UNIVERSITY Students For Choice holds ‘get out the vote’ meeting MEETINGS Students For Choice will hold <1 "gel out the vote" meeting tonight at 7 p m. in the Honors College hounge. third floor. Chapman Hall. Students for the Ethical Treatment of Animals will hold its weekly meeting tonight at 5 p.m in EMU Cedar Room !•' Et als Students for Creative Anachronism will hold a meeting and dance practice tonight at 8 p.m. in Agate Room 1. For more information call 485-8808 or 683-1117. KRMA Campus Radio will hold a search committee meeting tonight at 7 p.m. in Willamette Hall Room 110 For more information call 342-7080. Student Health Insurance Committee meets today at 2:30 p.m. in Cedar Room C. For more information call 346-3702. Christian Science College Organiza tion will meet tonight at 6:30 p.m. in the basement of the Koinonia Center. 1414 Kincaid St. A group for international students who would like support in dealing with i.ulture shuck and cnnflir ts as a result of cultural differences meets toda\ from ■1:30 to 5 p m in Room 240 of the Stu dent Health Center INTERVIEWS Interviews for the follow mg compa nies are available by calling the Career Planning and Placement Center. 346-3235: • F & | Gallo (management trainee): • Grant Thorton (accounting): • Russ Herne. Co. (sales): • Meier tii Frank (assistant buyer): • Cintas (management trainee): • Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism (financial analyst): • Sherwin Williams (management trainee). • Lady Foollocker (management trainee); • K.H Macy tk Company (merchandis ing trainee); • Anderson Consulting (staff consul tant); • Intel (financial analyst). The following group meetings are available, also through the Career Plan ning and Placement (!enler. ,i4t> 12 )5 • Wal-Mart Oct 22. 7 to H .i m KMl (!edar Room K. •United Slates Navv ()dar Kimin A • Meier & Frank. ()«t 2 ). It) a in. to -I p m . (ierlinger 1-ounge • K-Mart Carp.. (>< t 24. 7 to H 10 a m KMl' (lenturv Kooin I) • Alaska Teacher Placement ( K I 25 II to 11.50 am and I 30 to 4:45 p in Room io*i Friendly Mall • Harvard (Graduate S< haul ()t t 25. II lo 2 p m . table in KMU. Mist :ki.i.ankous CD-ROM tutorials will la- held for tin: following databases and times • Humanities Index, today at It) It) a m in the knight Library reference depart ment • PAIS (public affairs and current events). Oct 23 at 11 a m in the knight Library reference department • PSYCI.IT (psychology), today at 4 p in in the knight Library reference de partment MKDI.INK (medicine) Oct 2.1 at 10 .10 a.m. in the Scienr e Library reference do part merit. For more information on those tutori als. ( all Sara Rrnwumiller at l40-2:t0H A workshop on applying to graduate school will lie held today at .1 '10 p in in Koom 104 Oregon II.ill Information on selet ting a si hool and taking entrame exams will he given lor more informa tion. ( all Marliss Strange at Ot. 1211 An Adult I.earner brown hag lunch and support group meets today from noon to 1 to p in in KMU Century' I) I or more information, call no -44 to A potluck/vigil in commemoration of the foiiiuliiig of the Nevada Seinipala tinsk movement will la- held at the Fed eral lluilding at the corner of Sixth Ave one and Pearl Street For more informa tion. ( all .140 424H leadline for submiltinn Et a/s to the Emerald front desk. EMU Suite toil, is noon the day before publication Et als run the day ot the event unless the event takes plat e before noon Motives of events with a donation or admission charge will not be act epted Campus events and those scheduletl nearest the publication date will be g/V on priority HIRONS HIRONS • HIRONS • HIRONS • HIRONS • HIRONS • HIRONS • MIRONS • MIRONS • HIRONS • HIRONS • MIRONS • HIRONS • I - mini«riiwmiyiMif|MMfgi«gi(' 'iinimigi~gim~" iifi 'firiPTiiiwni' iniiiii'ii .nin—<>... I iS8F£V;*75r.! Pete the Ghost glows in the dark He attaches to your window inside and out Now at our Hallmark Boo Bazaar. He slows! ! cr ! Reg. 6.95 _ EERIE1 -> SPIDER WEB REALISTIC. FOR PARTY DECORATIONS HIRONS PRICE J GENERAL ELECTRIC STANDARD OR SOFT WHITE BULBS 40 60 75 100 WATT PACK OF 4 ^ QA REG. 1 %J\J 3.29 & 3.59 A f PACK OF THREE LEGAL PADS COlOl P""1 tilm qq3” SINGLE PRINTS 24EXP_£°tL »*MTN - colo» P"™""" | . qq 3” SINGLE I 4" PRINTS ' 36 EXPji2!i BEAM & READ READING & WORKING LIGHTS BAUSCH & LOMB RENU LENS CARE 12 OUNCE SALINE SOLUTION REG. 4.57 16 COUNT THERMAL ENZYMATIC REG. 8.29 30 COUNT EFFERVESCENT ENZYMATIC REG. 10.87 J I FRANKLIN 1TOI I t A M SR.M. V 10 T tUNI ST OKI HOURS . OAIL r MIND A V Mf HN ANOtSf SUfUCCT TO STOCK ON KANO AND A /A-l AIH F Of Rf OROfRS i»th a Maui tronc HOURS •: X) A.M.10 P 10 TO 7 SUNDAY V PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU 10-26-90 V TTkuiNS • HIRONS • HIROW5 • HiHons • niKunj • mwuna * niwuna • nmuna • mwuna • hihupis • hiwopis • hiwons