Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS OCTOBER ATTRACTIONS 1/2 PRICE PERSONALS! Dorm Residents 10/1 10/5' Greeks 10/8 10/12' Inti Students 10/15 10/19! BAT BEAT! Appearing Ocl 30 Deadline Oct 29 50*/lme (3 line mm) SI 50/art (in spooky orange') To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 ODE POLICY DEADLINES LINE ADS g4*dly •ccoplsd bufors 1 p m on# tHisinnss day prior to insor tiOA DISPLAY ADS gladly accaptad b# loft t p m two business day* poor to insertion E PROPS Tba ODE maka* aaary at tort to avord orrors tn advartita mantt Each ad i* prootad bafor* In tart ton Howavar mtstaks* *oma lima* *Up through Wa «*k that you chock your ad caratulty It you should find an an or raport It to tha Clatslflad Dapartmant right away by calling 146 4143 and wa will gladly ra run your ad connclly Wa ragrat that wa cannot ba rasponsibi* lor mora than ona day's inconsct publt cation if you do not call tha arror to our attantion Tha ODE cannot ba <> abia for an amount graalar than tha amount paid for such advertising Thank you CLASSIFIED AOS 1 CAN BE PLACED AT ODE OFFICE. 300 EMU UO BOOKSTORE STAMP COUNTER EMU MAIN DESK PAYMENT All adl mull ba paid lor in advanta unlan a tailing agiea mini hal turn iltablilbad For tall mg anangamyrnl \ plaaaa CHI 346 4343 Ol Hop by in# Emailld Clatlilital Ollicv 300 EMU REFUNDS Rllundl will ba limitad lo cradill only No Clio Illundl ERRORS Tha ODE makaa ovary al loti lo avoid attota u> advatiiaa mania Each ad la ptoolad balota a aamon Hovaavat. mlalakaa aoma limaa a Up through Wa aat that you chock your ad cataTitHy II you ihouid lino an arrot. rapet! II lo Mia Claaalllad Dapatimani itghl away by calling 346 4 343 and wa will gladly ra run your ad cor racily Wa ragral that am cannot ba raaponalbla lot mora man ona day'a Incortaci pubM cation II you do nol call iha anor lo out allanllon Tha ODE cannot bo H abia lot an amount graalar than tha amount paid lot loch advatiiamg Thank you BOX ADDED: $2. ONE TIME CHARGE GREEK LETTERS: $2, ONE TIME CHARGE Any tuna U f»«y IMnal to Darty (marato Cta*uNad» iooCOWNtCTIOWS~ AlIrKlIvf cott*g* educated mat* *• mt*r*»t*d in a**ociatmg w*tt**ct'v# tcM»*g'at* womin who appMK-a-i** oi<3** m«* Qu* goals ****** p*e#*uf* Security Group »H|M1 POtA>t>t* Voo '« t94*> PO Bo» ?4U5l Eug*«* 9740? raronff CONGRATULATIONS Ann Crook on bemg th* ftr»t person to cotmcHi , <»H out yesterday a CtO*»«rOfd pu/j»* tk* th* *‘f»t p*r*on to bring | th* solved crossword pu.'/t* to th* j Of agon Oa«f* fmaraid Otttca. Room \ 300 EMU att*» 8 am A w«n « rflfl OOE T shirt & « tS mkM to# classified advert.s*ng' - A GREEKS' yOu» order envelopes liom last ***** * • ; «»M, Wally 144 67SO KAO Newlyweds!! Coup** Numb** On* Friday Night Wat A Just to* th* two ot u» B A wild party • C All ot th* above Love, Alpha Tau Omega KATHY S. GOOD JOB selling the In-Touch issue!! We knew you could do it! -PRO DO BAT BEAT PERSONALS They’re cooking in the Daily Emerald Cla»»ified» Oct. 30th PRIVATE HELP FROM FRIENDS Fraa Praynancy Tailmy BIRTHRIGHT M/WM Start and Barnard Ya*» Th« *a I N ttefmiiaiy worth »r Thank* lo our Yuckamam Keep aluklfl 1 lova T B and G H ^ ■ To Pui/y and Bux/y Tha ro*a* mtw your* Tho viOlal* *ra mma Or ftomaihmg iika lhal Ai a cart am point »n t0 THE TYPING PRO Fro IBM WORD PROCESSING/!DICING PAPERS '*’1 M S OiSS! RTATi •. Peggy t Typing Service f ape*»©*'.< red typist offering services on IBM computer system and laser printer Reasonable rates _ Call Peggy at M2 4444_ PROFESSIONAL TYPING Also word processing editing pic Sujvdefi very Rooda. W6 IW? Retired University Secretary All types papers Call Jean Wft IBM Avail eve* after fc. weekends_ ROBIN 14407S9 70th YEAR* GRAD SCHOOL APPROVED Editmgrditter talion etjeri.se Full resume ser vice Laser printing ON CAMPUS! TfP*og Word Processing. Editing' Cheap* Rochelle 34SS447 'f&ad 3444510 BOSE tlth Ave Punted text to computer files OBDEEGnB 7 J7 458*? ' . o • ■ * r • 1 • < The WORO SPECIALISTS • (rtaduale School Approved ► lhv%riUt>onv'Jhc»c vl’afKi* * IBM Corapatibte/Disk l onvemoa* Ia*ci I'nntw»jpf.e or group t»y c»«rd#nt ! M S taac K«m Call Jo# at M« 6307 ii many tplandorad »h«vg ] thf Daffy Emerald IVsonai OMSrfmdft 125 IWSTHUCTIOii" Drum lattont from gradual* of MiT Hollywood California AH ag#* Jason 34342S6 LEARN TO DANCE Swing • ballroom •Lann Join these (un upbeat classes' Saturdays 12 30 2. Mon mi MS I 15 p m M per couple'1 W hr class Location: Pacific Nautilus 189 W. 8th For more info Laune 342 3066 Mill Computer study taWe 6 ■ 2 booh ledge m bac* desk bookcases elec Ironic lypwrftiw 747 0427 For sat# Conventional queen eaterbecJ H25 Irvin bod »v drawers 4 Sdrawer chest 1250 desk 130 couch, love seal & ottoman 1250 fireplace * heaMator w fan IV) 6895343 Rock climbing gear I o«M o « 1100 choumard harness. 135 Boreal shoes (ti;«9i 165 Can 343 2425 Rowing machine Gef in shape 160 obo >44 *423 Slanrtfe deluae aluminum easel 140 Adjustable etceiienf condition _WMM>_ Stereo system .fufudes . 4500 dual 604 lurntebfe Bose 501 speakers JVC cassette deck 1650 343 1946_ T ypewrtter Brothers electronic pod able 1110 Call affer 6 or leave message 666 4611 Wetemfct 67 6 Brian Competitor double boot Stitt m bo* Sacrifice at Si99 _ 34 3 3027 _ M7 Bony 13 inch color TV. remote, hardly used 1150 Paul 667 9211 days. 995 6600 eves ns BUY OR TRADE THE BUY A SELL CENTER Buy * Sell * Trad# MuftiC#! 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St#WKJS Photographic Equipment 361 W. 5th '“CMS SE17E0 CARS. true** boat* 4 *r\*»ei era motor homes by FBI IRS DfA Available your area now Cali 1 ao*.*a;’ tsas «»t c t?to 1978 Honda Civic Good condition. $1390. 7413272 f6r sale liisc ■ ZZ ms CARS RED WITH ENVY* \ Thai t what your friends w»t» be ; when they see you driving around tn ! thi* 1977 Peugeot 604 »i » got every ! thing you need and is priced to sell [ at $900 Cat i 461 OS84.metseQe ^89 FORO F ISO XIT 6 speed aTH AM I M tow miles kept very Clean $t0 8Q0»ot>o 406 0862 (lv m«ssi SEE AT 460 E iflth Ave 1978 Honda CVCC. 4 *p 3 <1r New c iuictvbrekes/1 >res $1600 344-6928 1981 Subaru Gl F condition inside and out Almost new tires Very reliable $1600 Call 4H4 2666 evenings 68 VW BUG i sn root mags ?0K on rbit engine new '• . • ■ )f!, '.HAKP $ «*'< bbl 2’Oh 88 Cadillac Cimmeron OBdt;t tires 30.000 miles $l0.000lot>O 72b 6464 or 726 3808 latter 5 pmi iso MtiTOBCYCtES/SCOOTERS" For sat# 1982 Honda CM200T motorcycle $450 Ph 486-0169 Honda Passport Must sen S-'-.k• -r• Call Josh 486 0981 Cheap T ran sport at i pn1 VESPA red 1979 200cc, depend able $600 060 346 4000 344 3934 *84 Honda Aero 125 Run* eicellent Helmet _$650/060 Dave 747 6093 _ 1984 Honda Spree 5See $32&!obo 344 7837 19M Honda Elite 80 Very well maintained SSSO'obo Dave 3448769 79 Honda CB760F* 12.000 mi special sport kit runs great only $760 00 Call Dean 346 2671_ ‘88 Honda SPREE- One owner condition $28Q»obo Cali 344 3686 iss BICYCLES Al Krtetler custom bicycle rollers $100 606 2684 ask for Kip Race bike SIX tubing Full Mavtc group low miles Asking $650 Cell Scott eves 667 1731 Ten-speed men s Schwinn $40 l >gnt weight 23 frame Cell Ken Liberman 346 5002 ,«5MWtlTtBS/£LMrB8iiEs Apple IIC with monitor & programs $40Qiotter Erie. 464 7lft3 Computer Systems West X Y $749 00 286 $949 00 386SX $1199 00 Systems include DOS 1MB RAM 20MB HD monochrome monitor Student ID will receive 5*< discount 342 4153 Hands on Macintosh Classes patiently taugnt at The Computer Store Word Works PageMaker Fifemake? HyperCard & more Phone $4**434 IBM personal computer 640K color monitor $500 worth ot sottwar e $S0Oob0^ Can 6ttd 291^666 9453 fOB SALE MISC - 164 W Broadway fugenc. Oregon 974QI (503) 343 3622 FlITONS & FRAMES I urnixhinL’v * l.itfhnnp * PoMcr^ * Clmhinj! * Jc\u*lr\ 1S5 COMPUttRS/ELECTBONiCS MACINTOSH MEMORY 1 mb $89 2 mb $130. 4 mb $256 Free installation Memory Oirect _343 2541 NEC Spinwriter •• <-d©r $30Oob© _344 04,36_ NEW COMPUTERS 286 SPECIAL 20meg HD monochrome video $895 386SX SPECIAL 40meg HD monochrome video $1295 Used IBM's A Apple s. rentals, trade ins A consignments Computer Exchange, 1087 Willamette 6^7 8004 170 SOUND SYSTEMS Sanyo CD Player with Remote $55 Erie. 4A4-T1A3._ Kenwood home CD player * remote $125 AM/FM tun ©r new $100 Both for $200 344 2921 ihoof Roland JX 3P programmable ayothesi/er Brand new condition w stand $500/obo Call Pete 346 9215 between 56 pm i»0 RESOLE CLOTHING Halloween is Happening! Costumes • Hats • Accessories OLD FRIENDS 1022 Willamette Great selection of vintage and mod ern clothing for men and women Open 7 days a week in beautiful downtown Eugene 345-1414 Great clothes don't have to cost greaf pnees1 Try Bmg Cherry Palace 62 W 13th 200 _ CHRISTMAS. Spring Break summer travel FREE Air couriers needed and cruise ship jobs Call i 805682 7565 ext F 1451 1 R/T Air. Eugene SFO leave 11/8. return 11/11 S239 Call Frank or Tim MS-4411 mj 'W'nrnm* Apply tor a FREE VISA or American E* press card and take off with a TWA $99 Might anywhere in the USA' Call now_JNMM REPOSSESSED VA A HUD HOMES available from government from $i without credit check You repair Also ta* delinquent foreclosures Call 1 805b82 7555 ant H 1454 for repo list your area LOGO CONTEST The new campus radio |j KRMA88.1 FM needs a Logo Win a Pair of Ray Ban Sunglasses donated by Rain or Shine Garden Ctr or CDs A tapes donated by Feee the Music Deadline October 31. 1W0 bring entries to ASUO office. Suite 4 EMU please include name phone I. A student I 0 The Gay and lasbian Alliance is hinny lor a new co-director tor the 90 91 school year GALA encourages women, people of color differently abied lesbians gay men. and non tradi ttonal students to apply Applications and job descriptions are available at GALA Am 319 3rd Moor of the EMU Everything is due on Wednesday October 24. at GALA We are an AA/EOP employer Adaptive Camping Director TR or equivalent degree special population experience necessary Send resume to Camp Easter Seal 3757 O neld St Eugene 97405 HOME TYPISTS. PC users needed $35 000 potential Details (1)805887 6000 Ext B 9642 It's easier thpt you ttMik c pay I your college education working at Jiggles Excellent money flexible hours Call Nancee Or Brook tor per sonal interview 344-AM7 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU ue R£ BACK. SUBJECT: PHILIP HOURS DOHfiUS 2 MiUJOH Q6AR£TTE£> V 7W PFSEXT StmPARMEP fCtaO' OUST: WyAPOUXUST' m/~ OKAY, OAP, MAT GtVeS He&lHJHY . T&jp&txes B7HE7KVP5? 7MSYASK5P fOR'CM! IN 5CM£0F7H£ MOST MCMN6 LtTlEJZS 1'VT tVfRSUN' ITUA6A HUMANITARIAN TURt. I CATEGCftCAlVi R£ - f JtCT yOJR SN1PZ IMPUCA - VON THAT IHt INDUSTRY /5 TRYING TO HOOK YB7 ANOTH ER utNLRAim Of 5aPtfJ&0 to-W —1 'HEY. MORE TREE SMOKES' I MON PER. | WERE THEY .CAME FROM.. II you’re tired ol the Movie Theater Shakedown... ma 1 & OCUVCRY DOLLAR DAYS Every Mon., Tues., and Wednesday Thru Oct 31 342-4972 19th & Agate