Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 16, 1990, Page 8, Image 8

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    Day’s events to focus
on plight of world poor
World Food Day will la*
observed today at the Uni
versity with two showings of
Imnwend. a film ahou! De
press ion-era homeless fami
lies whose problems an; si
milar to those of their mod
ern day counterparts
Today, groups across the
nation will focus attention
on the hungry and homeless
in their communities, col
lecting donations of food,
clothing and toiletries to In;
donated to shelters and oth
er organizations.
In lane County, about
1)0.000 people one-fourth
of the population — are liv
ing at or below the poverty
level, said Sara Dodge of
OSPIRC. which is sponsor
ing the film with lame Coun
ty (immunity College's
Hunger and Homelessness
Admission to tonight's
film will bo a can of food or
some toiletry, such as soap
or shampoo, to be donated
to Food for Lane County and
White Bird Clinic. "A lot of
people have food drives or
blanket drives and those
are important." Dodge said
"But the need for soap and
toothbrushes and shampoos
is often overlooked."
The film, which stars
Meryl Streep and jack Nich
olson. will be shown in UK
Gilbert at 6:30 p.m. and H:3t)
p m Lisa Horowitz, execu
tive director of OSPIRG's
state offices, will also be
OSPIRG also helps organ
ize the annual Oxfam Fast
for World Harvest in Novem
ber. an international effort to
raise money to fight hunger
around the world
Carlos Santana suing Miller
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) Cuitarisl Carlos Santana sued the
Miller Brewing Co Monday, accusing the beer manufacturer of
malice and fraud for televising a commen iut he said mimics his
nmdition of the song "Black Magic Woman
The lawsuit seeks an unspec died amount of damages. San
tana's lawyer. David Phillips of San Francisco, said damages
sought could amount to "over $1 million
Miller spokesman Steve Forsythe said the* Wisconsin company
knew nothing about the suit and had no comment.
The suit alleges Miller and its New York ad agency. Backer
Spielvogel Bates Inc violated the federal trademark law
The commen nil advertises Miller Lite Beer The brewer and
its agency began running the commen ial last fall and continued
for several months despite a demand to stop, the lawsuit says
The suit claims Miller knowingly used the commen ial "with
the imitation of Santana s distinctive guitar playing therein." to
help sell Miller Lite Beer
Continued from Page 7
and farmers," she added.
"This leads into discussion
about the environment and
how to be a responsible citi
The second grade program
encourages the children to play
the roles of fur trappers. Native
Americans or farmers. From a
costumed tour leader, they
learn about the groups that in
habited the land and how to do
various crafts, including mak
ing a totem, nut (tags or molds
of animal footprints
"I think it's a great place for
the kids to learn about the Indi
ans. fur trappers and farmers,"
said |ay Swinson. a leisure
studies major who earned prac
ticum credit with the program
in April "Dorris Ranch is a
good place for kids to get out
doors and walk around, to ex
perience and learn about the
outdoors. Often when we're out
there we see opossum, foxes
and other animals."
College-age student tour
leaders can work for practicum
credit in internship or work
study positions. Training is
provided on Saturdays.
New apprentices train with a
skilled leader a few times be
fore leading a group on their
own. The students learn by do
ing. fiemis said, and often find
the experience worthwhile.
“Hopefully it's a totally dif
ferent and unique experience
for them." liemis said. "First
of all, they get out of the class
room and into a situation
where they gel to work with
children outside at Dorris
“The volunteers get a chance
to use their leadership abilities.
Pfcolo bv Andr* Rantvn
(barmen Olsen, a Dorris Ranch volunteer, helps young chil
dren experience the history of the Willamette Valley.
to learn to keep a group under
control and speak a little in
public," Swinson said "It was
a real positive experience The
kids were great and Dorris
Ranch is a great place to
For more information on how
to become involved in an in
ternship or work for practicum
credit, contact the ESCAPE of
fice or Casey He mis at
Willamalane Park and Recrea
tion District at 726-4335.
You've heard the
ominous facts, thought
about it a long time
and now you want to...
— Come join the American Cancer Society's
Kreshstart program to kick the smoking
— Kreshstart provides participants with the
essential information and strategies need
ed to direct their own efforts to quit
— This is a 4-week Smoking Cessation Work
shop held on each Thursday.
— Starts: Oct. 18tll
12:30-2:00 p.m.
Medical Library
in the Student Health Center
Sponsored by the Lifestyle Planning Program
in the Student Health Center
Pre-register by calling 346“4456
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