Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 15, 1990, Page 3, Image 3

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Country suffers from lack of morality
Some 200 years ago Hen
Franklin explained that the
Constitutional Convention had
wrought a republic, if we can
keep it. As inheritors of this
noble republic, we would do
well to ask "What must we do
to keep this republic?”
John Adams declared that
our system of government only
works with a righteous people:
it cannot work any other way.
Therefore, to keep our dear
republic with all our rights and
liberties, we must be righteous.
Hy righteous, the author means
a quality of life resulting from
compliance to the principles of
truth and liberty.
tat us now examine the statu
of the union in reference to
We start by looking at family.
Family life is the basic unit and
bedrock foundation of society
— a dismal picture greets our
We see children abused by
those who should love them.
The broken bones, the shat
tered self-esteems and the rapes
all cry to us.
As we broaden our view we
s«h' divorce court dockets filled
to overflowing as. in many
places, two selfish people re
fuse to act their age and solve
their problems.
No area shows how far we
arc from a righteous people
than the wholesale abuse of
this gift of life. Fornication is
rampant, as arc gutless cries of
"protecting" yourself
Adultery, which sears the
soul and destroys the family, is
almost an accepted way of life
As Hitler gave us Auschwitz
and Stalin the gulag, so Black
mun. Brennan. Burger. Doug
las. Powell, and Marshall gave
us Roe vs. Wade.
So far twenty million-plus
unborn children have been of
fered on the altar of "liberty"
to the Clod of lust The stench
of the sexual revolution fills
our nostrils and tells us right
eousness is not found here.
Our country is $3 trillion in
debt with no end in sight. Con
gress, obviously feeling they
know best, has spent my fu
ture. my children’s future and
my grandchildren's future.
Then there is the cowardice
of the elected bodies. Survival
ist by nature, the Congress re
fused to take a stand on the var
ied items which make up to
day s controversy Instead. they
shuck it off to the judges.
In ih*’ broad sih dal lift* of
America. righteousness lias tak
en it in the shorts, also. Crimes
against blacks, the homeless,
the elderly, women and reli
gious groups climb at horrify
ing rates.
Pornography, whether verbal
or visual, is a cant er spreading
through our land Amazingly,
the pornographers are defended
by misguided zealots while
rape victims live through the
hell their assailants have made
for them
Let us acknowledge that as
currently constituted. America
is an unrighteous people.
What does this mean? Histo
ry tells us Greece and Koine
were thriving republics until
they ceased to la- righteous.
Someone said "America is
great because it is good and if it
ceases to la* good it will cease
to be great." As we have seen.
America has ceased to be good
Therefore, the last, iiest hope in
Earth is in danger of joining
previous democracies in the
ash bins of history.
Remember, a free country is a
terrible thing to waste
William K. (iaskill is a stu
dent of political science.
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