TANGLES \«il< m inc. COLOUR WEAVE $40°° (Reg $50.00) —Long hair extra —Appointments with Deborah Expires 10/15/90 11th and Patterson 343-1637 ODE ODE Recycle This paper ODE __ UNIVERSITY OSPIRG recycling group to meet The Pre-Denial Club will meet al 0:30 p in. in the EMU Oak Room Call 683-0437 for information. Bahai Campus Association will meet from 5:30 to 7:30 p m at 1458 Alder St. Call 345-0229 for information. The Sister University Project will hold a general meeting at 5 p m. in EMU Suite 1 For more information call 346-3194. Et als The OSPIRG recycling and waste reduction group meeting will Ik; at 5:30 p m. in Room 107 Ksslinger Hall Call 346-4377 for information. OSPRIG's alternative energy group will meet at 6:30 in EMU Century Room E. Clall 346-4377 for information. Circle K International will meet at the Agate Street cross walk for a service project at 6:15 p m tU»ll 345-7154. A slide show on spring term on the Oregon Coast will be from 7 to 8 p.m in EMU Cedar Room D. The show is spon sored by the Oregon Institute of Marine Biology Call 348-5897 for information. The University Outdoor Pro gram presents the multi-media show “Macchu Picchu and the Andes" at 7:30 p in. in Room 100 Willamette Mall For infor mation nail 346-4365. Students for the Oregon Mar ihuana Initiative will hold a rat ly for the re-legalization of hemp at the Federal Building. Seventh Avenue and Pearl Street, at 4:30 p.m. Call 485-3579 for information. Active Christians Taking a Stand will start a Bible study at 11:30 a m and 12:45 p.m. in EMU Century Room I). Call 485-2980 for information. A workshop on applying and preparing for law school will lx- at 3:30 p in. in Room 164 Oregon Hall. Call Academic Advising and Student Services at 346-3211 for information. Summer Employment Pro gram orientation workshop will ho held from 2:30 to 3:30 p in. in Room 12 Hendricks Hall. Call 346-3214 for details. The Wesley Center. 1236 Kincaid St., will hold a Bible study on the Gospel of Luke at noon, ('all 346-4604 for more information. Norman Askew, a finalist for the position of Director of Pub lic Safety, will meet informally with interested campus com munity members from 4:30 to 6 p.m. in the EMU Gumwood Room. Deadline for submitting Et als to the Emerald front desk, EMU Suite 300, is noon the day before publication. Et als run the day of the event unless the event takes place before noon. Every Quaker State' Mtnit-Lubc’oil change includes our Extended Service Program. Just bring your car back within three months or 3,(XX) miles, and we'll check and fill all the vital fluids. At no extra charge. It's the kind of regular maintenance that can keep your car from getting into a major pile up. minit-lube Smm poopto *mt t» dua|« Dm worM. Wi put wont to duaft your tN We fill your car with Quaker State, one tough motor oil at these locations: 2300 West 11th Ave. (in front of Nachos) 687-8837 340 Coburg Rd. 683-4841 * * Ml INI* M'M #H