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Spaces available to rant at t(*2t Mill i Fo* nvora information cafi Remember This DATE OCT. 15 Deadline to* the following positions EMU Boar* 1 at large aaaf OrsJbiad Studtni Sarmcaa SatlargaaaaH Mediation 2 at targt studants CMM Cart Taat Force 2 studant parent* Sludtni Health mtwance Comm 1 at large Constitution Good 2 laa Students Application* In ASUO office Suita 4 EMU ASUO »* an Affirmative ACtkxVEquM Opportunity Employer t stwdant at large 3J2HEIU3 mi Apply for « Miff VISA & AfTWIfJf C» press cord and take oft with * TWA 199 High! *nyi»he*e m the USA‘ Cam now MS **39 REPOSSESSED VA 4 MUD HOMES available how government from St w'lhout credit chock You reps** Also !«• deltngueot foreclosure* Call ! AOSOIW mS «*1 M 14S4 for fppo list your are* STUDENT SENATE SEATS OPEN 1 Education English. Graduate interdisciplinary Studies Journalism Languagas Law School 7 Music. Speech. TCF Theater 14 AAA. Economic, PPRM 15 Danes. Human Development. PE. Recreation 12 Biology. Chemistry. 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