Pamela Shaffer Oregon 90 Executive Trainee Garth Engle Oregon 89 Executive Trainee Michelle Ford Oregon '90 Executive Trainee Shan Brooks Oregon State '89 Assistant Buyer Kent Rowe Oregon ‘89 Assistant Buyer Michael Chun Cal Berkeley '89 Assistant Buyer Maria Ghezzi Portland State 88 Assistant Buyer Stephen Miller Cal Berkeley 89 Assistant Buyer VO In the May Depaitmenl Stores Company you can put your college degree to work in our Executive Training Program rated as one of the best 20 corporate tobs in the U S' by Career Vision magazine With annual retail sales ot over ‘9 billion and 15 years of consecutive record earnings. The May Department Stores Company is the largest department store company in North America and recruits over 400 seniors each year tor out executive merchandising ranks It you enjoy identifying opportunities and solving problems, want to work in a dynamic, changing environment, and possess strong analytical capabilities and solid interpersonal skills, we want to talk with you Come visit University ot Oregon alumni, now May Company executives, at our Open House Tuesday. October 23. 1990. 11 00 am to 3 pm Gerlmget Lounge. Casual Dress refreshments provided MEIER & FRANK The Business of Retailing Equal Opportunity Employer