REGIONAL Activist Davis warns students of racism SEATTLE |AP) — A new rac ism is infecting American col lege campuses. reflecting socie ty's ills and promoting them, black activist Angela Davis has told students at the University of Washington. "The new racism doesn't wear a sheet or carry a club. It's more likely to be dressed quite stylishly. It wears pins (pin stripes) and sits at a compu ter." Davis told students .it Sat urday’s Race Relations in Aca demia conference. "We’ve come a long way in the last 30 years." she said. "Or have we really?" The conference was spon sored by the IHV African-Amer ican Graduate Student Associa tion. re-established this year to attract more black, graduate stu dents. About 750 students gathered for discussions on how to re cruit and retain minority stu dents, how racism is expressed in an academic setting and oth er related issues. Davis, a professor of ethics studies and women's studies at San Francisco State University, is a longtime activist for blacks' and women's rights "We've cited this racism on campus, and administrators ar gue it's simply a deviation from the normal state of affairs," she said. "The academic establish ment refuses to accept that it mirrors larger society, includ ing (biases) such as homophobia and classism." Davis said "It refuses to acknowledge that it plays a pivotal role in the reproduction of all these ideologies." Campus racism in displayed in smaller paychecks for ad ministrators of minority pro grams and a disparaging atti tilde toward black studies. Da vis said At San Francisco State, she said, faculty members have ad vised students to drop out ol black studies on grounds that it would look had on resumes or would be considered an easy academic program Black studies were also trivi alized at that school when fac ulty started a new political si i cnce course on black politics although such a class alreath was offered in the blac k-studies division. Davis said And racism occurs on cam pus in more subtle forms, Davis said The use of the term "under class" in sociology courses, for example, encourages the notion that some people "don't de serve to lie assimilated into so cial classes." she said Davis achieved notoriety in 1970 when she was accused of aiding radicals in a sensational 1970 courthouse shooting in Marin County, Calif. She was acquitted of the charge and ran for vice president on the Com munist 1’arty ticket in 1980. She has written an autobiog raphy and two books on race and women, and is working on a book almut African women's contributions to music •6 Engine Service 1000 S. Berlelsen Rd. II Eugene OR 97402 One Block North ol W nth Nolan Ind PImim Specializing m Volkswagon Service For 32 years 342-3952 ^tuden^n^acult^iscounts Glasses/Contacts/Exams A Complete eye exams featuring computerized, state-of-the-art equipment A Specializing in contact lenses including disposable, tinted, bifocals, gas permeable. extended-wear and lenses for people with astigmatism A Same day fit in most case's Over 1.000 contacts in stock A Over 2,000 frame*, on display - from designer to classic Giorgio Armani, (iuess, Ralph I juren Polo, Silhouette. Benc*tton, Claiborne, and many more A All repairs done here A Sunglasses - Vuamet. Serengeti, Revo. Kayban. Polaroid. Hobie, Bolle, /jam. Xisle, and more / / / / / / / / / / / / Complete lab on premises for fast service. rainbow optics 343-3333 7h6 E. 13th Ave., Eugene Dm- bliH k Irom U n< O t iw parking in Kn k Hours M l Kam-7pm. Sat Kam ^pm "Jg* Riverfront progress John Moseley. University vice president for reseanh. explains progress being made on the Riverfront Research development project to Uov Xoil llohlsi hmitlt. who u js in Eugene on Friday Photo by Sean Poston Details dm|uIm Join The College Panel! Who says men have no feelings? Not us In fact, we think MEN HAVE DEFINITE OPINIONS AND WE WANT TO HEAR THEM DETAILS MAGAZINE IS LOOKING FOR YOUNG MEN WITH STRONG OPINIONS ABOUT CURRENT CULTURE — EVERYTHING FROM SEX TO SOCKS TO SUITS. WHEN YOU JOIN THE DETAILS COLLEGE PANEL. YOU'LL HELP US GATHER INFORMATION BY TRYING NEW PROOUCTS, ANSWERING OPINION SURVEYS. AND ORGANIZING ON-CAMPUS EVENTS. The first 1 .OCX) men to join will receive a free tape called MUSIC MATTERS, a special compilation of new releases FROM RECORD COMPANIES. Who Arm U? Name University Current address f City/State/Zip J f Class of Major Age I Rctuns to OKTAilI Maca/inc 632 Baoaoway Ntw To»* Nv IOOI2 An Cot t I &« Hani On Call 212 59B 3729 Don’t miss a great catch. . . Pick up an ODE football program each Friday before home games.