest lecture tour. Parker is a self-proclaimed street poet who talks direr tlv and intelli gently through his muse and let tores about the problems fat ing minoritv vouth Parker. Jd. has laced some of these problems himself He ran away from home at 1 I and spent si\ years on the streets nl New York, moving in and out r i i i MAKE MONEY to A /VH. .Ay, Vt >*«/ H*nJ ( .aMnij' Mi BUY. TKAUF. | « CONSIGN I (|li.llit v < lolhllltj >I1«M In J VI> nlil • » hi mi illt'H l in Mill il I l< .IIIIMl} mil ' I v miii i Ium In 1 »i jusl i milt Imumv I | llnmi(|li mu iitmjtti simp f I ( .ill Morning* lor Appl. I I 344 7039 ’ SAVE MONEY j 10 6 *1un.