Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 12, 1990, Page 17, Image 17

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Continued from Page 14
good football.
Thi> IWHOs saw the Huskies battle powerful
DSC and DCl.A tor control of the Pac-H) Confer
ence The Dawgs rumbled through the decade
with an 84-33 overall record, two conference ti
tles. nine bowl appearances and victories in five
different bowl games.
Reitzug said Washington's success is part of
the reason that the rivalry has grown hot wean
these two teams.
"The Huskies have had success on the na
tional level." Reitzug said, "and since our pro
gram is trying to achieve some national recogni
tion. the Washington game is very big. "
The Huskies have dominated the series with
the Ducks, winning 10 of the last 13 games, but
they have lost two of the last three to the resur
gent Ducks. Oregon hopes to continue to turn the
tide with a victory this weekend in Seattle
"They've fairly well owned the series in the
past, we'd just like to make a dent in it once in
awhile." It rooks said
Two of those dents came in 1!(B7 and 1‘IMH at
Aut/.en Stadium In 1087. freshman quarterback
Hill Vlusgrave threw two tout hdovvn passes to
lead Oregon to a victory and. one year lat
er. Duck wide ret eiver Terry Oboe scored on a 5
vard end-around play with less than two minutes
to play to sec ure a 17-H Oregon victory
Keit/.ug and the other seniors hope to capture
their third victory over Washington in four years
something that few Oregon players have accom
plished m recent years
"They always think they are so much (letter
than us." Reitzug said, "but lately we've been as
good or better than them This is a really big
game for lioth teams, but they don't like to admit
that this game is big because they don't want to
give us any credit "
Pac-10 Pigskin Prognostications
I Dltoh s MOU PfiKJn *'*> b>«MHl of* antic>pat«J po»nt »{»«*.! 4a d«t#rmmtKj by in
<)tv»dual A comKI r9*pon«« >» chadded *#t h nm« ih« Uvorod ann» by at i«a»i
tn# predicted margin Th« numb«r* loOowtng #acb p«f»on s name that »n<liv*du
4i r. ovaiaJt r*co»d Th#*a piiKt'Cliont <*'«> ifllVHied fo» antwrtafvnant puipoa** on»y
UO U* use Cal S Otago St
M M M M at
H OH lla »SU UCU
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r Mo««aa |«-ll| UO* 5 Mat! UtC.l Calal UCUal
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C.ROMr(IM) UO a I Mai Uttal Calal UCUal
COMMltd-ll) UO a I Hal UKal Calal UCUal
Daily Emerald
1/2 PRICE PERSONALS! Dorm Residents
10/1 10/5! Greeks 10/810/12! Int'l Students
10/15 10/19!
BAT BEAT! Appearing Oct 30 Deadline Oct 29
50«/lme (3 line min) SI 50/art (In spooky orange!)
To Place, Cancel or
Correct your ad call:
LINE ADS: gladly accepted before 1
p.m . one business day prior to inser
DISPLAY ADS gladly accepted be
tore 1 p.m., two business days prior
to insertion
ERRORS The ODE makes every el
fort to avoid errors in advertise j
ments Each ad is proofed before in
sertion However, mistakes some
times slip through We ask that you
check your ad carefully If you
should find an error, report it to the
Classified Department right away by
calling 346 4343 and we will gladly !
re run your ad correctly We regret :
that we cannot be responsible for j
more than one day's incorrect publi 1
cation if you do not call the error to
our attention The ODE cannot be li '
able tor an amount greater than the
amount paid for such advertising
Thank you
and win on* FREE OOE I thirl *nd a
$5 credit for Ciastifted advertising
Just be the first person to correctly
solve today $ crossword puzzle*
Com* to the OOE office (room 300
EMU) to claim your prize?
To my best hi buds Dorf A Berts
Thanks tor sharing the good times and being
there through the bad You r* the best
K.3 lOV. To
n\ Tom.
Happy to hear that you re feeling much
better' Can't wait to see your smile I'll
be thinking of you
k.\ Val
Problems’’ u
346 44H8 eves nights & weekends for
crisis intervention & counseling
We wan! lo welcome you her* on cam
pus Best of luck in at! you do? Wa r#
behind ye t00%
love, kji
Shanti & John T.
J Glad you guy* are ha- * ? '• ■■ bad
) p»r :t»on*r> was JK) diffic ull for you j
both* (ha hd) Cel * go dryer rtding for
old time wke Nave 4 good
j weekend
Ki//y A Pahita
n\ Jeff
Have you seen my keys? Than* for
showing me *11 of the beeuty in me
and the world this past year I L Y
While Socks on Carson 5lh
Andy sure glad you were born before I
started collecting social security
Mope your second b day this month
is memorable or forgetful I guess
Happy Birthdays' Party Party Page'
Love Rhonda
Pat D.
I nope your birthday is everything you
want it to be Happy Birthday1
Planned Parenthood ' >< Pap smears
infection checks birth control and
counseling Days and evenings
344 9411
PfM Pregnancy Titling
tK *
Smg ui • song
M«h« us tome eggs
Oon t take loo long
Or li t in the RACE
I #ft J.H 0
Sorry I was Into
Dinner was great
Mow about another date*
Sunday night ’
Happy 21st Birthday Kimol love your
*»stem t* petite Don tom A mouse'
I’ll miss you a lot this
weekend but, just
reflect back on last
weekend it you get
lonely. I LOVE YOU!
Love, Smelly
\<t> would Ilka to wel
come all you Sigma
Kappas and wish you
the best ol luck with
your fall rush... and lirst
Good Luck,
Alpha Phi
IV. pl.dg. r G
Witch those stair*
ViXi c an l Sacred Head
WU pledge In no! drink. ig th.n
Wednesday Hoar many laps w.i-» I '
l.Ove hate
Jessica Congratulations on I 1 We
love you' love Theta
The punch drinks and dancing war*
great Thank* tor a great lima
Phi P*i
Mountain climbing lady 1 thw v
registration then bookstore this last
rri Know you# e but not you# name
Rim > Sarah'? Dan 461 IW04
los MsdNAiT
BETH C. IS 21!
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