UNIVERSITY Pevote rights discussion toniaht MEETINGS United Methodist Student Fellowship meets tonight at 7 at the Wesley Center. 1236 Kin caid St. For more information call 346-4694. Et als Gay Men's Kap Group meets tonight at 7:30 at 1414 Kincaid St. The topic will be self-es teem. Students for Barbara Roberts meets tonight at 7 in EMU Ce dar Room B. For more informa tion call 686-06*13. Survival (Center will hold a general interest meeting to night at 7 in the EMU Ben bin der Room. For more informa tion call 346-5346. College Republicans will hold a general interest meeting tonight at 5:30 in EMU Century Room I) For more information call 345-1 142. OSPIRG's Toy Safety Project meets tonight at 7 in EMU Suite 1. For more information call 346-4377. lewish Student Union meets tonight at 5:30 in EMU Suite 5 For more information call 346-4366 KKMA search committee meets tonight at 7 in Room 100 Willamette For more informa tion call 343-7080. SPEAKERS Gregory Acker, .i Portland architect, vs ill present "Hack to the Solar Future" tonight .it 7 m lauvrence Room 115. His lei lure is sponsored by the Solar Energy Center. For more infor mation call .I4t>- loot) Pre-law panel discussion on First Amendment rights and peyote will !>e held tonight at t> in the FMU Fir Room For more information call 485-0962 MISCELLANEOUS "Boardsailing Year—Volume Three" is the ti tie of .1 video to lie shown today .it 12 .10 p m in ihi! Outdoor Program office. KMl! Room 23 For more information, rail 340-43(15 The Newman Center, lfl'it) Kmerald St . is planning the following events for todav • V II) p in Meet at renter to go to soup kitchen • 7 30 p m Fellowship and discussion on the Hible and Ca tholii ism • 0 p in Student Mass For more information (dll 140-7021 Deadline for submitting HI ,i/s to I hr Kmerald front desk i:\ll ' Suite 1(H), is noon Ihr da\ Ix'forr publication Hi a/s run tbr (lav ol the event unless the ei ent takes place before noon Solii es of events with a (In tuition or ail mission charge u ill not he accepted Campus events anil those scheduled nearest the publication date will be given priority The Km ••raid reserves the right to edit notices lor grammar and stele Coke replaces Pepsi in EMU, dorms Coca-Cola now flows from the soda fountains in KMU food serve e areas and in the Univer sity Housing Department din ing halls after the state awarded Coke a three-year service con trad for the I 'nivarsity When Pepsi's contract to pro vide beverage syrup to Univor sdv food services expired at the end of the summer. Coke sub milted the lowest bid to the state requisition of!ice in Sa lem. said KMC food service di rector I tennis (!arr The state requisition office negotiates major beverage con trai Is for all of Oregon's publi< colleges and universities through a blind price bid pro cess Although the i hango to Coke was originally scheduletl to be completed before the st.irt of fall term, delays pushed back the transition to last weekend. (‘arr said. The swilc h affei is nnl\ hum I,nn drinks; the Fish Howl, the I'mint.un (.'mill ('.aft1 and other arras w ill continue to oiler holli ( ukr and IVpsi prodints in i.ans The EMU Main Desk is ex cluded from the slate's contract and is the only University food service area still offering IVpsi products at its fountain Students will he drinking Coke out of paper IVpsi cups until the KMl! uses the rest of its i up inventor)'. <'arr said Want a great looking (Iyer (or an upcoming event? 346-4381 Letter Period Graphics can help! EUROPEAN FACIALS - Facial and body waxing - Make-up artistry - Acne treatments - Skin peels I VN< I I \ \iu- blink from U of l' I r«v p.irking in Ku k I lours Mon I ri Ham-7pm, Sul spin “27 years of Quality Service” GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagon Audi • Datsun • Toyota 2025 Franklin Blvd 349.9912 Eugana, Oragon 97403 CITY SWEATS ALL LA GEAR SHOES 20% OFF GOOD THROUGH 10/15/90 Aiti\c\\car Cotton sweats Lycra tights Neon i-shins DamiNN car Baryshnikov Danskin Marika I .cisurcW car Tie-dye t-shirts Hand-painted shins Nylon & cotton shorts ActlvoWoor lor Mon A Wom«n 877 East 13th, Eugene. OR (Seat to the U of O Bookstore) Illlll! II S >1IIIIUI! UNIVERSITY BRANCH 831 East 13th • Eugene, OR 97401 (503)683-5577 • 1-800-888-3799 WE’RE YOUR TICKET OUT OF HERE! SPECIALISTS IN STUDENT TRAVEL • Student Discounts • Lowest Domestic Fares • Lowest International Fares • Amtrak Tickets • Instant Eurail Passes