SPORTS t'holn b> I III > * 415* Comerhack l)nryl Singleton was one reason Arizona Stale had only 178 yards through the air. int hiding this three-yard tom fdetion to Kevin Snyder. •mn nw i a « r -i ASU fails to sustain offense By Paul Morgan f' mptjld Spoils ftcpooef If lh<> first five minutes of Saturday night's game between Oregon anti Arizona State were to lie am indication of how the name was going to go. the Stm Devils were going to dominate Arizona State had just gone HI yards in 10 plays to score the game's tirst touchdown with incredible ease I he Sun Devils used nine rush ing plays and averaged -1 H yards a i arrv. and the Oregon defensive line was getting pushed around When fullhac k Kelvin fisher powered his wav in from the three yard line, it looked as it Arizona State was going to have an easy time handling the I fur ks The next Arizona State drive was equally as im pressive. hut tt ended in .1 much different wav After starting at their ow 11 yard line, the Sun Devils worked down to the Oregon .fi vard line with to consecutive rushing plays with tailhai k Leonard Russell and fisher taking turns plowing through the Oregon defense Hut how quit klv things 1 hange Russell took the hall through the right side tor a r timr v.iril gain. lull th«> play was < ailed bar k on a holding penally and the Sun Devils fared a six ond and tt> id the Oregon lt> Then Oregon linelwr.ker I'eler Brantley snagged Kussell behind the line of si rimmnge tor a six yard loss, and after l‘i i nnsecutive rushing plays, tile Sun Devils Were forced to pass Herlshirl freshman quarterback Brel Powers, who received the lirxt start of his i ollegiale t areer against the Dm ks threw into the hands of strong safety Kory Dairy Hie interception was a spark Oregon used to shut down the Arizona State of fense for the rest til the game "In the first quarter we came out hard, ran gi aid. and stored." Russell said " I hen the set ond hall I pist don't understand it We started hard and just i ante out here and broke down Indeed, the Sun Devils were successful with lhi> run in the lust halt partn ularly in the first quarter Arizona State piled up ‘Hi yards on 22 i arries in the opening quarter with Kussell get ling ">7 yards on 1 t carries but managed to get only III yards on nine t arries in the set ond quar ter Turn to ASU, Page 14 -1 BMBM (U PMUM CHINESE RESTAURANT 1275 ALDER ST. 683-8886 SERVING EAST LUNCH BEST CHINESE. INEXPENSIVE ORIENTAL BUFFET M TH 10 30 8 00 Fn 10.30 8 30 Sat I I 30 8 30 Closed Sunday DINNER SPECIALS EVERYDAY!!! Arnolds HIDEAWAY BEVERAGES WED& I R! STAN & PAUL. IHURS .. BILL WALTERS & MIKE FLYNN ’ All shows star! at 9pm 1495 E 19th 484-7599 I PREPARE FOR: | StWfey-H MPLAN . IDUCATIONAL L com LTD. TfST WWUUnON VICMLlTISMCf «N Call Days Eves A Weekends Classes begin Sat., October 27 In Eugene FREE Inlrolaaaon caii 688-6307 DISCOUNT FOR U OF O STUDENTS SAVE MONEY! Student Discounts on PHOTO DEVELOPING Any Size $3" printed 3x5 size for 4x6 add $1.00 36 exp.$4.99 expires 10-31 90 890 E 13th Across from UO Bookstore 342-FILM DOC d>r«gon Daily Em*r«ld tiDC Oragl DOC OrmQon D^ily £mtf>Id ODC Ofgj DRINKS ARE ON THE HOUSE At TRACK TOWN PIZZA, you buy the pizza and we buy the Pepsis. Every Monday we’re giving away two medium Pepsis with every small, medium, large, or giant pizza purchase. (Valid in-house and on delivery. Valid with TRACK TOWN coupons. Valid Monday only.) So call TRACK TOWN and enjoy the quality pizza and free Pepsi. After all, Why settle for less . . than the BEST!?! TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1809 Franklin Blvd. 484-2799