International students’ support group meets today MEETINGS The Latin American Support (aim mitlee will hold a general meeting at 5:15 p ni in EMU Cedar Room I) (ail! Hti-5897 for more information. Et als The Biology Interest Organization will hold its first general interest meet ing at 7 p in in Room 112 of Willamette Hall Call :t4ti-4525 for more informa tion Students for the Ethical Treatment of Animals will hold an animal rights nulling at 5 p.m. in EMU Cedar Room K. ('.all 346-4356 for information The Christian Science Organization will meet at 6:30 p m in the Iwsement of the Koinonea Outer Call 343-4640 for information MlSCEI.I-ANEOtlS CD-ROM tutorial: Medline will be in the Science Library refenmce area at 10:30 a m Call 346-2368 for informa tion The following CD-ROM tutorials will la* held in the Knight Library reference department: Readers' Guide at 12:30 p.m. and ERIC: at 4 p.m. I-earn to use the computerized databases to find in formation in these areas Ca 11 340-2368 for more information. "Medical and Dental School Inter views" workshop discussing interview formats and typical questions will be at 3:30 p m. in Koran 104 of Oregon Hall. Call 346-3211 for more information. The Survival Onter is sponsoring the showing of "Deadly Secrets: The Un told Story of Trojan" from 11 a m. to noon in the EMU Oak Room, and again from 4 to 5 p.m. in the EMU Walnut Room. Call 346-4356 for more informa tion. International Friends, one of the fall support groups offered by the llniversi ty Counseling Center providing support for international students, will meet from 3:30 to 5 p m. in Room 240 of the Counseling Center. Call 346-3227 for more information. Carey Drayton, a finalist for the posi tion of Director of Public Safety, will be available to meet with members of the campus community from 4:30 to 6 p.m. in the EMU Gumwood Room. Deadline for submitting Et als to the Emerald front desk. EMU Suite 300. is noon the day before publication. Et als run the day of the event unless the event takes place More noon. AUDIO/VIDEO OCTOBER 8-20 AT THE UO BOOKSTORE BMK «1HE BOOM! gp^ClALS pTer^OUT^LE*9-95 SALE 139.95 Re° rf PULL-OUT High Power S'T SALE 199.95 To PULL-OUT High Power Cr;S* SALE 439.95 "^rTsu**5 Kicker Comp 8 Sl~l 60 «*-c Power 60 Watt amp Precision Power ou g5 Reg 232 00 SALE FREE Component Speakers System 15 1,4 9 only aeckpurchaseju.^^^ TP^EIVM T„*rr“»* ',C.“*d'c"s/'l£'6!I'95 ^Z^sale^ S*r'I»TR*»'l'E3M-95 8 m&ism M?ov5Ia ^vr'w^-95 '°r°M9» SALE 249-95 ° ,,n«mo,.Coio.'v TC“« • **\£ 22900 -*53TcS3'* Reg A,wa Portable CD i f49.00 Re0 l9996ra!.seUe DecK (PCV66JI jVC Portable Cass ^ Reg 179 00 SAL jVCCOPlaye- *LV^lE 149.00 Reg 179 00 &ALC 249 00 —ssrss M»-<» Reg <=»w Technics CD PMve's-L£ f49.00 Rea 179 00 SAUC Technics CD piaye.U^H)^^ Reg 2«9 00 &AI-C ?PF BOReg 249 MWSaU ^ 95/pf B0Reeg6LV^ "SALE 399-00 Inhnity sm 82 8 2*a* ^49 QO/p' Reg 299 95 SALE /4WW ,h a 2 way ^00 | SALEW tS* TAPES FUJ(V1OEOT*PEL£2g9 ■Sirasas UP BOOKSTORE 13TH AND KINCAID M-F 7:30 - 6 SAT. 10-6 PH. 346-4331 BUDGET Continued from Page 1 he said, citing practicum edu cation. taw ac ( reditation. and the Center for Housing Innova tion us issues that need to hi? addressed. Warlike said that of the $50 million proposed increase for effective recruitment and reten tion hiring practices. $45 mil lion would he used to increase faculty salaries, while the re maining $5 million would lie used for professors’ ‘‘support : COiOP: „ ENLARGEMENTS . 4 SUITABLE FOR NOTEBOOKS LOCKERS & FRAMING Highest Quality Photo Finishing f rorn Your Color Negatives or Slides 99e ,, SQ99 Satisfaction Guaranteed COUPON activities,” such as computers, research, technical help and re sources for conferences. "If you give a faculty mem ber a salary and don't give them support to go along with it, the faculty member will go somewhere else," Warlike said. According to Warlike, an av erage annual salary for a profes sor in Oregon is $36,400. Quenzer said if the budget is passed, it would increase sala ries by 6 percent. During the past five years, salaries have in creased an average of 8 percent a year with the exception of the period July 1. 1088 to Jan. 1. 1080. During that period there was no increase in faculty sala ries. Even though there has been a fairly constant rise in faculty wages. Quenzer said the in crease has not kept up with in flation, nor with "what's going on around the country.” SURVEY Continued from Page 1 death threats and have been assaulted. The report contains many ac counts of abuse and discrimina tion related by people through out the campus community. "I was raped by two men in my dorm last year,” one sur veyed student wrote. "They found out I was a lesbian. 1 was afraid to report it because I am not out to my folks. "But the campus police didn't even believe me, so I dropped it," she wrote. Seeking solutions, the task force recommended applying University and state non-dis crimination policies at all lev els Other recommendations in clude a permanent administra tive office for lesbian and gay concerns, anti-homophobia ed ucation and the establishment of a l-eshian and Oay Studies Center. TV &M6M g rPMlUM » CHINESE RESTAURANT 1275 ALDER ST. 683-8886 * + ft ft f A SERVING E AST LUNCH BESt CHINESE. INEXPENSIU ORIENTAL BUFFET M TH 10 30 8 00 Fit 1030830 Sal 11 30 8 30 Closrd Sunday DIMMER SPECIALS EVERYDAY!!!