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The internet address is pres@oregon.uoregon.edu i i Students, (acuity, and staff members, use your I personal computers with modems I department terminals on UONet I computer workstations that can access UONet for free and convenient access to the President Visit the University Computing Center 1225 Kincaid to open an account without charges it you do not have one SPORTS HUSKIES Continued from Page 9 getting s.u ked and fumbling the ball " Musgravc luid no explanation for the pfav afterward, saving it was just a ( are less mistake on his part "1 was trying to throw to Ngalu but derided I wouldn't and just didn't pro tect the hall." he said I ran'! fie fum bling the ball especially when we're a lx ml to s< ore inside the So After Brunell's second scoring run. the Huskies added 10 more points to go up 31-10 Washington man he'd 69 yards on II plays to set up a 27-yard Mike Dodd field goal on a drive highlighted by Brunell's scrambling and passing Two passes by Brunei! to Mario Bai ley gained 20 yards and two other scrambles by the quarter!>a< k accounted for 25 yards The big play was a third-and 12 from the Oregon 33 when Brunei! was flushed out of the pocket and went 17 yards to the Duck lti and a first down. Brunei! ended the game with 247 yards of total offense, completing 11 of 22 passes for 193 yards and running for 5(i yards He was a major thorn in the Ducks' side the entire game and an of fensive weapon unlike any other Oregon has seen this year Brunell. only a sophomore, is a ijuar terback whom Oregon defensive coordi nator Denny Schuler would rather not face again "I'd love to see him transfer out of the league," Schuler said. "He's like a (Ari zona's Ronald) Veal that can throw the ball." Brooks said it was Brunell's speed that made him so hard to contain. "Brunell's speed was a major factor in the game." he s.iid "Several times he hurt us just running the football We had ’em in third and fairly long one time and he just broke contain and ran it tor the first down.1 Then Washington tailback C.reg lz»w is. the Par.-10‘s leading rusher, took over l,ewis. who scored on a 54-yard bust ed play on an offsides (.all against the Oregon defense in the first quarter, started getting outside in the third and iourtli quarters .is the Husky line wore dow n the Oregon defense lz-wis ran for a career high 169 yards on 23 carries and set up the next two Husky touchdowns that put the game out of reach. lbs 14-yard catch from Brunell on a third-and-two gave Washington a first down on the Oregon 45. Brunei! then hit Orlando McKay on the next play on a fly pattern that McKay caught over Daryl Singleton for a touch down and a 31-10 lead. That touchdown, not the sac k of Musgrave that led to the 21-10 Husky lead, was the game's big play according to Washington Coach Don James. "When you're playing a team like- Oregon with Musgrave. you certainly can't he comfort able with a 14-point lead," James said "That catch was important The Dm ks c ante hack c|uic kly on a 48yard Musgrave bomb to Joe Keit/.ug that set up a nineyard touchdown run by Burwell. Oregon was within 31-17 with H 5(1 to play, but the' Hus kies marched Hi) yards back down tin* field to put the game out of rear h at 3H-17 Lewis rushed for 39 yards on tin* drive and set up Beno Bry ant s 29-vard touchdown jaunt that sealed the victory. It was the sixth consecutive game Lewis has been over 100 yards and the seventh straight over two seasons. "Lewis is clearly the l>est back we’ve seen." Brooks said. “He did nothing to discredit that statement, lie's an out standing football player." After gaining l>4 yards in the first quarter. Lewis was held to only 10 yards in five attempts in the second quarter, but after the l)u< ks lost nose tackle Star i ns Woods with a sprained an kle and cornerback Muhammad Oliver with a knee injury, the Duck defense couldn't keep up with the physical Husky line and the speedy Lewis "Their line kind of wore us down and we had some second (lint!) people in there in the fourth quarter and they just kind of dominated the line of sc rimmage on both sides of the hall in the second half." Brooks said. Woods sprained an ankle and is doubtful for next week, but Oliver is gone for the season af ter suffering a torn posterior cruciate ligament in his left knee. Duck Notes: Oregon also played much of the game with out tight end Jeff Thomason who suffered an aggravation to a hip pointer injury suffered against Utah State. His status is questionable for the rest of the season. . Bowl scouts from six different bowl games were on hand Saturday with scouts from the Copper. Fiesta. Free dom. Florida Citrus. Holiday and |ohn Hancock Bowls in at tendance. Saturday's atten dance at Husky Stadium was 7:i 498, the fifthlargest crowd ever at Husky Stadium. The Ducks game with Arizona State Saturday is at 7:07 p m., a starting time to accommodate Prime Ticket television The game is the first of three straight home games for the Ducks Photos by Mark Ylen (Top Mi) Michael McClellan* 24-yard reception oi this Bill Musgrave pass set up Musgrave's one-yard scoring plunge to tie the game at 7-7 in the second quarter. (Above) Tight end Jeii Thomason had only one catch on the day as he reinjured a hip pointer in the second quarter. (Below) Mark Brunell (11) and Greg Lewis worked the option and almost every running play to perfection on the day as the two combined tor 225 rushing yards and three scoring runs. 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