SPORTS Playoffs depend on win By Robert Weber Emerald Sports Reporter It’s do-or-die time for the Or egon volleyball team Friday night as the Ducks play host to Division II rival Portland State The Ducks, who are coming off a tough road loss to Oregon State Wednesday night, need to turn things around if they are going to return to the NCAA playoffs. "This is a must win situation for us.” Coach Gerry Gregory said, "because the playoffs are not a given for us. If we lose we would really hurt ourselves as far as the playoffs are con cerned." _Pac-10 Volleyball— Teem UCLA Stanford Oregon St. Oregon use Arizona Sr Washington St Arizona California Washington Pet. GB t 000 - 889 t 700 2't .500 4W 444 5 375 5'-: 333 6 250 »*> 222 7 222 7 Oregon is 1,3-7 overall and 5-5 in Pacific-10 Conference play after losing to the Beavers. They currently reside in fourth place in the conference stand ings and must hang onto that spot to guarantee themselves a playoff berth Despite the need for a win, Gregory says that he and his team aren't feeling the heat. "I really feel that the pres sure is off of us right now," Gregory said, "and that all we have left to do is go out and play our game." Gregory said the keys to an Oregon victory center around team defense and the ability of the hitters to make good choices. “Everybody must have a sol id match and our defense must be a little more disciplined." he said. "The hitters are also important because they must make good choices and get the ball onto the court." lunior setter Molly McGrath believes that the Portland State game is one that cannot he overlooked. “We learned from our match with Portland that we can’t overlook any teams," McGrath said. "We're going to prepare for Portland State like we pre pare for Oregon State," Another factor in the match Friday could be the rivalry that has developed between these schools over the years. Portland State leads the series with Ore gon 37-11-1 but has lost the last five meetings. McGrath says the fact that Portland State is a Division II school may be a motivating fac tor for the Ducks "We don’t want to lose to a Division II school," she said, "because it would look bad even though Portland State is a great Division II team ” Portland State enters the match with a 17-6 mark after losing to Oregon State in four games last week They are an established power in Division II volleyball and proved so by claiming the I'lfiH NCAA Divi sion II championship The Vikings .ire currently ranked seventh in the Division II national poll and are led by the strong arms of Kim Keith and lawn tin Peters Oregon will counter with a balanced attack led by junior hitters Mindee Adams. O.iwnn Charroin and lulie |effery Ad ams a middle blocker, is com ing off a big weekend against the Washington schools which gained her 27 kills, 15 digs and eight blocks while compiling a 52:t hitting percentage The Ducks will continue their homestand the following weekend when top-ranked UCLA and powerful DSC visit McArthur Court Kenra Finest Protessional Products Colour Weaves Spiral Perms Acrylic Nails French Tip Acrylics Etc... *‘Ask about getting FREE haircuts!! • style and quality • li dining and product • service arid expertise • precision and value \ Visit us to find out how pleasant the salon experience can be. I 1611 Oak Street 342-1751 I _ . 25% OFF FIRST VISIT 10% OFF returning visit with UO ]_D Call NOW to receive % price manicure! Expirts wmno UNIVERSITY BRANCH 831 East 13th • Eugene, OR 97401 (503)683-5577 • 1-800-888-3799 WE’RE YOUR TICKET OUT OF HERE! SPECIALISTS IN STUDENT TRAVEL • Student Discounts • Lowest Domestic Fares • Lowest International Fares • Amtrak Tickets • Instant Eurail Passes Don’t miss a great catch. . . Pick up an ODE football program each Friday before home games. DIS. DENMARK S INTERNATIONAL STUDY PROGRAM affiliated with tlw Univrn Htty of Copenhagen _ a (tar STUDY EUROPE IN COPENHAGEN TAUGHT IN ENGLISH BY DANISH FACULTY O Liberal Arts (Social Sciaticas, Humanities, Arts) O international Business O Architecture WMkvt I m m (.'ofvwfuiijni I nw min Amt-nuiu iMw •Jujitth iHkhiiim u Iitw in IVrinwrl' ■Uuliiiiki mill DIS \U‘ stun/ in IIn* \lnrf uml Uilk iilvul 1 Miio uhmt i ullurul iltlkmkft uhnit luv min It »»■ mm (vuhuI Ml a uml I wiml up tmyimi Ikon Ihf rt(W*i' [Vnnwrit« ii '/mi// Ik'/thwi’miin *mrtn nidi u fctvmnlmn (utlurr uml u ««*/ plme lor un Aituruun l<> im In liml i