COMMUNITY MMBj | L The scenery could change for Eugene Public Library employett Mary kontny. The city council may ask voters next spring to fund a new library site in the old Sears building. Council mulls over new library By Brian Bloch Emerald Reporter A proposal asking Eugene area voters to help fund the cre ation of a new library in the old Sears building is likely to be on the spring ballot. The Eugene City Council will decide late this month whether to develop a funding proposal for the renovation after evaluat ing public support for the pro ject If the council decides enough public support exists to warrant the project, a bond measure will most likely appear before voters in the spring Architects' drawings and models of the proposed Sears building library are at the Eu gene Public library at 10th Ave nue and Charnelton Street. City councillors and library staff held public forums about tin proposed move throughout late September and early this month Models of two proposed de signs for the Sears site depict buildings more than twice the size of the current facility. Designed by Kugene archi toots Robertson Sherwood, who will oversee the project, the two plans differ only in that one would provide under ground parking and a three lev el addition to tin? Sears build ing The other design has no pro visions for underground park ing and only a two-story addi tion to the current strut tore "These (models) an* what tile library could he,” said archi tect |im Robertson, who also stressed the need to cater to public input on the design The first design, incorporat ing about 00 underground parking spaces, would be more costly tint provide room for fu ture expansion of the library. Rotiertson said Martha Rico, library board chairwoman, said the existing library "doesn't have the space to provide ample service to Hu gene." Space problems with the ) 1 • year-old building have forced the library to store thousands of 1 looks in the basement, reduce seating and utilize other facili ties for public service pro grams. Rice said (liven ample public support and funding, the new library would span more than 100,000 square feet and offer room for the 250.000 books. 700 maga zine and newspaper subscrip tions. recordings, video cas settes. art and public serve e fa cilities currently offered. At .ill estimated cost of less than $15 million, the proposed renovation of the Sears build ing is less expensive than the estimated $15-1 million of up dating the current facility, or about $22 million at the pro p o s e d B r o a d w a y a n d (lharnelton Street site. Options to build a branch of the main library would not solve "space problems for the central collection." Rice said THE POWER ELITE THE NAVY NUCLEAR TEAM Il<* pan «)l the |»)Wfl elite, the Navy NikIc.ii I Si.hi Mini i .Heel ivlicic him ti'.H jmuci siailcil, Ill i111' Naw Ami c.tin II|| IO $:ti).(NM). iilillc Mm limill M limit In the \;in PiopuKion cause, chiropractic t are can give you relief without drugs or surgerv All automobile insurance covers chi ropractic cam 100% Servo es offered art- individual treatment, chiropractic mn nipulation. theraptrutic massage and therapeutic siretc long If you have a question com erning your t biroprat lit t are needs call Craig Balter. DC today for a free phone consultation The Chiropractic Healing Center 1872 Willamette . Eugene . OK 342-4520 FIRESTONE TIRE&SERVICE CENTERS Students Welcome Ju«l Stock t fiam ■» Comou> jM I SALE of the Season on FI REHAWK I All-Season Performance Radials ^— ALL WITH A 40, 40,000 Pt-*\ ?0#»3 IM®S 'C*U <‘0««4 PW ‘WU TOW* IS P?fpWtV wswim FIREHAWK GTX P!tV.*■ "fl'.l 33 ■ ,">flu 34. . ■ /->B" 36 ' '-Ml* 37. -«lf 38 Rl‘ 39 3ASSENGEH 'JtuMitximt | S402 RADIAL mAtl -.Mdson stov tHhtod • SujMK F&H tH>iMBS spwnt fdti'J *36" BitctwtH Pm# 16 :SHU S40 99 ■ S.'OSHI 43 '8- 47 '*•1 '0S»u 50 •V-. ' 54 99 57 99 o? SI s* IMPORT 1 I lid yea kaaaa (mrliiai 400 I milliM yallaae tf Ntl nek year 4m I la ■■4ariaflalt4 tiaaa? Ckaak it mil ] FREE 4-PT. TIRE CHECK AIPPfifSSURt 3 IRfADOtPTH THSAOWfAR 4 VALVfSTfMS AS CASH E Lube Otl $2999 & Filter ! 2m *15“ I •Mamowt' .-.' * • •. • • I fnmta*** 1*0 coo*«j vrm>* I m& tfttom 3om*t Vtf j •**■.« * o'(waiv* mm >k*k* urn* <**r» a* »pw«M 6*m * '**% *> *# *»**•«* mmuft J*t06,itorm ft H'O'^Vr ■%* t» MM W .©$*< *&»«>■ Cj#>»e**** ^ V« "?»• No Appointment Necessary • East 11th Store only Just a short walk from Campus 345-1593 *185 E. 11th