Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS OCTOBER ATTRACTIONS 1/2 PRICE PERSONALS! Dorm Residents 10/1 10/5! Greeks 10/8 10/12) Int'l Students; 10/15 10/19! „ „ BAT BEAT! Appearing Oct. 30 Deadline Oct 29 S0e/llne (3 line min) S1 50/arl (In spooky orange!). To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 International Students MmI 37,000 naw friends for only 35$ psr line ONLY IN THE ODE PERSONALS OCT. 15 • OCT. 19 • RIac# mH in pmw, Room 300. EMU bnion I p m daMy • Mention yow counliy artttMn Mw conWal of row ad CALI 340 4143 FOR DETAILS CONGRATULATIONS John McMahon on bemg the firtil person to correctly hll out yesterday • crossword pur/le Be fhe first person to bring me solved crossword po/vte to the Oregon Daily Emerald Ottic*. Room 10G f. MU alter h a m K win a FREE ODE T shirt & a tS credit tor classified advertising* [ (1 win jger * ees please' 1 _ AT 1990 FALL PLEDGE Kyle S MM* 8 Mike C Chris C Mark C Justin D Jim D EdO Hap I Scott E CLASS Rob 0 Braden K John K Jtant CNIIP Jason R DaetdS Seth W Todd W WE’RE PROUD TO HAVE YOU ABOARD YOUR BROTHERS GREEKS! Today is the day to turn in your order envelopes from last week end • party Watty. S4447S0 US. Loaf: sal of keys on Nika shoe keyring Please call 4B4-2S74 UL ililllitlffif DIAL-ATYPIST 683-7777 "JO. THE TYPING PRO" IBM WORD PROCESSlNG/EDtTING PAPERS THESES DISSERTATIONS Free PROFESSIONAL TYPING Also word processing editing pickup^detivery Ronda. 935190? Retired University Secretary All types papers Celt Jean 998 1864 Avan eves after 6/weekend* ROBIN >44 07Si 20th YEAR! 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Spares available to rent at 1021 Mill For more information call if Co 488 1. 1 Tth Avr, 888-2271 Earn $2000 per month at home plus bonuses o! Maiwan trip and more Cali 689 7341 AMAZING JOBS AVAILABLE The U of O Telefund needs you Earn $tvh» while working flexible day and evening hours Stop by 2001 Franklin Bird today Of call 3403433_ Coach Wanted: experienced volunteer select U 19 soccer coach for 1991 season April through July Expenses paid Send letter to Eugene Springfield Soccer Club 1076 Forrester Way Eugaoe 97401 Gtasmg date. October 22nd Dancers wanted Great Alaskan Busn Company Excellent money 1030 Mwy 99 North 688 9027 It’s easier than you think to pay for your college education working at Jiggles Excellent money flexible hours Call Jim or Brook for personal mtervtew. 342 2723 'lii'Lli'lMi: PANHELLENIC ASSOCIATION ATTENTION GREEK WOMEN! Applications for Panhallenic positions are now available. University of Oregon • President • Vice-President • Scholarship • Rush • Tribunal • Greek Activities • Public Relations Applications available in Suite 5 Deadline is Oct. 19 at 5:00 p.m. Ill’ll: HOME TYPIST*. PC uun xm