Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 255 wAmTeB— Architecture student seeks 1 non smoking mil* or female to share 2 bedroom apartment in new townhouse t)y river Near Aut.’en stadium $286 a month No deposit 342 3411 Staking roommate to there two had room comfortable home Under 15 mm ute drive to U of O $250 a month plus of electricity $150 deixisit 895-4348 _ □am ★ * WANTED* * Courageous Christians to craal# tmall Btbia Studio* on cimput all day* ail hour* Working Togat bar Group* o» Thraa PO Bo* 3157 • Eugona OR 97403 _ 683 5608 _ .\3B SPQo* cV % AGGRESSIVE? SMALL? U OF 0 CREW NEEDS YOU TO BE A COX SWAIN. Call Club Sports. 340-3733. UEK UNIVERSITY OF OREGON PRE-LAW SOCIETY mums PEYOT A PANEL DISCUSSION. M0DLRATED DY ANDY CLARK. REGARDING THE STATE OF- OREGON'S OFFICIAL POLICY ON THL USE OF PEYOTE IN RELIGIOUS SERVICES. THE DISCUSSION WILL FOCUS ON FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS AND THE RECENT U S. SUPREME COURT RULING. PANELISTS INCLUDE: David Burks, Lane County Sheriff Craig Dorsey, Native Amlrican Program Attornly Jim Edmundson, State Repriseniaiive George Girding, Past President ot Oregon Pharmaceutical James Kionoski, UO Professor of Political Science Jerry Lid*. Attorney General's Office □□□□□□□ Date: WEDNE5DAY, OCTOBER 10,1990 Time. 6:00 p.m. Where: EMU FIR ROOM RI-PRES1IMUNTS WILL UU SLKVIiD [iiini: HIS EMINENCE JAMGON KONGTRUl RINPOCHE On# ot the four mam lineage holder* of tlM K aqvu School • In EuMft* October 10 1? A PUBLIC TALK ON VAJRAYANA The Vairayana path employ* nurner out profound and e«pedient medftt for discovering the Buddha Nature ttitn.n W*d Ocl to. MO PM at F»r»t United Method'*! Church GURU YOGA TEACHING Thur , Ocl 11. 9 AM KDC 8444 1 Murdoch Rd MILAREPA ENPOWERMENT Milarepa i* the most beloved hermit Slant m Tibet The Buddhist Refuge Vow anil be offered Thur . Oct 11. 7 30 PM at KDC Cost per Event |lOG#n*r«j \? KDC Members INFORMATION 445 3991 OR 644 8206 MoirfllT* - Adult 4 on 4 basketball league monday Of Wednesday night Start* October 79th Minimum 5 player* per teem Guaranteed 8 game* and post season tournament Two dltterent league*, an A league and a B league For Y members co*l Is 115 per player and non members is 120 per player Free use of Y during these limes For more information call Scot! Lively. 646 9622 ?i5 a enTertainMenT" DISCOUNT SHOW* Ho Mo ft 1 t4 CMOS 70410**01* (l*v TV* f 00 » 1ft 'A V* «rtr«d twftMi f->«4 •..Son m«Ao-aj* fei AFTER DARK, MY SWEE] 70*10**01* Tr»u TV* ft 4ft ft 00] mmii Para^lee M 1QT19 20 My Uf# Ai A l** | 10721 2J lUysMlMMUl I \VU 23 Kl* OfllM 8*44er W«e«M M One Show Sigh^>, Sjmnsl AAn JJ 2M I imumiK BUNGEE JUMP 683-0857 BAT {ffBEAT It *. sure to be a HOWL" of a good ttme1 PW* epi> '* • today* (Next to Pins Pete's) 26S7 Willamette 344-0816 y n4 • Usnv • Hi| V new TV kimh .rf ikttnrst* inj intjuet hrvi M«r» >wr t4p • Ki jt« !>• |0 ?ss"H»mr *nrm AMAZING MICRO DIET Easy / Affordable Weight Loss For Free Info. Call 686 1758 310 SiBWtEi COVER YOURSELF #ith ASUO Studonl Mooftn ln»u» am r- ;r. tala S*p! 21 Oc\ 11. Room L»*> EMU Foe tnfoima!k>n toil >46 3/0? NEED FINANCIAL AID? Cali no* fo< FREE Information 1 aoos?i /os3 Studont* GTF*» Affordable Health In* American Colony In* 667 ao» Episcopal Campus Ministries Wednesday I roning Eoc hartal u.i v ’ i.*v t i‘*th Supper and program Everyone wekcm# 666 M/2 r CROSSWORD By Eugene Sheffer -H—rnr Tm 1 I ACROSS 1 TV's Jack 5 Dear one • Editor's ’navar mind* 12 T aan trouble 13 — pro nobis 14 Eye or whip follower 15 Lika most "as is' items 17 Choir section 18 Part ol SWAK 19 Commer cial vassal 21 Sweat potato 22 River islands 23 Apron top 26 Hebrew tetter 28 Hungarian composer 3t Redouin 33 Cam s land 35 Senator Hobart 36 Dissolute men 38 Encore 40 Mamo — 41 fating 43 Old French cxi in 45 Sawad loosaly 47 Rids ol impuntius 51 Sha kivad Narcissus 52 Sloia wotkar 54 Eipand 55 Goddass ol lha dawn 56 Wrfa ol Erma Kovacs 57 Sarpanl li/ard 58 Wnlar 59 Gatdan slarter DOWN 1 Fail to (Mi 2 Yearn 3 Celebes wild oi 4 Hand lha HSVP 5 Band laadai Banny 6 Make a blundar 7 Horse blanket 8 On a till 9 Discuss business 10 Italian nob la lamily 11 Son ot Solution lima: 21 mlna. Ya alar day‘a ana war 10-10 16 F eeble 20 Trouble 23 Hall or lly la ad in 24 Hank acct 25 Cookie lover's stop oil 27 Watch pock at 29 - carta 30 Primary color 32 Gives as a gilt 34 Deal out 37 Compass dir acton 39 'Duck — * (movia) 42 Historic auto 44 Strong impulses 45 Pan handlas 46 Farm unit 46 French novelist 49 Clave land's lake 50 North Pole vehicle 53 Garden implement Type, ' Tone, 1 Texture rTERIYAKTI ALLEY Korean Bulgogi with Rice and Kim Chee For S350 (bring in this coupon tor a tree soft drink) 1306 Hilyard • 345-9555 1 Hudson Van Curen by Michael Russell ▼ r'n H, Th HvOloW V«N C*tfH vit<«~r ™ c~*'1 tr«ip rmr »!*«» m/ SHOW THEM JUST HOW GOOD YOU ARE LETTER PERFECT GRAPHICS professionally showcases your experiences and skills for potential employers RESUMES $15 Suite 300 EMU 546 4 381 9-5 M-F Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson UOM COME \ mu nt \ ONE tWO GOES TO toe It. AMD / - NOT MOM'J ( HtU.. '(CUR MOHRStQ TO GO TO WORK. BUT OKI 10m CAUL ALONG. 9OHL0NL MAO TO STA1 MOML ___ lOUR MOMS JOB HM> k IOT I Of STBtSS MMMMWN ' c, sk.0 ooniN osto rc>>v, r> * riiiuatD swt svcwm _ _ Bfc IX. OH£ To /SV HEY/ »