VOI IKYBAI17 PROFILI PHoto by S»m Mon Junior setter Molly McGrath setting here to Mindee Adams has the been the “other” quarterback Oregon fans are talking about. VOLVO Owners Preventive Maintenance Special s /S©rvic©\v The VOLVO Spec ialists_ FREE SAFETY INSPECTION $1050 OIL CHANGE 4 t yl int ludes oil & filter touted at tjth t\ Mam in >pnngiMM« Call 726-1808 lor appointment ALL WORK GUARANTEED I Don’t miss DOCK ACTION I because your hair’s in your eyes! Our haircuts are only $8.00! We cut any length of hair to any style. Come in today to Kampus Barber Shop 851 East 13th Phone:343-7654 Men & Women WE HAVE 3 BARBERS TO SERVE YOG! NO APPOINTMENTS NECESSARY TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT at the UO Bookstore. j IIIIIIMIIIttllllll Volleyball squad set for future Junior setter provides solid nucleus By Robert Weber Emerald Sports Reporter When one thinks of Kugene, passing and quarterbacks. the name Hill Musgrave comes to mind, and deservedly so, hot there is another athlete at Ore gon who fits that description Meet Molly McGrath McGrath, the 5-foot-9 junior setter for Oregon's volleyball squad, is quickly and quietly asserting herself as one of the better setters in the Pacific-10 Conference as she helps lead the Ducks toward another trip to the NCAA tournament. Oregon Coach Gerry Gregory stressed the importance of Mc Grath in his team's success this year "Molly's done a great job this year of getting everybody involved in the offense." Greg ory said "Without her we would really la* in trouble." Although she doesn't wear shoulder pads or a helmet like Musgrave, McGrath's game centers around passing just like the Ducks' other quarterback Her 12.2 assists per game aver age ranks her ninth in the na tion. As the setter, it's McGrath's responsibility to direct tin* team on the court. That type of re sponsibility places a lot of pres sure on McGrath to perform well each time she steps onto the court, but she doesn't seem to mind. "There is a lot of pressure," McGrath said, "but I kind of like it I enjoy running our of fense and having to think of plays to run." Being the only true setter on the squad, besides freshman Katie Kerr who is redshirting this year, puts added pressure on McGrath to avoid injury or illness. r earlier this season, she came down with ill** fin two days lie fore the Ducks wen; to host Ari zona Stall;. However, when Kami; time rolled around Mc Grath was in the starting lineup that Friday night and was a key to the Ducks' victory over the Sun Devils. "Friday night I was still had ing a little bit woozv." Mc Grath said of the Arizona State match. "It's weird because sometimes you play your lies! games when your sick." Sometimes a setter's best games aren’t good enough to grab the headlines. Unlike the other quarterback at Oregon. line-up as a freshman before moving to the setter role after Stephanie Snyder's knee in jury Trying to replace the estab lished Snyder was a tall order for somebody who was just get ting her feel wet in the college game, but Med rath did the job and gained some valuable ex perience along the way. "Replacing Stephanie was really tough." McGrath said, "because I was much more comfortable playing the back row. It was difficult because the college game is so much quicker than the high school game." Gregory said one of Me ‘Molly’s done a great job this year of getting everybody involved in the offense. Without her we would really be in trou ble.’ — Coach Gerry Gregory McGrath's quality play lias yet to grab the spotlight At Oregon, as with most vol leyball teams, the big hitters who lead the team in kills each game are the one’s who grab the spotlight, hut McGrath says she doesn't mind being out of the limelight. "I don't mind being in the bat kground." McGrath said, "because 1 think it's fun watch ing the others get all the atten tion. I've never really been one to seek out attention.'' Although she was recruited as a setter, McGrath hasn't al ways set for the Ducks. In fact, she liegan her career as a back row defender She made an im mediate impact on the Duck program by occasionally work ing her way into the starting ('■rath's strong points is her ability to sot the quick attacker. "We'ni running a quick at tacking offense this year." Gregory said, "and I really feel like that is Molly's forte. She has really excelled at the quick set to the middle attackers." A comfortable, confident Mc Grath is a major reason why the Ducks are well on their way to returning to the NCAA tourna ment that they visited last year McGrath says that the team believes they will not only make the tournament this yeur but that they will stick around a little longer "Our goals are to finish third in the Pac-10 this yeur and ad vance past the first round of the playoffs." she said. 1 A self-guided tour of our lab. TV ln»% nuw pn lKn*ujh 4 wrw% of pntahing *Ugci fa,» u» Uitt fU» tru cUm> 4nd 4 preto# pfrwnpuxt ---NJ Automate brvd *Jup» your Irm k* gn rutl hi in (hr fr«mr - — — ——\y — ■A Fsprrlly trjirwd t«h nk'uns i tart and fifhuk your Irm through fvrrv tugr ot production mzL Pmuwn gr--f*lo« V garni thr krm to truuh thr ruct our*r your prrvnptinn ~j Wr certify every pnumetrt ol V your Rt pawn j«i* Pf). pnm». J h«r cu/ve Irm hi h*mr I ilnnwnX *nd more X~~-\ The fastest service in Eugene for glasses and contacts. 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