COMMUNITY Publisher plans lawsuit over magazine removal Lane County Commissioners Rogers, Roberts to be named as defendants By Don Peters Emerald Associate Editor The removal of an environ mental magazine from a Lane County Courthouse information booth last May has again raised controversy. lame County Commissioners Jack Roberts and Hill Rogers are co-defendants in a $50,000 law suit that may he brought by the publisher of the magazine For est Voice. A letter from the attorney of Tim Hermach. executive direc tor of the Native Forest Coun cil. descrilies how Rogers and Roberts "violated the First Amen d m e n t rights of (Hermach). his organization and of persons who picked up copies of Fnrvsl Voiev at that place from time to time " The letter, dated Oct 18. asks both commissioners to sign an apology to Hermach and the Native Forest (Council, and to pay a $2, MM) settlement If the commissioners sign. Hermach will drop the threat ened suit II Rogers and Roberts refuse, the suit will la- filed ( k I 20. the letter said ''They (.ailed us radical pres ervationists.” Hermach said “They called our literature oh scene They slanted people against us Alter public outcry last May, the county commissioners voi c'd 3-2 (Rogers and Roberts dis senting) to create a 'free speech” rac k at the courthouse for publications such as Forest Voiir and the timber industry magazine Timber! Only govern merit-produced literature is now available in the informa tion booth "Basically, this comes from something I thought we got re solved a long time ago." Rob erts said in a phone interview Monday "I'm a little surprised he wants to make an issue of it. hut that's lus right Hormach said the free speech rack was an inadequate solu tion to the problem "It was never resolved." Ilermach said "(Rogers and Roberts| haven't retracted any thing. and even if they had. the free speei h rack isn't a viable solution We were waiting to see what would happen If they had made a good faith effort to apologize, we could have bent a little and let it ride." liermach said the free speech rac k "is off in the corner" of the courthouse, and the maga zines have to be removed every Kriday at :t p m and put back Monday morning "It's not just an inconve nience. it's harassment." he said "Roberts is just doing the bidding of the timber industry and ignoring the Constitution." Roberts said the information laxith was never intended as a public forum, and never should have l**en treated as one. Roberts said he would not sign the" letter, and Hermach Jack Roberts said ho didn I expect either ot the commissioners to comply. Rogers was unavailable for comment. moi fiLUl The Saga Continues WEDNESDAY NIGHT at TRACK TOWN PIZZA Get a medium (12”) One-Ingredient Pizza for ONLY... (Just ask for lf>« Special) 95 (Addl Ingredient .70) Why settle for less... than the BEST!?! FREE DELIVERY (Limited delivery area) 484-2799 1809 Franklin Blvd. TKE Who??? TAU KAPPA EPSILON Who??? WORLD'S LARGEST FRATERNITY Mon. Oct. 22. 5:30pm PIZZA NIGHT Where? 707 E. 1 7th (Across Irom Hilyard St Market) Wed. Oct. 24. 9:00pm Wed. NIGHT FIESTA Where? 707 E. 17th Sat. Oct. 27th CRUSH THE CARDINAL TAILGATER Where? Where else? Autzen Stadium For more information Please call the Teke Hotline at 343-7086. Ask for Kirk. lay or Derek SAM’S TO GO Sandwiches 26 Delicious submarine sandwiches Fresh baked bread 6 foot party sandwich beer — wine “WHERE A SANDWICH IS A COMPLETE MEAL ” 804 E. 12th (12th & Alder) 343-1141 1 35* OFF Sm. sandwich exp. 10/31/90 50* OFF Med. sandwich exp. 10/31/90