SPORTS aSu Continued from Page 13 The passing game was a dif ferent story for the Sun Devils. Powers completed three passes on six attempts with one inter ception for 55 yards. Arizona State's lack of offensive diversi ty allowed Oregon to play with an eight-man defensive front line, and the run became less successful. "That eight-man front is hard to nm against." explained Rus sell. who finished the game with H2 rushing yards on 25 carries. "It really hurts to not have a passing game." In the second half the Out ks took away the run completely, holding the Sun Devils to mi nus-24 yards rushing Arizona State went from averaging al most four yards per carry, to less than two yards per carry. "Oregon took the run away from us." Arizona State Coach Larry Marmie said, “and wo got ourselves in so many long yardage situations it really hurt us." Meanwhile. the Arizona Stale defense was busy silenc ing the Oregon offense. The Ducks managed only 120 yards total offense in the first half, af ter getting just .10 yards total of fense in the first quarter. In the second half, the Sun Devil defense was just as tight, allowing the Ducks lfi‘l yards total offense and only two scores - a 30-yard Greg McCol lum field goal, and u 25-yard pass from quarterback Hill Mus grave to |oe Keitzug for a touch down. "We play a lot of pressure defense as part of our game plan." free safety Nathan LiDuke said, "and I think it worked well We held them pretty tight It was that punt re turn that killed us The rest of Oregon's points came from the defense and the special teams. With the Ducks down 7-6 in the third quarter. Brian Brown received an Arizo na State punt and took it 86 yards for a touchdown. Then with Oregon up 21-7 late in the game, free safety Steve Kemp intercepted a pass and took it 81 yards for a touchdown. We get l»eat by a good foot - hall team." Marmie said "There were things we knew we had to do against them of fensively and defensively, and we had some success in the first quarter. Hut in the second half things just self destructed. "We had penalties and the field position game changed drastically." he .said "We got ourselves in bad field position and that really hurts us The momentum change was evident and the punt return was a big factor. They came out in the second half and ran the I tall with more consistency PIETRO’S DELIVERS QUALITY FREE DELIVERY from our new P.D.Q. delivery stores (limited areas) ^^CAMPUS 20 E 18th 342-2323 SANTA CLARA 2620 River Road 688-2222 Other Great PIETRO'S Locations 4006 Franklin Btvd 1600 Coburg Rd 1011 Valley River Rd 3450 West 11th All PIETRO'S locations open 11AM dally. 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Coupon neceswwvv Empires 10/29190 Pietros Pizza Your Or* NcalhtMMI Family Ploji Plaor * Continued from Page 12 Oregon did improve over the three-day tournament, ro ing from a 342 on the first 1R holes to a 334 on the middle 1H and a 324 over the final 18. I^igh Hornung and Beth Manczak led the way for the Ducks as they both tied for 32nd place with a 54-hole score of 247 Hornung carded an 80 on the first 18 and had scores of 85 and 82 over the next two days. Manczak went from a disas trous 8<) on the first 18 holes to a 78 on the second day and an 80 on the final day. Manczak's 78 was one of the best overall scores on the sec - ond day. Laura Bieyhl also showed some improvement over the 54 holes, going from a 90 on the first 18 to second and third round scores of 83 and 82. respectively, to finish tied for 48th with a 255. Rounding out the Duck scoring was Starla Yarnada tied for 52nd at 256 and Shan non Maier tied for 58th at 257. Yamada shot HHs in the first two rounds but improved to an 80 in the final round while Maier had round scores of 85. 8«) and 83. The Oregon men will be off until Nov. 12 when they trav el to San Francisco to com pete in the San Francisco Col legiate but the women return to action this weekend when they travel to Stanford. Calif, to compete in the three-day Stanford Invitational which begins Friday and through Sunday runs TAKE THE % E m, * • • • r Determine r your percentage of body fat Sports Med. Lab, 71 Esslinger 345-4135 Mondays, 4:00-7:00 p.m. FEES: Students.$10 Others.$15 STUDENTS • FACULTY • STAFF FCu UaauHalim Influenza vaccinations will be given at Student Health Center every WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY, AND FRIDAY FROM 8:00 a m to 9:00 am beginning October 24th and continuing until the end of Fall term Only one iniection is needed Students $2.50 Faculty and Staff $3.50 Annual flu immunizations ARE RECOMMENDED for the following: 1 Healthy persons 65 years or older 2. Persons with long term heart or lung problems 3 Persons with any of the following kidney disease, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, anemia, severe asthma, and conditions which compromise immune mechanism Influenza vaccine MAY be given to any person who wishes to reduce his/her chance ot becom mg intected with intluenza, even it that person is not at increased risk tor complications For more information, call the STUDENT HEALTH CENTER at <346)-4441