Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 ?30 HOUSES MEBiT Any lim« it p*M> time! In th# Ottly EnxntM Ptrtonai Ctotitods irm LJi w _I 960 W. 5th, 2 story 3 bedroom, all ap pftancos No pets/chitdren $600/mo plus 1st, last and deposit 344 5755 ?35 APTS/DUPLEXES Campus. furnished i bedroom $375*395 No pets 465-2823 _ Large older 3 bedroom, upper 4 plei no* available 614 Lawrence. 683 4264 Large 1 bdrm apt close to campus Clean Quiet complex Camelot Apts 18th and Alder or call 484-4103_ Spacious 1 bdrm, close to campus, deck new carpet, freshly painted S350rmo on lease • deposit 343-4109 GRfcYSTONE TOWNHOUSFS 211 BriarcIlM Newly remodeled two bedroom town houses Close to buslines' $395 Call 688 3650 240 QUADS _ TYLER PARK QUADS 528 Tyler St Large furnished quads with private bathes All utilities paid' $245 Cali 343-9235_ CEDARWOOD QUADS 441 E 17th Single rooms with shared common areas ALL UTILITIES PAID CLOSE TO CAMPUS' Leases through 8/30/91 $250 Call 344 9290 255 B00MMATES WANTED "" Architecture student seeks 1 non smoking male or female to share 2 bedroom apartment in new townhouse by river Near Autien stadium $285 a month No deposit 342 3411__ Non-smoking roommate to share 2 bedroom apartment Close to U of O $185 « Vi utilities 686 0306_ Roommate to share 2BR IBA in quiet complex Non smofcewjrugs. $2l2 50rmo ♦ ^ uhls 27th & Chambers 343-1625 (tv msg) ^Tf^kfXIS ~M'*ETINdS - ★ * WANTED ★ ★ Courageous Christians to create small Bible Studies on campus alt days, all hours ! Working ToQatftertQtoups o* Thro* PO Bo« 3157 • Eugene OR 97403 683-5608 2»0 EVENTS University Theatre Second Season presents WE WON’T PAY, WE WON’T PAY A Political Farce by Dario Fo N American Version by R G Davis October 17,18,19, 20 25, 26, 27 8:00 p.m. Arena Theatre Tickets at Robinson Theatre Box Office 346-4191 $4.00 General Public _$3.00 Students AHUiMEA - U OF O Studios/Quads 1156 Patterson 715 t. 16th 951 VV 17th 1 Bedroom 44S E. 19th 115t> Patterson >«*j0 Willamette 7ponsorcd by U 0 S A A BAT BEAT PERSONALS They're cooking in the Daily fmerald Classified* Oct. 30th ifnmarmoj BUNGEE JUMP 6830857 mtAl 4 DA rl " JAPAHmt AMSM TOW ^ w Tm too * j* * w» *h ? >» •ija NtO TOKYO »» as out ro . ClPtOOS* AKIRA Wk>rwt«o-w*rs»co w«mt stisv jm% LAST EXIT TO BROOKLYN] au m in Mfc an ati a aa . WMVIMANT SHOW’S Mm (3 WTte tl • 41 WW1 In Ml «Wftwi4 (W DAS BOOT W. «»nihim jawuvmhast »um;M STRANGER THAN PARADISE Ft Sa at 7 My lit* As A Dog l«l ii mi t 1074 « M r Klaa O* TN« «•**■ **mmr ^gamammaiir NKiKT OWV SOCIAL |* Y *iiwit w-4*rMioo ^ASIEXIIIQ BRQQKLYt W W« M V f PRETTY WOMAN T»M.„*.MAOCtcVH6nft<5ff •tW • Hi ^ngpiT NEED FINANCIAL AlO ’ Call nos to* FREE Information Pat *ei 1 M0S21 TOM Tsmpotary health in»u»*w» >. I si reasonable raiti 10 days lb' d Bandy Had** 4 —r-^v r<* (tuft* h i,:,(tnt h HtJfii. THU CASr li( TM rims AM* mi arm fa* vv( CAfttiury of A Vj»^ > - ^ >• tm?spi rtf' ■ j c,th( im n Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson *RL tr I*. 8 00 MO *fc MME TO GO TO BID MJlEWrt SCMtBOOIS \ WWJ WOULD M.WMS ftVMMtt I *H DO W m UFC. I J KM CEWLP HLA.SL DO WWkT I NMLV TO DO l Moto^'aK.romc, run HMMS.VER WOM V® OW)