Can You Identify a Drunk Driver? It Can Save Your Life! By learning to spot the following warn ing signals of an impaired driver, the chances of becoming involved in an alcohol-related motor vehicle accident are reduced: * Unusually wide turns * Straddling the center line or lane marker * Driving with one's head out of the window or with the window down in cold weather * Nearly striking an object or another vehicle * Weaving or swerving * Driving on other than the designated roadway * Stopping with no apparent cause * Following too closely * Responding slowly to traffic signs * Abrupt or illegal turns * Rapid acceleration or deceleration * Driving with headlights off at night * K E V.s to » cm i \n.\R or / 17 vv s I hr uvc\ o' ( k /e/v» I ">-.V /" \ t i>//c\iif/i' . l/i i'/’i>/ .LonrihWrrk I //./."t- fvrM hr.lulr.l thi^ n'O - /’i/ r - \ < riif'' i >>/ i.unj'U'- ;n /i i \irpn> /•> MONDAY, OC IOBI K 1 r> - I Rl PAY, OC IOBI R 22 • A 147-1 ( amaro that was totaled m an alcohol related accident will be1 on display throughout the- week • An information table will be in the 1 MU lobby from 10 a m to 2 p in throughout the week TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16 • Come stv the "Bob and IXmny Show" a comedy act that will ad dress the perils of drunk driving at 7 p m m the Caswell Lounge. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17 • Mocktails will be served at the information table in the I MU lobby from 10 a m. to 2 p in today WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24 • Mark Alan and an evening ot table magic will highlight an eve ning oi Mocktails m Schaetter lounge from 4 p m to 1 1 p m Don't Take A Chance... Take Action! If you are concerned that one of your friends may have had too much to drink to drive safely, don't hesitate. Don't take " I'rn fine" for an answer. Bo polite. But lx? firm. Do one of the following in order to save your friend's life. 1. Drive your friend home They can always come back for their car later. 2. f lave your friend stay overnight at your home. This may involve some inconvenience for you, but you could be saving your friend's life. 3. lake the car keys a way if your friend insists on driving. Some people may resent it at the time, but if they are too drunk to listen, take charge* 4. Call a taxi. Pay for the cab yourself. Your friend cannot object to a free ride home. You'll probably receive your money back and a big thank you the next day. Table of Approximate Blood Alcohol Levels Body Weight (Lbs.) # of drinks 100 120 1 .04% .03% 2 .08 .05 3 .11 .10 4 .14 .13 5 .18 .15 6 .22 .18 7 .25 .21 140 160 180 .03% .03% .02% .05 .05 .05 .08 .08 .06 .11 .10 .08 .14 .13 .10 .16 .15 .13 .19 .18 .15 200 220 240 .02% .01% .01% .03 .03 .03 .05 .05 .04 .07 .07 .05 .09 .08 .08 .11 .10 .10 .13 .13 .12 In order to determine blood alcohol level (BAC), find the number of drinks in the left hand column consumed by the hour and your total body weight across the top. For the purposes of this chart, “one drink" is 12-ounce beer, a 5 ounce glass of wine, a standard si/ed mixed drink, or one "shot" of hard alcohol. 1 Did You Know? • In the state of Oregon, an individual is legally drunk at the BAC of .08%. • At BAC .08%, it takes a night driver 7 seconds to recover their eyesight in the darkness after being passed by another car. • The liver is capable of removing one drink per hour's worth of alcohol from the system. * At ,02%-.Q3% BAC, inhibitions are loosened and the existing mood is intensified. * 20% of the alcohol content of each drink consumed goes directly into the blood stream. * At .OS-.06% BAC, an individual becomes relaxed and experiences deficits in motor skills. Beat the Odds! • 50% of all traffic fatalities are alcohol related. • Approximately 2 in every 5 Americans will be involved in an alcohol related accident at some time in their lives. • Traffic crashes are the greatest single cause of death between the ages of 5-32. More than half of these fatalities are a result of alcohol related crashes. • On the average, one person is injured every minute in an alcohol related accident • The proportion of fatal crashes that are alcohol related is about three times greater at night than during the day. Assistance is Available Office of the Dean of Students • 346-3105 Counseling Center • 346-3227 Student Health Center • 3464441 Crisis Line • 346-4488 Public Safety • 346-5444 Events sponsored by Student Health Center's Health Educa tion Program, Office of the Dean of Students, Panhellenic Associatioon, ASUO, Alpha Lamda Delta and University Housing. Paid Advertisement