NATIONAL Berkeley’s anti-war class gets belated commencement BERKELEY (AP) - Then* weren't enough caps and gowns to go around, hut the Berkeley class of 11170 finally held its graduation ceremony Saturday, 20 years after com mencement was canceled lo calise of anti-Vietnam War un rest "I'm here to celebrate my roots." I.inda Kuhli of San Ma teo said after picking up her gr.tilu.itmu i ertifit «it»*. "I have a lot of very strong memories.” About 2t>() members of the 1970 University of California. Berkeley graduating class of turned out for belated commencement so many that the fortysomething gradu ates had to share caps and gowns. "This is the kind of class that would share." said Carol Orsbom. who suggested last year that the ceremony la' held. Qrsborn. owner of a San Francisco public relations agency, once gave up her Phi Beta Kappa key to protest vio lence against students on the Berkeley campus. She got it track and has said she hopes the commencement will help re cover some of her former activ ism as well "Somehow. I think I Hat this graduation ceremony will give us hack some of that feeling." she said. Commencement speaker and Berkeley history professor l>eon l.itwack told the graduates they should be proud that the cam pus was a key site of anti-war protests and free-speech move merits during the 1960s and 1970s, "Berkeley has become syn onymous around the world with the rights of free expres sion." l.itwack said. "But those rights did not come easily They had to Ire fought for And much of the credit goes to a generation frequently denigrat ed for its excesses." Gear Up This Fol with Clans Software. A******* Ihe academic race is on and Clans * software for the Macintosh is sure to put \vu ahead of the [kick Powerful Word Processing Mac'X'nte * II software makes your truing assignments easier Wiling is a breeze with the advanced spelling checker, 220.000-word thesaurus, and footnote capability I'se custom fonts and styles, and multiple columns for attention getting papers and flyers, so. whether you're writing a lab report or an economics paper - your work will lixik professional and take a lot levs time. Easy Graphics and Design I se Mac Draw * II software to complete the picture. You can create anything from simple graphics and charts to technical illustrations and architectural drawings. MacDraw II is the perfect partner for anv protect - from the fraternity newsletter to a new bike design for your engineering class. _ TL. 11-*a—A fnmlliBljiim inc nonesr vomoinonon Together, MaeWrite 11 and MaeDraw 11 can help you to write, publish and design anything from a term paper, to a research project, to a resume that gets results - giving you the winning edge No matter what the race, you'll finish ahead with Claris software. Get on Track This FoN! Ask for details on the special Clans Back-to-School Offer on the popular software combination for your Macintosh - MaeWrite II and MaeDraw II Enter the Claris Sueepstakes to win a brand til'll TREK Mountain Bike absolutely free! Microcomputer Support Lab 202 Computing Center • 346-4402 Monday-Friday 9am - 5pm J CLARIS ■■ ■ l rvnri Cuts V»{kt« ml Uati* a* •qpttmi •»> : fbm i,«ppm«*i M* n« >■. ? j tridcmiA of An* t.iRpmrt li» nuk ni frjpirtnl ,-«Jrauik « iliK d»H» (.tfpunwm Get MacPaint with MacDraw II and MacWrite II for $115! (While supplies last) WASH Continued from Page 5 ronment which includes fleck slone tables, graphic walls and tiled floors, along with equip ment sporting celebrities' faces. "I had a girl walk up to me and ask me if 1 would ‘turn Kit.hard Gere on’." Montra said, laughing. "There was one guy who refused to put his laundry into Sylvester Stallone, lie waited 15 minutes for an other machine." The Dickeys said that the club starts hopping about B p.m and students do laundry up to midnight Sunday through Thursday. "Fridays and Saturdays are generally dead," Hill said. "Students have their priori ties." "In no way do we expect to replace the partying scene, al though we do plan on adding beer to our menu in January'." Montra said. "We just want to provide a fun place to do a te dious chore. "We are starting to get a reg ular crowd in here now." she said "A lot of single guys come in here, and people will come to watch ‘The Simpsons.’ 'thirtysomething’ and sports events on the big screen." THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE We've got your tan when you want It! SunShower on campua IH1»I‘I)4I I Ml l»u«i jjjjgj '* WUNOERUNV *' GREAT FOR PARTIES AND BIRTMOAVS 'CVIDEO ) GAMES ALL GAMES *0«« WITH NICKELS ADMISSION '1 SO STD STREET PUBLIC MAMET EUSERE • MI-1444 V COPIES THE copy SHOP 539 E. 13th 485-6253