Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS (KTOBK.R ATTRACTIONS 1/2 PRICE PERSONALS! Dorm Residents 10/1 10/5' QrpeKs 10/8 10/12* Int't Students 10/15 10/19' BAT BEAT! Appearing Ocl 30 Deadline Oct ?9 50c/llne (3 line min) 51 50/art (in spooky oranQe') To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 105 PERSONALS __ _ Congratulations Trish and Bob! What alia can ba said but that it was incredible! Thank you tor •haring it with all of us! Good luck always! I ova. ___ Alpha Phi xti kF~ figi Thanks all of you for a graat hat bash Saturday1 lot's gat togathar again!! A* IK JENNIFER P Clua 92 I'm also patita but. I'm not your first thought Oova lova. YPS SWEETIE PEETIE It s l D day’ Thanks for standing by your WO man for ? entire years I love you like CRAAAAZY* l.M Xti ‘ lea-' and Michelle Sorry your personals were delayed Past the deadline we have strayed But little sis don't feel betrayed Some say our minds we have mislayed _lova. YBS's _ Tina D My hair is brown My eyes are blue You're my Pearl sis And I can t wait to meet you ___ Kristan S My eyes are Blue I can t wait to meet you Can you guess who’’ _lova. YBS_ riB* Congratulations to Elaine 0 on nor long awaited pinning to Todd FIGl It was well worth the wait! lova. your sisters rsmiffiniF 1X9 ‘-S ItackfOOtWhifefOOf was *v*ri han eipected Thanh* tor IT'# .erenade Boys' Thanh* everyone f©r a real !im* ice »h*tmg' Definitely a r edition *orth carrying on' love Gamma Phi Bet* _ CONGRATULATIONS John McMahon on being the firth* person to correctly fill out yesterday s crossword pu.vi# Be the first person to bring the solved crossword puzzle to the Oregon Daily Emerald Office Room 300 EMU after 8 am A win a FREE OOE T shirt A a tS credit tor classified advertising* O win per week please') The juice and doughnuts were great* Let's do it again at a later date* Thanks for the funf _A4_ 1*11. A Til, UN hanks so much for last weeks activities We're looking forward to mother BlacktooUWhitetool Bash neat ear! Love^Alpha Chi ________ GREEKS Do you know what tomorrow is? It's the AXit Dating Game. Showtime is 7:00 and tickets are only $1.50 at the door. So, come and support the contes tants... you may even find your match!! _ 105 PERSONALS KL would like to present the tall ’90 pledge class: Jon l Nathan M Chad O Ryan A Dylan B John B Chuck C John C Mike 0 Jenmy K Paige l Notan R Scott R B»»an S David S Rotwrl Jason Andy C CONOR A TUI A T IONS F ROM THE BROTHERS Planned Parenthood I Of Pap smear* infection check* h*rth control end counseling Day* end evening# 144 9411 PRIVATE HELP FROM FRIENDS Free Pregnancy Testing _ BIRTHRIGHT 687 9951 _ GREEKS' T Kidy ■ the Ju> ' your order envelopes from test week end’s party Watty. 144 4780. Happy Birthday Corey M The BIG '22' from, your roomie Kathleen F It's almost lime for you to lind out who your BIG sis it For your fourth clue here * something nee This summer l lived near the zoo1 Theta love Y8S K'J Jett M KKT Christina G. Congratulations on your pinning P S Kappas, get rsedy tor a raging HALLOWEEN' Michelle, for the last time. I love you more' Dork a iosKMow/Us - HAPPY BIRTHDAY ETHEL The weasel wishes you a serpent like 21 er. Low POPO KAO Gretchen H. Today ere live together Tomorrow friends lortvtd Low Ti, m _) Kristie Ko«M Roses are Red Violets are Hi wo Kristi* my Pearl stator This clue •* to< you From a leisure oriented IK noj CHUM FOUND Mon KV22 at U of O Bookstore. package at the Pus slop Can 342 W9 HQUELTME JO. THE TYPING PRO M3 6064 HIM WORO PROCf SSlNla/C DOING PAP| R$ THI SI S OISSI RTATi )NS Peggy » Typing Service [ipenencetj typist ottering services on IBM computer system and laser printer Reasonable rates Call Peggy at 342 4AM PROFESSIONAL. 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