Oaily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place. Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 MsMAMIUTMWMflS— Female, Christian to share large comfortable horn* Campus close microwave. dishwasher nan* furniture many amenities $16SS3?S 34S-0991 Non smoking roommata to sham 2 bedroom apartment Closa to U of O $18!> « '-i utilities 686 0306 Roommata to share ?8R ’BA " qu*ef complex Non smofcer'dtugs. S212 50mo • ^ uftis 27th A Chambers 343 ffi2S ttv msg > UUi University Theatre Second Season presents WE WON’T PAY, WE WON’T PAY A Political Farce by Dario Fo N American Version by A.G Davis October 17,18,19, 20 25, 26, 27 8:00 p.m. Arena Theatre Tickets at Robinson Theatre Box Office 346-4191 S4.00 General Public $3.00 Students JAiS'I'lilili iiPE 222. Save a life. Give Blood. EMU Fir Room Oct 16th & 17th 10-3:30 PM ,, „ Sponsored by U OS A A “The Art of Leading" Outdoor Program video Wednesday Oct 17 12 30 pm Outdoor Program EMU 346 4365 Outdoor Program “Equipment Swap.” W«dn.»d>y Oct 17. 7 » pm In Ih. EMU B^lroom. Ml OM ECKANKAR pfuwti “Your Universe of Dreams" A 30 minute video presentation and discussion to help understand We spiritual and everyday significance of your dreams 155 Straub Tuesday Oct 16th at 7 pm info 342-6375 fdeys) 2i5 abT^ a fe»if fewTAimw^T FIRST EUGENE PERFORMANCE IN OVER TWO MONTMSI NINE DAYS WONDER ONE NIGHT ONLY TONIGHT! AT GOOD TIMES APTS.-otiPiimi' U OF O Studios/Qudds 1156 Patterson 715f. 16th 951 W. 17th 1 Bedroom 945 1. 19th 1 t5h Patterson «#.<) Willamette 794 r 11th St 2/3 Bedroom 715VJ r. 16th 601 Coburg R<1 155S W. 18th We have apartments available to meet everyone s needs, turmshed/unfurnished. Prices to tit every budget lot information, or to view any unit, please i all £ Jennings+Co 488 E. 11th Ave, 888-227! liii Litnorntma ART CINEMAS 492 E 13th • 686-2458 OtCOUKT tWOWt loWoU T»-W»M joart n f». t a • Mi * » AKIRA W AiOlfT TO nnoon T u • 40 • a* T*i • 00 NUMNT (HIV ** LAST EXIT TO BROOKLYN I ■tuam im. Tw •! «4t wm ta Ml •*'•*■*4 DAS BOOT H w»t» m#mu»ck* mmi malfl STRANGER THAN PARADISE Fr-*a H7 My Ula Aa ADop MW1WM7 r -- 4, KLCX 104 7 LATE NIGHT l j-AST EXIT TO BROOKLYN, T*n 40• Mr*T>1 n 00 W TtU hhM ROCKY MOR M»4»— <■ •» 44i4 HltAOy 4*M i A Any lima it party lima' In tha Daily ttimtd Ptnonal ClataJftatft ^ j . .a M #n m miner rocjunu • ««mm Om (iMM« kt Cmmi 310 SERVICES NEED FINANCIAL AlO”» Call now *0» FREE Information pm.w raoosTi 7Qt3 YOU MAY GIT MORE THAN HIGH. (503) 346 4456 CROSSWORD By Eugene Shejfer ACROSS 1 Swindla 5 Hola m on* • Actrass Lynn 12 Cougar 13 Tooth pasta chorea 14 Lika paas in — 15 Habtaw port, in a way It Pixias 20 Official daoaa 21 — King Cola 22 Caution or school laad-in 23 Format Egrpt-n 20 Political radical 30 Pindar's lorta 31 Wagar 32 Educaton org 33 Omittad 30 Hidga ol sand 30 Singar I_ Jams 39 lodge member 40 f ilmdom's Cary 43 Molds in high ragard 47 South paw's pteler anca 49 Trick . 50 Arrow poison 31 Luau dish 52 Russian daspol 53 Bluajay or bobolink 34 — and aH 53 Closa DOWN 1 Haalth resorts 2 Ape* 3 God ol love 4 Yacht basin 5 Metal lag 6 Pasting grades 7 Santa’s holpar S Wovan container 9 South Seas port 10 Laver and Caret* 11 — lute 17 Gang’s territory IB Make lace 12 Fido or FMty 13 Fa' loi lower 24 Summer Solution tlmt: 24 mint. 11 111111 Mu Ini i Mi lull [li Vaalarday's answer 10-1 € rolrashar 25 Fadaial dapl 26 * — It IU" (song) 27 Calli graphar's nead 28 Under stand 29 Sailor 31 Small roll 34 Addad color 35 Solamn promise 34 Tall Irea 37 Minis and mas is 39 Actor Albart 40 Smoothly lluant 41 Italian pamlar 42 South wrasl wind 43 Prasanlly 44 Football running play 45 Jacob s twin 46 Spanish mural isl 48Gls addross 'PIZZfl ?£T£$ NS ALL YOU CAM EAT! SPAGHETTI SPECIAL WITH GARLIC BRIAD $2.95 Tuatday only 12 p.m. to 10 p.m 2673 Willamette • 484 0996 Next to the Black Forest Tavern Free Delivery BAT BEAT HOWL-O-WEEN MESSAGES 50* Only (11/ per line Orange art only $1.50 1 Deadline: 1 p.m., Monday, October 29 Place your Howl-o-ween messages at: Room 300. EMU • UO Bookstore EMU Main Desk Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson TUM CU*» Of STMIS IS 008 TVS KIK'I WM OJS S0l>8 S1S1VM IS Ct* THk eo«. of it M : Nt HUKt THROUGH AN iHTOMPttUHSlJli 0WIW4SS. IN CWiHIC TtKMS. **- MS VJftM OtAlC PMit ICUES IN K GV.MN 01 SMU> OH AN IHVlHIIl 9EKU I I *C*OLR. KWS OK U NOK Hudson van curen by Michael Russell Ah... uu ft<«r Mf,»ii' w Pi0 you THIMK \\» * H/UO HUO (l to vvoi'io fvfr, J \y£ ,T f0*^ Hfl r t'1? CSJCfinli Bv**"*'C sSw >L t Cl