Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place. Cancel or Qi|£ AO AO Correct your ad call: w^rO'^fO^TO masarr.:i Compulw stud* table 6 • 2 boo* lodge •n back desk bookcase* elec Ironic typewriter 14 7 9427 Eiercising machine .«•*, „ • S’ * twin col with mattress 165 Evenings 6862119 dejr*3462739 For tala < • -•■ .*'••’ • net c;.,*.*' w at orbed 1125 Iwm bad w/d'awer* 5 5 drawer chest 1250. desk 130 couch loveseat & ottoman 1250 hrapiace wmaatiiator w/»an 150 689 5343 Rowing machine Gat Ml *h#pe 160 otoo J44lf423 Thank* to* Reading our Classifieds* Cut out this ad an ’ .. 4i Sweat 63 Mazda RK7 BaaulfM reliable all option* Sharp copper rad Colo* 14900 can 34? t5t/_ 69 r ORO E 150 XIT 5 spaed air AW IM low mile* kept wary clean 110 30Ckobo 465 0652 (lw me**) SEE AT 460 E 16th Ave_ 1961 Subaru GIF condition .05x1* and out Almost new liras Vary reliable 11600 Call 464 2655 evening* 1966 Subaru GL * j AM IM tape Vafcama Rack w'2 bike j sal ups A must see 15000 or best 345 7450 evening* 1966 Toyota truck - • ■ * canopy sliding window towing package custom bumper more Call _ 747 9731 _ 66 VW BUG - »n root mag* 20K on fbll engine new It a.i LOOKS SHAHi •, ■ . . « . ■ . 66 Toyota < , . *«•< everything e.Kas 26 000 mile* u- nv 66 Cadillac Cimmeron bra* .10 000 mile* liOOOO-obo 726 6464 or 7?6 1606 tatter 5 pm) MLttfflSHi'I'lili: 1964 Honda Sproa 5See S3?Vobo 344 7637 »9BS Honda Aero SO >odmg basket holmets tiedowns |'»?h 726 0&30 between 10? Of leave message 1966 Honda Etila 80 V©f» well maintained v • 78 Honda ( B7N0f *>' >- •»{)«*■ .» sped fctl runs great only 1750 00 Call Dean M6 2671 88 Honda SPRI i •ndrtron t?»Cvobo i»* U4 3666 iss BICYCLES Al knetler custom bicycle rollers $100 686 ?664 <*-.► ' - Kip Kace bthe SIX • ; M«. group low miles Asking 1660 Call Scott eves 667 i7jl Specialized stv,<■ » mt > t>»fce e in alien t condition $600 Call Ovortmgs alter 6 M> Ten speed mens Si h* 140 light weight ?3 frame Can Ken Liberman 346 SOO? mMUKfflnnBfflnre NEC Spinemter * cutsbeel feeder OOOfobo 144 0438 Compaq Pc*l»t>ie Ply* 10 meg HDD 3 5 770* K V* 360* '»m »uHy !0M compeitple Brother NlO prmte* included Comp let* pec fcage 1V3Q Cell 146 9979 Computer Systems West XT ?m 1B&SX System* include DOS 1749 00 1949 00 f U99 00 1MB RAM ?OM8 HD monochrome momtor Studenf ID «rW receive 5% discount 342-4153 IBM personal compute*. 64OK color monitor 1500 worth o* so tt ware fNOOoOo Cell 668 7916*68 9453 MACINTOSH MEMORY 1 mp 189 ? mb f 130 4 mt> 17*6 F ree installation Memory Duact 143 2641 71 MB m»m*crthe herd drive » controller 5 cet 1175 Cell 346 9979 i 70 SOUND - DEMO SALE Everything in our Audio/Video dept is marked down at least 10% off of last weeks sale price! Full warran ties still intact! E a ample* Aiwa We*man 179 95 Technic* A/V Receive* 1719 95 Sony CD Portable 1799 95 I Pioneer Car CO 1379 95 —UOBookstore^ oi non co Player DC0*00 » remote high (Mttormanet program In perfect condition llft&obo Kenwood cv DRC J100 Aulotertrse tape search AM f M *'5 preset*. crystal display In good C < >m).! .cvn 1100*O bO Cat I \44 1 99 * Kin«ood horn* stereo components CO player * »»mole 1125 am » M tun er ntey flOO Both » 1200 * t Two 12' JBI < • . woofers with bo* 1725 00 NaKarmchr EC 700 crossover 1175 00 Sony *R 40 d*c> ifto oo Scon 6*3*1119 \kmmm.z Vou can loll a lot About p#opt« by what they ***' Acid to you* character at Bing Cherry Palace 62 W 13th Halloween is Happening! ; Costume* • Hats • Accessories OLD FRIENDS 1022 Willanwtl* j Great selection ot vintage ar>d mod ' ! nfn ctotbmg to# men end women ! ! Open 7 days a * *«•* m beauidu' : • yoo'tflirr' Save 1400 i)ne way l ugene to Sn>u* C-ty Iowa No» 7tn Dep Eugene 2 V.) pm Arrives Stou* City 9 56 pm Fe mete only 1^20 997 2180.997 3144 1 R/T Air, Eugene SI 0 leave 1 Mi return 1111 1239 Call Frank or Tim 345 4411 ?i5 OPPORTUNITIES Attractive college educated male -■ mfe'esied in associating *■■ attractive collegiate women who appreciate* older men Our goal* wealth pleasure security Group at 1ai»» possible YOU re 19 45 Ron PO Bo* 24651 Eugene 9/402__. Iron Systems Computer Dealerships now avertable «n your area No I inventory investment Call lot your I j complete brochure on a Tron [ Systems Dealership 503 826 6393 _J OPPORTUNITIES - Apply lot a FREE VISA tw Am*'n«n E > pr*»y card andlafc* oil *.m a TWA |n tha Emerald ottic* Suita >00 EMU between A am and 5 pm daily Application deadline Nov 2 at b pm AA. EOC \uwsu\m 29th & Willamette Attract')* 1 bdrm apt f con ddron convan.ent Soulh location on t*u»lme K close to maior shopping araas 29S6 Willamette 132S Call Jim 4*S S3S1 Hideaway 71SW E 16th Great 3 bdrm apt close to campus Fully apphanced private parking uwfkJ «aik*ay Call Jim tor appt M3 227' cm ChM 46S6236 Aik lor move «n bonus' Red Maples • 7 W 16th Umque 1 bdrm apt Good location .«*.«! from ampul Put dost* enough !v> bike Qub**cony i4Rfi Call Chos im 4 wfcdt. M3 464S 715 E. 16th Single room »n targe house just one : block iiorn campus Call Chae lor mo»* mlo/*howmg» 4«S 6236 Student Plaza 94S E 191b Nica 1 bdrm apt Less than 1 bis fiom UO Com op laundry on site OH sfoet parking Only V.kbO 663 4219 or Mika 344 4219 & Jennings Co 488 E. 11th Ave, 1.88-2271 Adaptive Camping Director T« or mo Pnvata bath share Kitchen 343 9013 aarly morning eves or nights SUB LEASE QUAD I from UO music school NICE $239 lease until and of Juna 346 3669 SB.. CHELSEA House co op 1851 Ony* Si Winter Spring larmt 343 2674 250 DORM CONTRACTS Dorm Contract fo* sale anywhere >n housing system Call Ken 343 1964 EVENTS 250 DORM CONTRACT FOR SALE Cali 346 6639 Andrea (leave message) 255 ROORMATtS WONTED A gradual* atud*nt need* someone to share an m*»p*nsive apartment in a quiet building Please telephone 741 1403 for more Info Condo to ahar* P'>vdU> t-aH' -• unif pool Jacuzzi tennis $275rmo plus ultl 686 2937 days 4&4 2790 eves Dennis Fomili. Christian to share large comfortable home Campus close microwave dishwasher new furniture many amenities $1651326 3450991 Seeking neat, non smoking female roommate until end of term 5 blocks from UO $170 3*4 9962 260 Rim esTsTe - Quaint Artist s loft • 400 foot office Close to campus, off street parking Call 461 0605 275 MEETINGS - JET Japan Eichang* Teaching Program Information Meeting Thur., Oct. 25,1990 2:00 • 3:30 pm Ben Linder room, EMU 1 EVENTS TONIGHT EMU BALLROOM OPN KRS-ONE is a leading voice in rap, founder of the Stop The Violence Movement. Kris rallies against Eurocentricity, America’s obsession with read meat, the tyranny of material possessions, the myths of American history, and the scourge of AIDS among many other topics. I ^ Zasuo Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU HE Y, BUTTS/. KM KM COULD coop you6tnm me1 kxu 9KXISINT0H&& T (JXHDU* TK- PtNTAOOJ'b OOT NOT"’ LOOK &6ULA UOHS Ar jutst' T^^y^AGAlNeT H/hAT ARE THEY? LETTERS! FROM BRAVE SERVICEMEN ANP SERVICE r- CALS HERE B/>V «WE ^'PtAR PH/UPM0M/5 ■ ^ hup1 w canteer smokes I ON THC FRONT UNCO1 IF ue i DON'T eeTA 5MPMCNT j 500N, m M/OHT AueeoMe... ecCOM£." / "NON SMOK&tS'^ *516NSP. DESKEW 1, cjOMt#JHtJt£IN\ themtdeagtA \U£ HAVEN'T \ftaMvmi | [ THAT M0VIN6 SINCE THE CIVIL MR '. If you’re tired of Movie Theater Shakedown... & DELIVERY DOLLAR DAYS Every Mon.. Tues., and Wednesday Thru Oct 31 342-4972 19th & Agate